[Updated 03/09] Testing our Proposed APHE Shell Changes on the Dev Server!

Show me how to hit a cupola with a us 75mm better than I already do? I’m so genuinely confused by your statement. Is there another place to hit a H1’s cupola that will somehow make it do more damage? It’s a small cylindrical object on top of the tank. There’s not a whole lot of space to aim there.

I get to vote on it, it’s good enough for me

Surprisingly enough, you should not be engaging these tanks you won’t be able to pen from the front with something that cannot pen them frontally

There are plenty of tank destroyers, lights, and even mediums that can slap pretty much everything you mentioned at or even below their tiers. Either use those, or flank.


There is a reason “don’t be penetrated” is the second-to-last part of the onion and not the outer layer

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This doesn’t mean a single shell type in the entire game can destroy you if it enters your cupola

Aim for that massive muzzle brake, take him out of the fight. This prevents him from doing anything for the next 20+seconds, during which you’re free to deal with any nearby teammates and then flank or load APCR and deto his ammo.

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it also doesnt mean you should be surprised if you drive straight into someone’s gun expecting your armor to save you and then it doesn’t

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The real outermost layer is crying to big onion to make your onion stronger than everyone else’s.

Or shoot him and take him out of the match in that tank.

Oh no, that sounds just like solid shot 🤔

Crazy idea: Maybe tanks shouldn’t drive away after they can no longer fullfill their intended purpose of being able to use their gun? Imagine penetrating a tank and it’s destroyed :O
Completely ridiculous, I know.

if the APHE update goes through, you’re almost going to be required to have a second tank with you at all times to help take care of a threat if you don’t kill it in the first shot. A) side shots on stuff like engines or drivers to immobilize them or B) a shot to try and destroy the barrel/breach or kill the gunner will only work if the enemy
A) is a casemate or you have an INCREDIBLY fast reload
B) the enemy isn’t very mobile or, again, you have an INCREDIBLY fast reload

The comical nature of the same crowd now arguing for barreling when above people were saying they wished their were forced gunner offsets to make barreling tanks harder. This thread is killing me

It’s hilarious to see all the people defending current APHE just downright admit they have no drive to learn the ways of the good ol’ onion.


Do you think APHE rewarding such whiffed shots is at all a good thing?

Even using a 100mm+ AP round, I doubt you’d achieve more than maybe yellow the turret crew.

You could also not engage heavy tanks from the front with something not meant to engage heavy tanks from the front…

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this means we should make every AP shell magic just like APHE

Another important thing, when is gaijin going to fix the damage of the HESH? Because it seems that of all the bullets, they are the ones that by far need a correction, especially since several vehicles that only have that ammunition are premium and cost money. I’m not asking to make my premium tanks OP, but at least that they do minimally realistic damage, not this completely absurd damage garbage.


This exactly people don’t understand its apart of the roadmap and if tested or not by players it was always going to be implemented lol

It’s already how I exist. Welcome to Britain.

I get more assists than kills, but c’est la vie.

I’m so glad you finally get to the point. At the end of the day this is just a buff to things like the IS and Tiger, just admit you want your heavy tanks to be handheld!

I honestly can’t blame gaijin for what they’re doing. The vast majority of new players who swarm germany will feel like they’re surviving longer, as they’ll be able to tank penetrating shots and not really have to learn to angle or play corners/cover to protect their cupolas. Simultaneously, when everyone switches and starts playing larger and slower tanks while being able to get less kills, this slows the grind down for everyone involved. Brilliant strategy tbh.