Veak 40 ammo change

Technically we have the Bofors 3P in game already, just not the programmable function of it (which is comming this summer according to the roadmap). The bofors 3P is the KULSGR M/90, i would rather see the newer version KULSGR m/95 added at the moment whilst waiting for the programmable function.

Yeah, pretty much, it just existed way earlier.

Looks like gaijin is pretty set on sweden not having a good spaa until 10.3 lmao. Welcome to sweden we have TD’s disguised as spaa from 1.7 through 10.3, decided to play the veak for a few matches and couldn’t kill an a4e that was dropping munitions outside my range, decided to use it as a TD and it worked fine so guess ill just keep using it like that.

Historical and balace reasons.

Whats the difference between the 90 and 95?

Differences in explosives (0.12kg Octol vs 0.1kg PBX 80/20), projectile weight, slight velocity, new fuse (i’m actually not sure if the older one is programmable or just straight proxy now that i look at it) and new low sensitivity propellant (less risk of combustion when externally hit by enemy shot)
Screenshot 2024-04-25 105835
Screenshot 2024-04-25 105811

What bothers me is ive made a report the Lvakan 48 40mm shells having a muzzle velocity of over 1000 m/s not the Current 850ish m/s

With every update, bugfix, Patch. Etc. I get my hopes up that the Lvkv 42 and VEAK 40 will get the normal L/70 muzzle rate. But they havent its been a darn year or so.

Or the muzzle flashes.

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That depends on what year you get the ammunition information from.
The one i just posted is from 2014 so the older VEAK and Lvkv 42 would not have access to those rounds.
you have to look at the ones from 1960 (or older) to get the correct data.
Screenshot 2024-04-25 112308

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Im thinking since the Lvkv 42s were around to test the VEAK 40 radar so it would be likely they used that munition.

You mean the ones from the 60’s that i just posted?
Because those are the speeds we have on game at the moment.
the Lvkv came early 50’s so using data or ammo from 1960 seams reasonable to me.
Even though the guns are capable of firing ammunition from today it wouldn’t really be feasible to give the vehicle modern ammunition in game.
Gaijin does that A LOT with vehicles. just because they could fire (or later in service did fire) newer ammunition does not mean they give the vehicle in game access to it for balance reasons.

This film showcases the Bofors gun from the 60s and throughout the filming the always use swedish equipment

Not relevant but still

Anyway here is the standard Lvakan 48 ammunition with around 1000 m/s in optimal conditions i know it says 970m/s but anyhow

I’ve seen that one before :) some information from that is relevant for the penetration of the slpprj m/42B on the VEAK.

Lvakan m/48 D is not the same as the Lvakan m/48 though.
the D uses longer casings that cant fit in the older version

And the Lvkv 42. Because i cant find any evidence that the Lvkv 42 used the 1945 ammunition

Although i cant find anything about the Lvkv 42 in general anyway. Been and looked at the vehicle at arsenalen didnt take pictures because sweden wasnt in WT back then…

if i had, maybe the Lvkv 42 could have had a Interior, and possibly a internal ammunition storage…

The Lvakan 48 can switch between the standard L/60 and L/70 casing with converter kits. Hence the video.

And the L/70 is simply a translation of the Lvakan 48.

So im guessing the simple term of Lvakan 48, and then Lvakan 48D probably seperates the ammunition as to not cause confusion when transporting them

The Lvakan 48 only uses the Shorter L/60 munition for Training purposes. Then when The need for real action rises the barrels, parts are replaced and it uses the superior L/70 munitions

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Also these shells have Self destruction caps. Like german 20mm munitions

Yes, so can use either all of the ones i posted or ONLY the two you posted (during that era) which are both HE-T.
so it makes sense for the game to have the shorter shells for vehicles of that era as having access to a variety of shells is the standard in game. its not like you could switch kit on the fly during a battle to be able to use AP rounds.

that can’t be true for that era, i don’t know about further forward in time but at least then it wouldn’t make sense to convert all of the guns to D version as none of them would then be able to use any AP or APHE rounds.

yes, all of the 40mm containing HE had self destruct caps.

also, try to not post continuously new posts and instead edit the previous one to add new information. its getting hard to keep track of all your different posts x)

Hey, i found something!

Z shell, isnt that the proxy, radio munition

although the other munitions here seem to be L/60 standard, or the warhead atleast

Yep, 36-48