War Thunder "Hornet's Sting" - Changelog

Alright, final conclusion, new Naval Arcade is absolutely terrible. Coastal, destroyers, light cruisers, heavy cruisers, battlecruisers, battleships. All of it. Having AI light cruisers laser beaming my battlecruiers and battleships from spawn. Setting me on fire for the entire match. Cant even repair my main guns because ALL of my aux and AA guns are perpetually destroyed and/or on fire. AND most of the time can’t even cancel the repairs because of the STILL existing bug where the ship will start repairs by itself and/or prevent you from pausing repairs, even if you don’t have automatic repair turned on.

I thought the changes were ok/good at the start, but I am 100% decided against ALL of the changes now, including the aiming changes to Arcade. Change it back. Perhaps some other sorts of changes can be DISCUSSED BEFORE being implemented, with thorough feedback from the playerbase first. Specifically including the English speaking forums here, which were not consulted with before this batch of changes (at least not nearly enough, if there was any communication I missed on the English forums. Other than the Dev Server announcements, which wasn’t communication or conversation. Just “here it is”.)

But this current state of Naval is absolutely horrid. I am done with Naval until major changes are made/reversed. (And no I won’t be playing Naval RB, I simply do not like it personally. So, no, that is not an option or a solution for me.) I will simply just play my ground and air lineups exclusively, which I still enjoy.

Cheers 🍻

EDIT: I care about WT Naval tremendously. Not only because I have invested in numerous premium/rare botes, but because I enjoy it, a lot. A couple screens to show how much time and energy I have put into my Naval lineups:

EDIT EDIT: To be fair, I do think the changes to the compartment damage models is a step in the right direction, does help some/sometimes. But that is about the only change I can support.



EDIT x3: I have created a multiple option poll on the changes made to Naval Battles:


you already know the answer

Error in map American desserts.


This is a shot from a 17 pounder cannon with a sub-caliber projectile, it supposedly pierced the foreheads of king tigers. And here there are only hits. The developer believes that sub-caliber projectiles were created exclusively for shooting at vertical surfaces. The whole game is one big continuous random.

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looks cool tbh


I have made my own poll with multiple options for the changes to Naval Battles, especially the new Naval Arcade aiming system:


Is the not being able to see markers in spectators view in air a bug or an intentional change with this does anyone know? It’s a bit rubbish currently not being able to seeing most of what’s going on

Can’t see it mentioned but the thread is a bit big with replies now


It’s not mentioned in the patch notes or changelog, so it’s safe to assume it’s a bug. It also does this in ground matches with friendly markers


I have a question about the TWS radar mode. After one of the latest micropatch, after radar has lost a target or locked+unlocked a target, antenna angle(radar scanning area) is fixed at the last position instead of automatically centring as it was before. Is this radar behaviour a bug or a new ‘useful’ mechanic?

I apologise if something is spelt wrong - I use translators as my English is far from good.


use reset radar to boresight keybind

If you have a keybind for switching from irst to radar, it will be centered again

If that was translated, it was very good. I did not even notice any problems with the spelling or grammar 👍

When is the camo box getting released?

Good job USA mains.


What now/this time?

Apparently the F-14D

Is this why it’s not possible to add a screen shot or document to a bug report at the moment.

absolute cinema
whats inside it tho
also its literally first page when u search it up

What? When? Where?

F-14D flight manual
1037 pages(i think)
its available on a search but Smin said that its public doesnt mean its declassified
not sure tbh

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