So let me demonstrate to you just how bad the Harrier UNDERPERFOMRS.
Math time .55 Mach = 366.7 Knots at sea level
According to Technical Report 77021 sustained G load at .55 M is just over 5G we will call it 5G for simplicities sake.
This is the Turn Capabilities chart of the AV-8A which is essentially the same airframe as the Gr1.
At 366 Knots if you look over to where it intersects the load factor of 5 it should be sustaining 15 degrees a second a whole 3 degrees faster for just this one situation.
Absolutely this is how I play the Harrier at 80% and only go to 100% in extreme situations.
More on that though I have a full table of installed engine thrust across the Mach range and the Pegasus increases thrust with airspeed so the faster the Harrier goes the more power it should make.
Not entirely true. Quite a few buffs and fixes for the harriers. Gr1 included. Like the removal of sooty exhaust and SRAAMs are underperforming significantly.
Possibly some FM issues as well and then the big issue, the heat sigs
Are you Olaf_Loves_you if you are I completely understand why you act the way you do. Your most used plane is the F.58 and I don’t think you’ve ever used a Harrier.
Wait you have the Frs.1 and you have a whopping 12 battles in it.
Then either those need to be incresed, or the venom decreased.
its unfair that Britain’s early jets are so royally screwed over in this fashion.
and its not just them. With the recent nerfs to the Javelin, that could probably do with coming down 0.3 BR as well. and Hunter F1 should also match its equals, either those need to come back up or it needs to go dow nto 8.7.