[Updated 03/09] Testing our Proposed APHE Shell Changes on the Dev Server!

“wääwää I actually have to have some skill instead of just pointing and clicking to kill enemy wääwää”


I’ll remember that the next time I go sit in the enemy’s cap in a battle mode in a 279 downtier.

don’t be in a position where you can get point and clicked on

I don’t have the speeds to download web server, so accept my firefly show:


And this is a realistic killshot. It has some volumetric risk due to tracks, but I’ve done this in live games before.

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Good, that’s where heavy tanks shine the most. You’re finally getting it!

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This would be a valid point if it weren’t only a few APHE reliant vehicles that were getting hit. The same easy mode APHE throwers that have always dominated will be better than ever, still overpressuring vehicles and crews while now being harder to kill.


So again, we arrive at the endgame of “I just want my heavy tanks to be handheld”.

Well played.

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Me when heavily armored tanks are actually hard to destroy

And you just want heavy tanks to act like slow, chunky mediums that can be killed from the front by anything instead, because you can’t bother to learn positioning or flanking or anything adjacent to the survivability onion?


Thats just more realistic for the vehicles, they will have their battleratings adjusted anyway.

The weaker comet gun does struggle to instakill from this angle, but we’re basically trying to shoot an angled tiger from the front.

Shooting right where the plates are joined seems like a better idea as it guarantees gunner kills.

And why can’t these same heavies also use positioning and flanking instead of driving straight into the middle of the map and relying on your armor to save you from people who are aware of both where you are and your weakspots?


Jeez, I dunno. Maybe cause their heavy tanks.
Especially heavy tanks of ww2 were meant to be able to take hits.

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Because they’re mostly slow? try playing the game

Are you reading the words you’re typing?

first gen apds is just glorified apcr,
look at HVAP ammo and first iterations of apds (HVAP-DS), they look almost the same and no wonder they kinda act the same.

This will always be the endgame. Whether it’s people asking for the 2a7 to have even better armor because “mUh rEalIsM” or this shit. It’s just people don’t want to learn to play, just drive out in the open with a one hit cannon and a tank that is as survivable as they can get away with. It’ll never change lol. I genuinely hope that one day they get their way and just switch over to WoT and enjoy the HP system that they want implemented here so badly.


you guys think Gaijin balancing APHE is some world changing decision because you’ll have to flank for once, lmao

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Sherman 76 mm us APCBC:

Why would anyone need a cupola?


“Balancing APHE” (on the tanks I don’t like >:( ) fixed that for you :)