Vk 36.01(H) Next step Tiger I

It looks like a pile of parts and an incomplete test vehicle to me.


Glad I’m not the only one to have this idea! Until then, I can’t support it being in the tech tree

Baby tiger with a 105 derp gun yes please
I will say though that 3.0 seems a bit low in BR considering you can angle this thing, maybe 3.7


Kindly tell me.
How does this affect the game?
I’ve been waiting for this tank since 2016.
And since 2016 I’ve been reading reviews like this, but I’ve never seen any technical arguments for this.



Nice and Dam, if you would have posted that 30 min earlyer, i could directly have integrated that into the 2nd Suggestion for the 36.01 with Waffe 0725.

Also the depicted Pzgr 41 is the St. interesting to see that the core is 1,95kg which is pretty much double that what was know of. And to see a detailed drawing as it isnt in the Geschossringbuch I

Added to the collection:


Do you perhaps also have more detailed info on the Pzgr 41 H.K. and its core weight or is it the same as the St.?


I do not. That old excerpt I posted above was from this book (link) which I am not in possession of anymore


An absolute +1 from me, honestly we need more tanks between the Panzer IIIs and the Tiger Is as the gap there is getting a tad bit ridiculous


The problem is, it was never actually put together. I definitely would like to see it in a gamemode with vehicles that weren’t quite historical (VK 16, WZ 111, Kranvagn, etc.) however

Runs and drives, and did mud traverse testing. Sounds pretty complete to me.

Waffe 0725 got cancelled early on, so the turret was never mounted - however it was built.

Prototype vehicles saw combat all the time for field testing. And since this was built, it isn’t a paper tank.


Not going to be much use in the game as an open topped tractor…

Many vehicles already in the game were never completely put together and are good additions.


You make that sound like a good thing. But here let me repost my original (constructive) thoughts:

I think some Germanmains are just trying to sneak a Tiger in under 5.0.

And where exactly can i find such a Tiger that could go undet 5.0?
If you are hinting at this suggestion, its not a tiger, not does it have the armor nor the gun of a Tiger I. So of course it would go under 5.0.


How is this comparable to a Tiger in any way? It has the 10.5cm howitzer like the StuH 42.


I would love to have this tank ingame, at 5.0; a proto-Tiger to accompany our proto-Panther.

With the Pak 40 ideally, though.

Do my knowlege neither the KwK nor Pak 40 was even intended for this vehicle.

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In their current state of the game, and after some many Tier and BR changes in Tier III for Germany, this will be a good addition for the void create by the DEVs.


Congratulations you just confirmed to folks that your response is. No. Even then several German vehicles in the tech tree were incomplete by the end of the War. So this isn’t any different. Though not sure if i consider this a successor to the Tiger I.