[Updated 03/09] Testing our Proposed APHE Shell Changes on the Dev Server!

Instead of nerfing APHE, I would muh rather buff solid shot. This will make gameplay faster and nicer for all parties, instead of decreasing its quality. The game is already selectively realistic, and AP has been nerfed and buffed unrealistically in the past so I see no reason why this would be an issue. If most or all AP spalled like French 100mm AP, would that not be beneficial? Instead of nerfing a key element of ground forces.


Thankfully maps are actively being narrowed and flanks are being put out of bounds, so that’s simultaneously becoming less of an option lol. The endgame for a lot of these guys is to be given a vehicle that simply cannot be penned. Then the game will be balanced for them.

I think I’ll let the APHE changes slide, I’ll just have to get good. the big issue I see coming up is having to re-balance tanks because APHE that used to reliably kill stuff won’t be as reliable anymore

Both would be the best option, IMO.

APHE certainly doesn’t deserve to be this good, and AP as bad as it is on most (Non-French) tanks.

APCR (at least, 75mm) does next to no damage on successful pens, even aimed directly at ammorack…

And sabot’s exclusive shattering mechanic is just excessive nerfing, unless also added to other shells that had problems with it.

"Why buff solid shot and reward people for making nice hits when we can just nerf other ammo and reward players who aimlessly drive out in the open and get shot with some extra survivability?

“instead of having one magical shell, we should have many magical shells”

The harder fight is possibly negated by my spending of thousands of hours in game. Versus another good player I would still lose that same fight, but my time spent and skill allows me to increase my chances of winning that specific fight


I think this sums it all up rather well in their view

So side shots will be more like AP and HEAT are now? Ok

So killing the commander in the cupola (which did happen) doesn’t sympathetically detonate his entire crew? Ok


Thank god you’re not responsible for the game design

Shell shattering on early APDS and what they’ve done to HESH is awful, the game really doesn’t need more RNG. I swear they removed shell shattering if I remember right but then decided to reintroduce it for some reason but on APDS. Not enough people are complaining about this in specific.

Whatever buddy, I’ll keep doing well and you will struggle to kill tanks even more.

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POV: I died and need my tank to be the strongest >:(

I’m sure this change will be implemented well. Nothing usually breaks when they try to change stuff. (please do not look at countless examples of things like APDS literally shattering for no reason against paper thin armor, realshatter, aircraft belts basically become sparklers instead of cannons, etc etc etc.)

Anyone can watch a youtuber shoot an H1 Tiger in their massive, glaring weakspot of a cupola and do the same. It’s like saying cupola-sniping an M48/M60 requires a massive amount of skill…

correct. I’m fine with this, I’ll just have to get better at the game. I’m just concerned about the balancing issues that WILL rise from this due to the large majority of tanks relying on APHE to be good.

then why complain? Gaijin is taking the crutches you totally don’t need away, no need to complain

1: The vote didn’t state well enough that it was for testing the APHE change, as some people thought it was for implementing the change. The gaijin twitter and other social media accounts had to specifically clarify this because so many people seemed to think this. This likely led to some people voting No because of this (some people even asked if they could change their votes after realizing, but the vote can’t be undone).
2: A Russian content creator urged everyone in his community to vote No. that’s a misuse of a large platform if I’ve ever seen one, as they tend to have the power to sway votes (since some people are sheep and just do what other people tell them to do lmfao).
3: after the vote had been open for 20 hrs, the vote suddenly changed from 70-30 to 50-50 within just 2-3 hours. Thats not normal man, hella sus…

It requires certainly more skill than just clicking on any part of the tank and penetrating it does it not?

What are these “nice hits” and why aren’t they hitting anything of consequence before nuking the entire tank from one corner?