[Updated 03/09] Testing our Proposed APHE Shell Changes on the Dev Server!

Replying to a comment asking not to cherrypick others’ statistics and doing exactly that? Good to see the APHE simp crowd can’t read :P

Funny thing, if you look at gaijin’s official channel - even 8 years ago they placed way more emphasis on the fact that:

  1. Warthunder is your most realistic/authentic vehicular combat MMO.
  2. Multiple videos encouraging and on-boarding players to play air sim and ground sim, tutorials and encouraging words.

The reason people play Warthunder over the other tank game is because it’s more realistic and closer to a simulation while still being accessible.


You have 3000 games played and the guy you were talking down to has 30000 and a 77% TS lmao. It’s insane that you can be cocky in that scenario, just wild to me to witness as a spectator.

Appeal to seniority now?

You can play 30k games doing well using broken, bugged APHE and still be wrong. Crazy concept, I know.

Actually, that I’m closing in on his “skill level” while having a 10th of his games should be telling, no? :}

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Actually, I went and googled.

The Warthunder page on google still says just that:



Realism remains a huge point in War Thunder, the recent multipathing changes are a good example


Okay let me explain to you, from the perspective of a good player, why this changed APHE model would be bad. A good player has the ability to capitalise on good positioning and peeking by quickly killing enemies with APHE through careful aiming. Why do I say careful? Because APHE in general has less pen than pure AP rounds, but has vastly improved damage. This leads to more oneshots as a reward for needing to aim more carefully to penetrate a tank. This in turns leads to fast, rewarding gameplay.

The proposed changes will nullify that. Instead of killing a tank through his cupola (let’s take the tiger h1 since it is the most used), this will lead to you maybe taking out the commander and gunner. In a sherman 76, or a t34 85, or whatever doesn’t have overpressure, you will now not be able to either penetrate the angled tiger (76) or need to take an extremely risky shot in case of the 85. You will need to barrel and track the tiger, and then try to flank it. This relies on there being no enemies that have a shot on you, or you dealing with said enemies. This slows down gameplay immensely and caters to bad players that cannot take the first shot effectively or cannot position themselves properly. This gives them more time to react, ESPECIALLY with the barre health buffs even allowing them to shoot back if the good player did EVERYTHING right. This negatively impacts gameplay

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It isn’t closer to a sim nor more realistic than ghpc??

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No one has to listen and give extra credit to you just because you’re a “good player” lol

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Okay great? He spoke about good players, I am one, I explained what good players see will happen.

you explained what you will see, you only speak for yourself

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These changes also affected top tier gameplay extremely negatively.

nah you see lowering the skill floor is actually making it easier for people who fucked up and got shot to survive their fuckup even though irl relying on your armor is like the second to last resort, with the last resort just being “dont get penetrated”
Just like realshatter for aircraft lmao

lmao, of course you’re a ground hugger

Seeing as no other good player has and you aren’t one, yes, I did.

It’s going to be very funny to see the people who are most vocal here defending this change dealing with the results of the update creating the most handheld vehicles imaginable by significantly reducing their weakspots. Meta players will flock to them and it’s going to make certain BRs absolutely miserable for people who already play average.

I’m excited to hear what the next change will be to fix whatever problems this creates and make the game “more fair”.

Also, GHPC came out well after Warthunder Air forces and ground forces released.

GHPC is also not an MMO.


Yeah? Why would I just prefer to explode???

yea bro keep to the ground on this one