MiG-29 Sniper - modification for Romanian Air Force

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I would like to suggest the addition of this rare variant of MiG-29 called “Sniper” into the game. This was an attempt of Romania to modernize their small fleet of Fulcrums, received from USSR/Russia and Moldova. Most of machines were Fulcrum A modification (“Изделие 9.12А”), in 1997 one of them (Serial Number 2960532367, Reg. Number 67) was eventually chosen for “Sniper” modernization program, before the start of the program this aircraft underwent a general overhaul at the Aerostar plant. Main goals of the project were to ensure compatibility with NATO systems, to expand combat capabilities and the range of under-mounted armament and to extend the inter-repair resource. Modernization was provided by Romanian Aerostar, German DASA and Israeli Elbit. DASA was responsible for program management, technical support and the test flight program (together with Elbit), Elbit was responsible for developing the avionics package, while Aerostar implemented the upgrades on the aircraft. Most of systems were brought from another already successful modernization of Romanian MiG-21s - LanceR. Demonstration prototype took off to the skies for the first time on May 5, 2000 with a DESA test pilot Wolfgang Schirdewann in the cockpit. This machine made its public debut on May 26 of the same year at the Berlin Airshow. Since it had only 15 test flights at that time, visitors to the said airshow could only view it statically. Originally it was planned that all fleet of 18 MiG-29s (including 3 MiG-29UB) would be upgraded, but it didn’t happen. Romanian Air Force sticked to MiG-21 LanceR modernization program and in 2003 the entire fleet of Romanian MiG-29s was withdrawn from service. There was an attempt to further upgrade Sniper (with previously planned new radar and weapons) to suggest it for export market, but it led to conflict with Russian MiG company itself as Sniper modernization program was not authorized by the MiG-29 manufacturer. In the end Sniper remained a single prototype-demonstrator, which currently is located at the Aviation Museum in Bucharest.
Gamewise compared to the original MiG-29 main differences should be cockpit, better Israeli RWR, providing information about more threats and maybe different weapons composition.

Modifications provided:


Aircraft cockpit received a wide-angle head-up display with an upfront control panel, two 6 X 8 inches multifunction color displays, hands-on throttle and stick controls, as well as backup flight instruments. Sniper’s avionics were integrated via a new Elbit MMRC mission computer and MilStd-1553B data bus.

Navigation system was upgraded, it consisted of VOR/ILS/DME and an inertial navigation system coupled with a GPS receiver.

Upgrade for communication system included: Elbit data-transfer system, a new IFF transponder, two radio stations with frequency-hopping and secure-voice capabilities (AM/FM and UHF/VHF).

The original fire-control system wasn’t upgraded, but it was as well integrated with a new mission computer.

Romanian modernization included new the Elisra SPS-20(V) radar warning receiver providing the 2-18 GHz range with a bigger library which included threats that previous SPO-15 system wasn’t intended to find (USSR-based, as well as Russian).

OEPS-29E electro-optical system and N019E Topaz radar were, previous weapon systems were still presented on the plane in its final state.



Crew: 1 pilot;

Max speed (at 14000 m) - 2 452 km/h;

Max altitude - 16 000 m;

Engine - 2 х Klimov RD-33;

Take-off run - 750 m;

Rate of climb - 320 m/s;

Turn time - 19.4 s;

Radar: N019E Topaz;

RWR: Elisra SPS-20(V);

Armament: one 30 mm GS-30-1 type cannon with a supply of 150 rounds and up 3050 kg of additional armament, transported on six pylons located under the wing (plus central fuselage one is reserved for additional fuel tank PTB-1500):
Up to 2 R-27R, up to 6 R-60M or R-73, 4 UB-32A-71 launchers (with 32 unguided S-5 57 mm rockets), B-8M1 (20 unguided S-8 80 mm rockets), FAB-250 and FAB-500 bombs, S -24B rockets and ZB-500 incendiary tanks.




Museum Photo:

The plane can be added in different ways depending of how Romania is going to be implemented into the game, in my opinion it can be interesting as premium, squadron or rare vehicle for Romanian-Hungarian subtree in the Italian TT. Although I would be happy for any other variant of implementation of this plane.


  1. Ruslet - The Great Encyclopedia of Russian and Chinese Aviation
  2. The Free Library - MiG-29 export modernization programs
  3. Wikipedia - MiG-29 variants

Can he steal?


In the first photo he is stealing tow bar)

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Could be an interesting premium for Germany

Love it! Would fit nicely in the Ita-Hun TT as an upgrade to the Hungarian 9.12. Maybe as an event vehicle?


+1, I agree with adding it to the game as a limited availability event/squadron vehicle in the Italian TT, here’s hoping the MiG-21 LanceR-C also makes a showing but as a proper tech-tree vehicle.

Romanian stuff typically goes to the Italian tree, I don’t see what this plane has to do with Germany

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:)) for sure

+1, for Italy.

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+1 for a Romanian tree

Why the hell should it go to Germany?

Another subtree for Italy??
I want my trainers and Lancer’s too

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I think Romania will for serve more as a filler to Italy rather as a sub tree.

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Hopefully it can be more than just a filler, Romania has quite a lot of unique modifications/designs for all types of warfire.

Hopefully a sub tree system can be put into place to allow more sub nations to be added into existing nations. iirc Italy now has 5 lines of vehicles now that Hungary was added, Romanian vehicles wouldn’t fit in the current research tree.

They still can be placed in between.
For example, there is my theoretical full TT with Italy, Romania and Hungary.


Strange idea, I prefer them redoing the UI for tech trees to fit more lines.

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Idk for me it’s well-grounded, since Hungarian lines are quite empty and Romanian stuff fits well into them. Also most of Hungarian c&p planes (as well as some tanks) which were added in previous updates were also used by Romania and could just get Romanian camos (like IL-28 market livery for example or the one for Bf-109G-2).
I honestly don’t see it as a 6th line unless both Hungarian and Romanian lines are filled with extreme level of C&P (and/or incomplete stuff), though it’s all another subject, this suggestion is about Sniper, but not about Romania in general)

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I very much like this union of the Hungary subtree with Romanian stuff. It reminds me a bit of the Romania subtree suggestion I wrote a few months before the Hungary subtree was officially announced. I think putting RO+HU together is a great way to cut down on C&P


+1 Damn, someone was quicker making a suggestion about it

Sorry mate XD
There are still plenty to suggest though: LanceRs, IAR-93 variants, IAR-99 and etc. There is criminally low amount of suggestions about Romanian stuff on the new forum.

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Because it was made and tested by a partnership between DASA (Germany) and Elbit (Israel).