Y’all need to remove campers, what I mean is they sit around 0.60km away from your base, talking from experience y’all seriously need to remove that.
They also need to make maps bigger, and matches longer
Yea, i also hate when they set up in front of my spawn, and i have to watch out while driving out of it.
Stupid campers.
top CAS are getting more fire power, we need more new top SPAAs
-Gaijoobles probably
Hey, we have already thrown some pretty big hints about what’s to come over the NY if you know where to look. Sadly at the moment, theres nothing more we can add to that.
I love the feature where you can put words in mouths of others.
Hi Smin, how are you doing?
Always good on a Friday :)
Without giving out any info, can you give us maybe a date, that may or may not be somewhat special to look forward to? (That is not Soon^TM)
Smin: SoonTM
Well that’s me done then.
Some new sub tech tree, a new SPAA or another premium T-80 for USSR, probably new vehicles with a list of missing features. This year started very promissing like the battlepass.
Here’s a date!
I prefer leek
At least i like those, also good bacon wrapped in a pan or on racklette.
Lets say the 13th of February for the first devblog, that’s probably close enough
why bringing 4 PARS missiles need same points as bringing 8 PARS missiles?
its is the same for other weapons too, i thing you can lower the needed points for lower in number weapon
not too much, for example 40 less points for bringing 4 PARS
What da hell