[Updated 03/09] Testing our Proposed APHE Shell Changes on the Dev Server!

the balance would also affect them, what are you even talking about

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I play paper thin british mediums that die if anyone so much as looks at them except for weird bounces while wiggling. Do I also want to be handheld for not wanting stuff like this?


Is this not also an indirect buff to the Jumbo and anything else with gimmicky weakspots like the later Pattons?

Maybe you should actually have to think about positioning and look at what you’re fighting before engaging, no?

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Yes, but his and other CC’s reasons were the same poorly-considered reasons you could read here on the forum. Balance and BR, when those were going to change anyway with the APHE buffing that was going to come anyway. Can’t trust Gaijin to do it right so don’t do anything. This takes away dev time from other stuff. Etc.

CCs are useful to us when they engage with and bring new context to player arguments and each other, not just repeat hot takes. TEC is one example who looked at the whole change carefully, and said, wait, these other CC arguments are pretty bogus, so I’m probably going to vote Yes. That’s actually a useful contribution to the discourse.

It’s not that a Russian CC told people to vote no. It’s that his arguments to vote No were just bad arguments.


I guarentee you the 88 will still kill the M4a3 on a frontal pen instantly, as well as the IS2 of course. It’ll be smaller caliber guns like the US 76 and especially the 75 that ends up suffering.

most heavy tanks have overpressure rounds anyway so all it does is make them more survivable lmao


Exactly, I love how they act like this will effect an IS2 and a jumbo 75 in the same way lmfao. This is VERY one sided.


What BRs are these two again? Because I know the IS-2 doesn’t get the joy of facing 4.7 tanks in a downtier, unlike the 75 Jumbo :P

And if you’re taking the Jumbo (or any heavy, for that matter) out in an uptier and expecting for your armor to be just as effective, that’s on you.

I see you’ve run out of realistic sounding points. If you’re down to “it’s your fault for having to fight a 6.0 tank in a 5.7 tank” then that’s just bad faith and I’m done lol

Tiger still can kill jumbo with “nuke shell”

While the jumbo itself needs to use t45, and best you can do is 3 crew members if tiger didn’t angle. M4A3 76(W) should also “learn to shoot” while tiger doesn’t

In general patch makes spatious vehicles much, much more survivable, and cramped vehicles would be killed as anything else. I’m pretty sure that you all understand that german heavies 5.7-6.7 are the ones which would benefit the most of that change.

Ah yes, also 2s38 APHE would be nuked.

I also suspect that people will just stop using APHE and it would take long time to statistically balance all that stuff.


Yep, exactly. 5.7-6.0 BR range is going to become some weird Germany vs Germany mixed battle hell because why play anything else when you create a hyper-survivable vehicle that can still lolpen and 1 tap most opponents.


MBIC, the M36B2 and all it’s equivalents can make Swiss cheese of the IS-2 frontally, while being 5.7 to the IS-2’s 6.3…

So the Jumbo can aim center mass and kill 3 crew members, while the Tiger has to aim for an incredibly small, volumetric hellhole of a weakspot (that can very easily be hidden or obscured with decorations, BTW) to kill him?
Seems to me you’re making a mountain out of a molehill…

there’s no use in trying to convince them, they don’t know what they’re talking about and haven’t even tested the changes, it’s the same as the multipathing vote

Finally…we’ve ended germany’s suffering…
(except they still see heat rounds from the m51 so we need to send the tiger 2 to 5.0 :D)
Clearly German tank designers were thinking of wt when they spaced out the tigers

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“Just play tank destroyers” is the new “just spawn SPAA”.

Me when my uptiered tank can’t one shot a downtiered heavy

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I’m sure BR’s for Sherman’s and other vehicles alike are going to get adjusted based off of this change

Stay tuned for the new fix 3 months from now that the community needs. “Just make my tigers a little bit more mobile. That’s all I need, I swear, just a little mobility and we’re set bro, TRUST!”

But wait! What if they go and rebalance all of these vehicles by hand instead of the algorithm and player stats they totally don’t use to determine battle-ratings? Maybe they’ll finally raise the Ground max BR to 13.7? Or maybe they just won’t do anything at all which is more likely.

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Play tank destroyers, flank, use tanks built to deal with heavier ones frontally…

Plenty of smart options and you’re not picking a single one.

Also, since you used the SPAA example… That doesn’t work, as planes dictate terms of engagement far more than any tank :P

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