[Updated 03/09] Testing our Proposed APHE Shell Changes on the Dev Server!

A good player “carefully aims” for the ammorack regardless. Nothing changes.

Why on earth are you trying to kill an angled heavy tank head-on in a medium (Well, we all know because of the maps which are only getting worse, but that’s a factor that needs to change instead of broken APHE staying the same)? If you can, flank or shoot his gargantuan muzzle brake, taking him out of the battle for a good while and allowing you to focus on any potential teammates of his.


You can also notch and chaff, it’s not that hard? just learn to play, “good player”, lmao

In my explanation I also talked about flanking and the requirements thereof and of the non-reliability of barre shooting.

Take out a tank destroyer for destroying heavy tanks is what I say to them, that’s their skill issue. Or simply don’t care about armor with tanks like the ST-A3 (my beloved) and howitzers :>


yes please

people kept saying the same about the multipathing changes, the world won’t explode

Surprisingly the change from frontal shots seems smaller than expected. the most noticeable and seemingly most important is that cupola shots no longer work (rip jumbo fighting tigers)
the other biggest change I’ve seen from other images is that side shots are no longer very viable unless you aim precisely

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If I want the opinion of someone that is negative in almost all their vehicles I will ask you. Until then shut up, you don’t know what a good player is.

Still mad because your force field against radar missiles doesn’t exist anymore? sorry bro, you’ll have to learn to notch and chaff

For tanks without muzzle brakes, sure, but most of the concerning targets you fight will have massive ones and you (at least in the Shermans) have a short stabilizer that aids you in getting the first shot off easy.

Flanking can be complicated, but it’s still very much worth at least trying. Facing down a heavy tank frontally in something that can’t penetrate it is a bad idea, historically and ingame.

When will you learn to play?

When you learn to notch and chaff :^)

I’m heavily in favour of this change.

I use AP rounds and have no issues with tigers. APHE getting fixed will just make things better as you no longer have this bullshit happening:

Or, as my caricature I posted before indicated:


IS-2s and T34s? Much more so. APDS says “Shell shattered”. AP pens T34s at least.


Except that in game currently, with the right skills, you don’t NEED to necessarily flank. I am very confident that I can get off the first shot and hit the cupola of say a tiger or IS, leading to me being free to help my team in other places or versus other enemies. This change will force you to flank, in this case.

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APDS really does need a going-over. Either Gaijin should remove shell shattering, or give it to all other shells that had the same problem historically (cough cough, APHE and Maus’ 88mm APHEDS)


“turning off your brain and not flanking is good actually” good player advice right here


except that side shots will be incredibly unreliable unless you happen to directly impact ammo, and even then that seems unreliable at times, and that cupola shots will no longer work

It will force you to put more effort into playing the game, and doing it better, instead of just cheesing what should be a harder fight?


Gaijin is the ones who want to change it now though.

I don’t think they deliberately wanted to design a game that had as its core premise, “what if WW2, but APHE rounds specifically had magical properties?” so I’m not sure they would have ever considered it “core gameplay” either.


17 pounder AP shot in the right spot can OHK some tanks from the side. I think there’s an angle to kill the driver and turret crew for a side scrape shot with APCBC in an avenger on tigers for instance.

If not, leave them utterly crippled with the breech and turret crew dying (and then your team kills it while you’re reloading).