USA A-10C bias need to be 12.0

3km is not extremely close range…

The only thing the F-15 did wrong is keep on AB but as we saw from sensor mode that wouldn’t have done much as the R-73 wouldn’t have been able to see the AB.

Go test an aim-9m, record in high quality, and test that. Let’s see which one clearly preforming better.

3km isn’t very far at all. In that last photo you sent, the AAM is only 2.5km from the target. Especially if an aam is doing Mach 2.0 or greater that’s not far.

Had his first set of flares not be hidden by the mountain, and his flare spacing was a bit high.
Also, you are at an optimal angle to avoid his flares

I think mine are set at 0.20 if not lower.

Bruh I know how a 9M and R-73 works. They’re both good. No offense but you have 0 experience with the 9M.

Its medium range. Close range would be within 1.5km.

We debunked this already. The R-73 could see the F-15’s first set of flares. Keep up man.

This isn’t a 9M. If you want to avoid an R-73 don’t spam flares, it’ll work against you. This will work against a 9M though because it’ll keep its seeker shut.

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I dont have a plane with an Aim-9m but I will quite soon, and boy will I abuse it.

“We debunked” it, I cannot see the things you show, unless you show it no? Remind me, dont flares have to burn for a second for them to work? Possibly enough time to have the R-73 to close more?

If he had flared again quicker, past the mountain with no ab, it would’ve likely missed.

But why does this support or deny the A-10C going up in br?

I was going to try to find my a-10 clip from earlier, but the replay for sim keeps crashing the game.

Welcome to Sim. Why I’ve found bug reporting for anything that happens in sim to be so hard.

Did you bug report that?

Not the R-73 issue. Would need your gamelogs for that.

But i’ve tried to report things like PGMs randomly exploding in Sim before and went to double check in replay first only to encounter CTDs whenever I tried. Why I started using ReLive for capturing wierd events in Sim instead of replay. Much easier to get feedback with a clip


Its not a second but its brief. If you watch the video again, the F-15’s flare intervals are enough so that each flare is popped a brief moment before the previous flare goes out. Essentially, it was good flare spacing by the F-15.

I don’t have an opinion on this since I don’t like playing the A-10. Grinding subsonic attackers in ARB is pure pain.

Send a gif of the seeker head from the moment of that photo, for the next 3-5 secs.

According to your logic, wouldn’t a big flare dump with engines off be more effective than continued flare popping?

And yes that’s why we are talking about sim, since as the other guy said, sim is the last good place for strike aircraft.

Ah I see. I just screen recorded since Xbox series X can take a 4k 1 min re-wind clip.

Kinda bummed. Wanted to see what actually went wrong with that r-73, and I’d pull the logs, but I doubt I can do that on Xbox.

I can say though, it only crashes for me when I select a player to view.

Fast forwarding too fast can also cause crashes. Which is a problem with how much you have to fast forward through in Sim replays

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Right haha.

Dropping flares periodically and not spamming flares would be more effective against the R-73 yes. It hardly matters if the F-15 had AB on or off in that situation because the FOV is already locked in.

Btw the R-73 being 4.5deg FOV after it reacquires lock is a replay bug, its 0.75deg FOV the moment it locks on. If it wasn’t then it would’ve gone for flares because the R-73 is more sensitive to flares than something like a 9L.

Oh wow look it’s some actual stats on why the A-10C is unfair

That’s an insane KPB


No question A10 is over preforming. Made great use of the HMD which it shouldn’t be able to slave.

That being said the 1 9M didn’t look like the seeker was turning off which makes me wonder if the 9Ms need a bug report aswell.


People will say sim is different … and it is, it’s even better, because the IFF ;)


IFF, and smokeless aams that nobody can see

Yup, pretty much what I’ve said over and over. A-10C breaks the whole 11.3 bracket, 11.7 bracket… poor 10.7 & 10.3 bracket

Btw who’s the YouTuber?


This is sim. Dont play 10.3 or 10.7 aircraft in full uptiers then.

I dont play the Sea Harrier FRS1e (10.7) because its DOA vs the Mig-23ML (11.7)

(Heck the Sea Harrier FRS1 (11.3) is DOA vs the Mig-23ML (11.7) at the moment)

(edit: Mig-23ML finally has the correct BR, missed that but point still somewhat stands )

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