
When did I say I play US helis?


I do. But there are worse top tiers than the Abrams and so there must be a reason it is so drastically underperforming compared to other top tier tanks.

oh no… not another one of these… well time to get the popcorn.


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You mean Necrons who adopted very campy play style and uses his Service record as an excuse?

That guy is hated by most Usa players due to how hypocrite is, in the past he made countless post and created topics about how Usa was dominating top Tier and when the table turned he didnt do shit but instead he kept claiming how “good” Abrams are.

Safe to say he’s opinion doesnt mean anything.

Ah Yes good old “my tanks suffers more so you should not complain about Abrams!!” Syndrome.

This topic is about Us vehicles so if you have any issues with other top Tier vehicles use proper topic for it.


The only clown I see is you attacking someone for having an opinion you disagree with, implying my opinion is invalid for the Abrams when I have a couple hundred games in it. You yourself have a fifth of the play time I do in GRB.


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…that’s not my point? I’m saying that minor nations have worse tanks than the Abrams and they don’t perform as poorly, the issue is premium spam at which point you can only blame Gaijin for selling the Click-Bait.

Abrams is fairly middle of the road in terms of actual performance among top tier MBTs. It’s not a Leoaprd 2A7V or Strv 122 but it isn’t terrible either.

  1. I didn’t “imply” but proved it. The 105 has different turret ring than the later variants as you can see here

  2. You’re responding to US player with “They’re fine with hellfires” without ever playing with US helis nor Hellfires…

Maybe you shouldn’t be commenting on things you have no clue about? It just makes you look like those who gaslight US players so they can farm them at top tier.

Not really, premium players only make it worse what is already dead.

Minor nations perform better due to highly skilled player base and getting coupled with best nations, as a French Main i knows this pretty well.

Meanwhile Us is played by many player who doesnt have high Skill level and with multiple inaccuracies Abrams requires significantly higher Skill level than other Big nations.

There is you answer.

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Exactly, been saying the same but everyone ignores -_-

Ok. Now prove the play style is any different between the 2 tanks. Other than the opponents you meet they have the same weakspots and strengths.

No. The only thing I said is that mavs would raise the BR of American helis. That was cause for you to go on a tirade against me about “no stats no opinion” when you are worse than me at GRB by essentially every metric. Don’t throw stones in glass houses. Your only nation at Rank VII is America in which you are not positive K/D in a single tank.

You talk like as if American helis can carry 16 Mavericks at the same time.

If helicopters with F&F missiles can stay at same Br then Us helicopters surely can do the same thing.

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Go read what you defended, it wasn’t about play style or strengths, it was about the turret ring!

Most of them are pure Us haters so dont bother with them, some of them are just using victim syndrome card.

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I absolutely don’t understand why would you like to have Mavericks under AH-64s. It would be absolut trash. Try using them from hovering or slow Heli like flight using Harrier. Even test it with premium one in test drive. Maverick without speed bust from aircraft is trash

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Yes, I agree with you, Abrams performs poorly because of the players. It’s a high skill tank that can perform well if played correctly but It had been utterly ruined by little Timmy’s with moms credit card.


I know very well, not only I have to think for my self but also think for them too, they literally forget what they said 2 minutes ago…

And you said I can’t speak on the 120mm Abrams because I don’t have as many games as you in it… so I’m defending myself.

My initial comment about the turret ring reflects that the Abrams overall isn’t a bad tank but gets dragged down by the players.

If only Gaijin fixes those multiple issues it could’ve been much more noob friendly.

Personally i dont see a single reason why i should play Abrams when i have Strv122’s,Leo2A7V or T-90M, hell i even prefer my Leclerc’s and Type-90’s over Abrams because even with issues they are more noob friendly due to better mobility and consistent fire rate.

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You didn’t say “I play US helis”, you implied someone who actually plays US helis that they’re wrong and “Hellfires are good” when you haven’t played a single match with them. Since you have no clue, I’ll tell you that Hellfires are among the worst ones if not the worst atgm.