USA A-10C bias need to be 12.0


Streamable is compressing the video you literally cannot see it. I can see it because I have the raw video file.

He is showing you photograhic evidence and your response is pretty much in line with shaggy’s wasn’t me

Hopefully you can see it from this image

Quite literally in his video, you can see the flare deploy. I didn’t realize thinking of possibilities was a bad thing, but let’s get back to the topic:

A-10C going to 12.0

Got anything less blurry?

No, I save my videos on 15Mb/s bit rate.

Also, just considering if you think his first flares were hidden to you, wouldn’t they also be hidden to the R-73? Especially if the seeker head is closed more.

It will also slave, as it try’s to path to the targets soon to be trajectory, so then it will be facing away more no?

No, the R-73 travelled enough to the right to see the F-15.

This is the R-73’s POV the moment the F-15 deployed flares. The R-73’s FOV here is actually bigger because the F-15 briefly went behind the mountain so the R-73 went back to 4.5deg FOV.

Then I have no idea. Perhaps it was the heat from the AB, send a photo after it shrunk back down.

You can see here the FOV is focused only on the F-15. At this frame the R-73 is ~2.5km away from the target.

That’s a very short margin after the last photo. So this combined with his AB makes perfect sense why it was a kill hit.

The R-73 in the photo doesn’t see the AB.

The whole engine would be hotter even if it cannot see the Ab, that’s why when an IR aam is heading towards anyone, the best course is to turn the throttle below 40% if not 0%.

The seeker is locked on his center of mass.

The F-15’s engine temp at full AB is 973C, at 100% 954C. AB does not affect temp that much, its the plume of fire that attracts missiles.

In the picture’s case though, as you said the R-73 was locked on the centre mass and cannot see the AB plume.

Yes, because apparently that was the hottest part according to r-73? I’m not sure why… but I don’t see a big issue here.

How hot does an IR flare burn vs an F-15 engine

I know you hate the R-73 and everything but why is it so hard for you to accept that the R-73’s IRCCM made it unflarable because of the gatewidth?

Not sure what you mean by gatewidth, and I don’t hate the R-73, I do hate the random bugs it has, what I hate is the A-10C being in a BR it shouldn’t be.

But, your r-73 was flying at 1123km/h from what I saw 1 sec after launch, maybe 1.5 secs, if it is going that fast, and locked right where the center between two big hot engines is, and hit, I don’t see much of a problem.

I do actually hate how easy Aim-9m is vs R-73 In sim though, more so than the A-10C, if the A-10C didn’t have aim-9m I could’ve cared less and never made this discussion.

Gatewidth is the type of IRCCM the R-73 has which makes the FOV smaller.

So why does it seem like you’re opposing my conclusions trying to make it seem like the F-15 did everything wrong to be hit.

That’s how missiles work yes. This is a nothing burger sentence.

Then yes, I’m the situation due to the extremely close range and poor positioning of the F-15, the R-73 was hard to flare, but not impossible.

As I’ve said, IRL, it closes even further, to ensure it WILL strike the target.