[Updated 03/09] Testing our Proposed APHE Shell Changes on the Dev Server!

The vote still turned out as NO. Should be respected, no matter what.

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Hitting the turret will now knock out the breech much more consistantly.
So instead of going for a instant kill, you will have to aim to disable a tank first, like with solid shot.
APHE will just be better solid shot while only overpressure APHE will remain nuke like.

The damage of same small caliber APHE was also completely ridiculous, like 30mm API, 40mm SAPHE or 47mm APHE, that were on par or more lethal than larger caliber APHE shells.

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No :P

crazy how “lowering the skill floor” with this change is literally just making it easier for the guy who managed to get himself detected and shot to survive his mistake

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Multiple Western CC’s openly posted their support for voting yes, what is that if not the same misuse?

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APDS in a nutshell


Not particularly, when with non-APHE shells you run the risk of either turning the crew into Simpsons or yellowing ammo and leaving him to shoot back :P

I’ve been on both sides of cupola sniping, it’s really just a stupid and unfun compromise for the maps being as bad as they are.

I would highly recommend you keep playing and grind for the leopard 2a7, you seem like the exact type of player gaijin made spall liners for tbh

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I haven’t seen one who urged their community to vote yes, just ones who said what they were doing. When someone tells their community to do something rather than just saying what their doing, that’s a problem
OddBawz is the perfect example of how a content creator should commentate on this situation, and he still said he was supporting the No vote personally.

even if you manage to take out the breach, they can still just drive away, and if you shoot the engine, they can still shoot back, unless its a casemate, this is a thing currently in the game, and will be just as, if not more so, pronounced if the APHE changes go through

51.4 % is not a clear majority. It is a narrow win and if anything indicates just how split it is, certainly more than enough for a test and then see how people feel.

And personally i think it will be hilarious when the APHE whiners brigade the next vote, possibly narrowly win again and the change goes through anyway.


Pained laughter in M48/M60 being cupola-penned and nuked by Gepard

Which is exceptionally unacceptable. Why bother hosting a vote when You’re gonna just disregard it anyway?


For this, we might finally get a push to have assists added to service record at least. And caps, but that’s even more unlikely.

I would really like to know why Gaijin decided to buff the damage of >90mm APCR but leave the rest as weak and, for the most part, near useless as they were.

I’m not trying to be rude here, but there are various ways to make shooting a cupola accurately more difficult. In quite a lot of cases this change will make tanks that rely on APHE literally unusable versus some opponents, such as the amx50 foch, t28, t95, yes the tiger h1, arl 44 acl1, etcetera

I agree, they should’ve implemented it without a vote.

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Spall liners were a bad idea across the board, as it heavily limits even good shots.
The proposed APHE change encourages better aim.
These two are different things, surprisingly.

it won’t make them unusable at all, you can test it yourself or see the screenshots posted here

Thank God You are not responsible for the game’s developement in any way.