Vampires, Swifts, Venom, Hunters not going down in BR when the stronger vehicles at the BRs are going down?

Except. Gaijin refuses to actually move these down and they stated the reason for moving the others down was to move them out of sight of AAM jets.

Until we get a decompress, most british jets should get a 0.3 BR reduction

So don’t give in and let them have this awful decision be made permanent when all it is, is simple compression for the sake of it.

Oh we WON’T get one at all if we advocate for compression

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Well, what do you want us to do about it. We ask for changes every single BR change. But nothing changes. Heck the F4J(UK) still has a 0.7 higher BR than the FGR2 in Sim despite being worse. Been reporting that for over a year

It isn’t just britsh stuff that suffer around that BR.

Preferably, Gaijin needs to undo the Sabre/Mig-15/17 Br changes, and fix the BRs of many aircraft in that BR range including the Venoms, Vampires, R2Y2s, Me-262s, Me-163/Ki-200, I think some meteor variants, and several other planes.

In addition to that, Gaijin needs to decompress 9.0-10.7 to allow for flareless supersonics to have their place, as well as AAM equipped subsonics as well.

After that, the current 11.0-12.0 needs to be decompressed a fair bit, and so on.

All of that, combined with increasing the max BR to 15.0 would be a great change. Instead of decompressing from the top down, Gaijin needs to compress from the bottom up.


Do you think asking for them to downtier things they think are superior just because better players play them will work?

Choice A) Ask for a decompress, well… been silence for the past several years and im not expecting anything anytime soon

Choice B) Ask for 8.7 aircraft that are inferior to some 8.0 aircraft to be moved down to a more appropriate BR in the short term.

Will continue to ask for both, but im not counting on the first anytime soon, but as a stopgap, maybe, just maybe we can get the second.

You mean we get the 2nd and permanently ruin jets because gaijin isn’t going to reverse 10+ decisions instead of just 1-2?

I legitimately just proved that VIFFing makes sustained turn performance worse.

Good thing you’re winning with turn radius here and not rate…

Did you even look at the pics the Harrier has a bigger turn radius while VIFFing

The irl charts?

No the in game ones.
Why are you even looking at the IRL charts when I’ve proven full well that the Harrier doesn’t perform as it should in game compared to IRL.

So in game right now you think the harrier at almost 100% nozzle would turn at more of a radius than one at 0%?

At 100% nozzles would lose all speed and not turn at all. I tested at 50% nozzle and as you saw the results are worse then when they are at 0%.

VIFFing doesn’t work in this game, not like it should anyway. All VIFFing does in war thunder is allow you to bleed speed fast but the in game Harrier loses enough speed simply by turning.

Right… so you clearly don’t know what you’re talking about. Wanna 1v1 and test your theory?

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Sure lol and what will happen is you fly out in front of me that what VIFFing can do in game.

Why are you now abusing the flagging system and flagging my posts as off-topic when they’re clearly directed at you, embarrassing.

I didn’t do that.