I have been playing WT for a number of years now fairly sporadically and am considering purchasing a higher tier premium aircraft to help grind out my main tech tree(US), since I don’t plan to quit and am willing to spend the time/effort to learn jets. After looking around Reddit and the WT forums, it seems most any of the 10.0 and higher BR premium jets would work fairly well to grind RP/SL, aside from the F-20A. Due to being at the 12.0+ BR, most posts I have read seem to be of the opinion that the F-20A and F-4S are stomped on by the other aircraft at a similar or 1BR rating higher, though the F-4S would still be decent to grind with. So, of the higher tier US premium jets(A-10A, F-5C, A-6E, F-4S, AV-8B NA), which would you all suggest for this?
I have done some research on each of the aircraft I listed above and am somewhat aware of the differences between them and their capabilities, it is just hard to pick one in particular since they each have their own pros and cons. I plan to mainly use these in ARB.
F-4S can run napalm bombs for easy base kills and is a decent fighter at its BR, so that is probably a fairly safe bet.
F-5C is a menace and very very good when you learn how to manage your energy properly. A potent Gunfighter and also basicly immune to IR missiles due to its cold fusion engines.
AV-8B(NA) is a fairly decent multirole but is sub-sonic at a fairly high BR and the Harriers do take quite a bit of skill to play properly. They also have the opposite issue of F-5s in that they are extremely hot aircraft and can struggle to flare off and IR threat. But the Harriers are getting quite a major buff this coming major.
A-10A and A-6E are best suited for ASB not ARB due to their ground attack nature, but the 9Ls at their respective BRs do net a lot of free kills.
F-20A is a higher BR version of the F-5C and has performance comprable to that of the F-16 but is a harder BR due to uptiers.
So I would make your choice based upon playstyle, but I would wait until after the update. But F-4S is probably the best if you prefer using Aim-7s with a bit of base bombing. F-5C if you prefer guns, F-20A if you prefer guns/IR combat and AV-8B(NA) if you want something a bit different but a tad challenging
A-10A, too low to effectively grind the entire tree, horrible in ARB, same with the Tram but that’s not on sale anymore iirc,
F-5C is still a really good jet but not what I would go for,
F-4S is the best choice on this list, I have the British F-4J (UK) which is worse in every single way and at the same BR, still get aces in it. Very good aircraft. Benefits the F-4S have over it is: AIM-7F (Can carry up to six of them too) over SkyTrash, has wing slats improving low speed maneuverability, AIM-9H over AIM-9G, HMS, Napalm, and more. I would use this.
AV-8B is a NO. It’s just not worth it.
F-20A is also a no, it’s either a toss up between F-5C and the F-4S, I’d personally go with the F-4S.
Everything that Morvran_ said applies, and is 100% correct.
if you dont want F-4S which is solid jet and safe pick like Morvran said, hold off and wait for the F/A-18C (early)
shaping up to be a very nice premium fighter, im considering getting it once it goes on sale. but be aware that you WILL be fighting AMRAAMs and prepare accordingly
Given multiple nations dont have decent top tier premiums yet and more than a few others havent had any in a while. I dont think either should give the US priority. I think in this case its jsut gaijin milking the F-18 Cashcow.
But nations like Israel, Italy and even france are in need of new top tier premiums sooner rather than later
I have no idea to be honest. I dont know much about Italy. Did think the Spanish EAV-8B+ might make a solid option if Spain isnt intended to be a full TT/Sub-TT anywhere specific. But failing that, im sure they could probably make a Tornado ADV or F-16A premium or something