USA A-10C bias need to be 12.0

Sim or RB there’s always someone playing a full down tiered plane, because they need to grind it.

At this point, what do you actually have to argue? Speed? And speed alone? It’s only 200 mph slower than its counter part, at a lower br currently than its counter part.

Grind another thing, or suffer XD

It is faster to grind new vehicles via the spade bonus you get than it is just pure grinding I find.

Depends on how good that vehicle is.

A-10C should be 11.7 .it should be the same BR as the Su-39s. On balance, its equal in most respects. But using the argument “my poor 10.3 is going to suffer” in a gamemode where uptiers are purely optional. Is just a bad argument.

RB is different, and i barely play RB so im not really going to comment on its placement within that gamemode. But I think if anything, its worse in RB than SB notably and 11.7 would be pushing it a bit (BUT… +/- 1 BRs do need to be considered and for that reason alone, it should be a higher BR in RB as well. Likely 11.7, though so should the Su-25BM)


10% extra if you die a lot, it’s not worth it, you have less RP at the end

When grinding the Sea Harrier FA2 (13.0) I went back and spaded a number of aircraft I previously didnt finish spading such as the Javelin (8.3), Jaguar IS (11.0) and Buc S2B (10.3) (BRs from before decompress)

Unless you are telling me that the soviets have no aircraft lower than 10.3 and thus are always forced to play uptier. There is always something else you could play.

Did you watch the video that guy posted? He went uncontested the whole time. 12.0 is a well balanced Br for that plane, because, if not, HUNDREDS of planes need buffs, which is unnecessary, the A-10C itself is the problem.

The Su-39 is still worse than the A-10C, at a higher br, try to not be biased in the comment your going to post after this.

What’s good in what plane, su-39 vs. a-10c

Su-39: speed, ircm (kinda useless unless something doesn’t have all aspect ir aams), radar (but no R-77 to use the radar), x192 cms. Better plane construction.

A-10C: turn speed, better visibility, energy retention, ammo count, armament count, thermal, IFF HMD (which is better than the radar the Su-39 has as it doesn’t ping enemy rwr, x480 Cms, Aim-9M (and 4 of them, not 2), bigger bombs, MAW, better pilot armor.

I’m sure I’m missing some on the A-10C, but HOW IN YOUR MIND, CAN THESE BE THE SAME BR??
Christ the Su-25SM3 is a 12.3 with half the aams.


atp i’ve given up on gaijin to implement proper br’s
we just have to deal the cards we are dealt with

Yes, but at least being honest and saying the true here, not lying because you are a USA main, and you wanna USA to be OP

Not if enough people like this the whole thread & share it.

this should be 11.7 and not 11.3

Anyone that thinks that the A-10C should be at 11.3 probably suffers from a major case of skill issues.

The idea that a dedicated close air support aircraft should be the best fighter at 11.3 is extremely silly. And this plane right now is in-effect one of the best fighter aircraft due to being extremely difficult to kill due to MAWS and the number of countermeasures. On top of that…it is one of the best equipped for killing other aircraft due to the 4 Aim-9M and HMD + Datalink IFF.

I already have 125 kills in the plane…and all of them except for maybe 10 of them are players. I haven’t even played it during the 10.3 - 11.3 bracket day. I have also destroyed an equal number of ground targets. You want to know what the biggest threat to this plane is? SIDAM 25 and Gepard. A solid 50% of my deaths are probably from ground based AA.

I have even taken the plane into a 13.0 mixed lobby…the worst case scenario this plane would face if it was 12.0BR…guess what? I ended up with 16 kills for 5 deaths while fighting F-16A, MiG-29, F-14s, and Mirage 2000s in a crowded lobby on a small map. MAWS + HMD w/IFF + Aim-9M is still an extremely viable combination. And the fact that the A-10 is kind of a blessing because it means that hugging terrain and multi-pathing radar missiles is a lot more consistent.

The HMD IFF is a really big deal when using the plane to ambush fighters because you can tell who’s who if you see a dogfight. It means that the range where you can be effective with the Aim-9M is a good bit longer because you don’t necessarily have to get close enough to avoid fratricide.

Even at 13.0BR…the A-10 is still a good airframe and it has a pretty decent chance in a dogfight against even the F-16A when flown by the average sim player. And the Aim-9M gives it a very good capability to counter-attack players that are trying to use their speed against it or using boom and zoom tactics.

Most of the people that are arguing that the A-10C is balanced at 11.3 because “it’s slow” don’t really understand the implications of having what amounts to a bunch of SAM sites just roving the map. This things presence amongst gun fighting planes and planes with low flare counts means that everyone has to be very paranoid about getting into any prolonged dogfights…not just with the A-10 specifically…but any peer plane in the game. Say for instance an F-5 and MiG-21 get into a dogfight…well the MiG-21 has to win that fight extremely quickly or run the risk of being third partied by Aim-9M.

A lot of the planes at this tier really don’t have the flare count to “just flare bro” and try to continuously shut down the seeker of the Aim-9M. And most planes at this tier do not have good radars or good radar missiles to engage each other from stand-off ranges. The A-10C does not belong in a meta-game that is largely close range kills with IR missiles or guns with planes that have poor situational awareness. Shoving a bunch of IRCCM missiles on a plane that nearly automatically defeats all non-IRCCM missiles that are launched at it is a recipe for disaster and is going to make another BR range that is effectively unplayable for a sizeable portion of the player-base.

And before anyone says that the A-10C will suffer at a higher BR because early 4th Gen fighters can do everything better…that really is not the case for the average sim player. In the games that I have played at 13.0 I have been able to consistently get gun kills on pretty much every player that has decided to dogfight me.

Yes…the F-16AJ can and should win the fight against the A-10…and it will if a player knows how to play energy and turn rate while also not flying into Aim-9 aspect. 99.9% of sim players are nowhere near that level of competency though…and even amongst dedicated sim players this plane can be very annoying to deal with in a fight. And regardless of the tier…this thing is equally annoying as a 3rd party.


I get what you’re saying. But if 99% of players you are killing can’t kill you because they don’t know what they are doing in an F-16 which has arguably a better A-A loadout. You essentially said i am in a lobby of lemons watch what i can do with the A-10 with it’s current brokenness. I agree the 10C should go up but only to 11.7 aswell as remove it’s aim9 slaving.



The F-16AJ has Aim-9Ls that are easily defeated by MAWS. The radar missiles are easily defeated by multi-pathing. And the AJ is the most maneuverable 4th generation fighter in the game short of maybe the J-10.

In order for the AJ to win the fight it has to merge extremely slow and use full manual controls to actually compete at low speed and point its nose at the A-10. Or it needs to rate around where the plane can point its nose at low speed while remaining close enough to deny an Aim-9 shot but also not get into a speed range where it can get out-rated or have the radius cut off and gunned down.

This is how pretty much every plane in the game has to match up against the A-10. Or they need to have good gunnery skills to kill it in one pass while at high speed. This is not something that you commonly run into during EC games.

The only way this plane is easy to deal with is in the vacuum of a pure 1 vs 1 or in the theory-crafting that people do on the forum. A good 1v1 player should easily win against this…but only in that arena. In practice…even people that are good at 1v1s can still be surprised by the airframe in EC. For instance I have a video that is almost a year old where I take out the A-10 Late…and starsss2_TV (the top ranked Sim TSS player) misses a pass with his MiG-23ML because I am able to sit inside of his turn circle and gun him down. And this is the old MiG-23ML flight model that was cracked as hell.

And this isn’t to say that I am the best player ever…but rather just to showcase that there is a huge gap in what people theory-craft in the vacuum of the forums vs the reality of playing the game. Right now the only plane that it can face that is probably a direct threat to it is the Mirage 2000 CS-4/5…except there is not a 11.3 -12.3 bracket in SB…so the hardest thing that it will face is the MiG-23ML series of planes.

Even if this plane was put at 12.0…it would still fight in a down-tiered bracket around half of the time…and would still be able to fight 11.0 planes. But it would give some breathing room to people that aren’t always playing the absolute top of the BR bracket on days that see 11.7 and 11.3. On top of that…the tools that it has means that it would still be able to perform the intended role of ground attacking about as well as it does in it’s current bracket. There is no good reason to keep it at an artificially low BR bracket.


I know multipathing was adjusted with this update. Causing Fox3s to be far more leathal i haven’t really spent a lot of time experimenting to see how much stonger.

To be honest I know that in EC everyone will act different compared it a 1v1 that being said i don’t think you showing you doging on a lobby is evidence enough it can fight 13.0.
So you were able to be star in a 1v1 with a 10late does that mean it should go up to 12.0 too? It has the same FM as the 10C and you shown gun kills against an 16.

Multipathing was adjusted to 60 meters in the last update.

The lobby that I was dogging on was a full mixed All vs All lobbies and my team was unbalanced/had less players. Lobbies that are USSR vs USA are normally even more unbalanced in favor of the USA team. This last patch I had a 100 percent win rate in the F-16A due to how unbalanced the game is.

Even in the lobby where my clip was in…you can see that I have ground target kills…I was easily able to get to my objective and engage it…and then go on to kill other players.

Beating the A-10 Late in a fight is orders of magnitude easier than the A-10C due to the disparity in missiles. Disengaging safely from the A-10C is significantly harder to do than the A-10 Late. On top of that…it is significantly easier for the A-1OC to third party other players due to the Aim-9M and due the HMD+IFF that the plane has.

HMD IFF means that the only thing that I have to do in sim is look for black dots and then verify they do not have a green circle around them. This is de-facto as good as any radar at this tier and means that you are not wasting any time chasing dots to determine whether or not they are friendly. It also means when there is a dogfight/furball to shoot missiles into that you can actually pick out friends from foe easily.


Just stop replying. you’re justifying 10.3-12.3 holocaust by defending a plane that turn like props. shoot missile like top tier Jet, and fool missile like top tier supersonic strike bomber.


No I am saying it should be at 11.7 not moved to 12.0