USA needs spaa even though it doesn't exist in real life but let's put it in to make up for the shortcomings of the US

I agree that US top tier spaa is terrible but wanting a paper tank is not the way to go.

Also, stop with these low effort posts. The only thing you’re doing is invalidating those who have conern for top tier US. (Unless thats the goal. I won’t be suprised. Never wouldve thought this site had “politics”)

its 1 nation, there is no subtree right now until it has been confirmed

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what doesn’t have politics anymore, heck people are even making lego’s political like not even the company the actual product

There isn’t enough vehicles for a united Korea tree, Its bad enough the Israeli one is 80% just copies of the same 3 tanks, And a united Korea tree would literally just be identical to the Chinese tree but smaller with a handful of new vehicles.

Theres plenty of reasons to split North/South Korea between China/US.

I should’ve clarified. By politics I mean like sabotage, politician like behaviour, etc.

I’ve seen this a lot in the forums where people would rather use word play, gaslighting, mental gymnastics, etc than to have an honest discussion.

M-SHORAD?!?!?!? My Specialty?

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but just saying someone should tell him that a vehicle being passed doesnt mean all to much in the end
suggestion mods and devs / the decision what to add arent connected

It also just wouldn’t solve any of the problems with US SPAA, it’s just an adats with an extra gun and some extra ready to fire missiles. Doesn’t fill the 7.3-9.0 SPAA void nor does it remedy the high skill floor issues of the Duster & Co.
Some better options for SPAAGs to ask for, e.g;

XM246 (which has been teased for this year)

Gepard equivalent with two 35mm cannons & radar tracking on an M48 chassis, perfect 8.3 SPAAG


A twin 25mm with optical target tracking, would be a good equivalent to the Italian SIDAM 25 at a slightly lower BR due to reduction in guns, a good back-up for the XM246.



A good middle ground SPAAG between the T77 and the M42/M19, 4x20mm cannons, would be a good 3.7ish SPAAG
T85E1 MGMC - The American Wirbelwind


A very solid looking high tier SPAA with HE-VT, Stingers, & Hellfires. Very much a jack of all trades master of none sort of SPAAG like the LAV-AD
M-SHORAD Sergeant Stout

where was that supposed to be teased?

In the new years decal, and Smin has made multiple comments stating that one of the other vehicles teased are coming, which would imply the rest are.

that one doesnt mean anything, we already had the exact same case 2 years ago where the decal had F/A 18 and co on them

That wasn’t an official decal from Gaijin, rather the separate E-sports league :shrug:

thats some copium if i ever saw one

Smin has heavily implied the decal is a hint, I don’t know what else to tell you lmao.

this one?

The one from the NY store pack
Has F-18, a french battleship I cant remember the name of, SU-30, possibly Badger SV, Tracked Raiper, and finally XM246.

fair enough i guess, boring ones overall but ehh

Yes, exactly. Thank you for understanding.


No, it was in absolutely no way a sub nation of America.

They are just as much Germany as modern-day Germany is. They are not sub nations.