USA needs spaa even though it doesn't exist in real life but let's put it in to make up for the shortcomings of the US



Ngl, i didnt have “US main makes thread saying that US tech is bad” on my 2025 war thunder bingo sheet.


That’s like, the most basic option ever. My bingo sheet has it written 3 times in the same line.


It would be very powerfull but like R2Y2, its just a piece of paper

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Usually they claim that US tech is near invincible. This thread reads like they are saying that the US needs fake spaa because their irl aa sucks


great a new vamilad and co troll

stop making threads for vehicles that dont exist yet, besides that genius new advanced spaas were already announced for all nations.

Educate yourself first


It will never exist. The army didn’t want it an no contractor is insane enough to make it with the Stryker M-SHORAD in service.

Also, they are gonna add the SL-AMRAAM for a SPAA. It’s been passed and teased for this year



The US has SPAA options…

The Avenger with the SLAMRAAMs and Aim-9Xs for one.

Alternatively, they could just add a subtree to the US since it is one of like two nations in the game without one.

I was speaking in general cause he did a similar one for tze XM 30 already

It’s only in WT that it sucks.

WT has little or no relationship with RL.

ETA: and any connection it does have is accidental.


Well the M3A4(XM913, 50mm) / AMPV ( AMPV ExMEP) demonstrator, or Stryker Dragoon (M813, 30mm) does exist; and that’s effectively at least 40% of the way to a notional XM30 for War Thunder’s purposes anyway so there are definitely candidate options options that remain for a modern Light tank / IFV for the US tree.

Yes, but i speak about the XM 30 project that is supposed to replace the bradley.

The rheinmetall one being a digital video he posted. Dunno whobthe other competitor is right now

south Korea


Also, USA, USSR, Germany, China, and Israel. That’s more than two.

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No. South Korea should be part of an independent United Korea.

And out of those ussr and us need it the least.

China could do for one for the lower ranks
And germany for cold war era.

But ussr and Us need one the least definitly

M60 marksman could easily be an option ontop of what was teased in the 2025 logo.

Neither China nor Germany need a subnation. Germany especially has multiple times as many options as some nations like Italy and Japan, and China, while not great for lower tiers, have enough unique options to at least have it be better than it is now.

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u have sppa but you don’t play it

Germany has just as many options and potential overall as the UK and france. They are very comparable.

While modern only China, US, Russia can better compared project and potential wise.

If germany in your words doesnt need a subtree neither did the UK or France.

Considering both UK and france got multiple sib nations even means that germany deserves it just as much