[Updated 03/09] Testing our Proposed APHE Shell Changes on the Dev Server!

AP shells will never be as effective or magical as APHE unless Gaijin gives it magical properties

Your first part of your comment tells me that you are incredibly bad at this game and do not know how the mechanics work.

Well yeah, sort of. It doesn’t mean that they should be obsolete in-game.
The Foch and T95 are both in a good position at the moment.
The APHE reworks will make them perform even better, which inadvertently may cause them to have the same issues that the Maus is plagued with.

And what is the issue with buffing them? War thunder is NOT a simulator, and there have been many buffs and nerfs that are unrealistic to balance the game better.

I have 369 games in the Comet, and I do just as well with it as with APHE shooting vehicles. You don’t need to tell me.

Explain how you’d achieve this without magic.

Utterly insane response, if something is overperforming you do not make everything else overperform with it

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I mean, Rainbow Six Siege did the opposite, and you see how it turned out xD

It’s overperforming compared to real life. Which is NOT an issue in the ARCADE game that war thunder is

Then congrats, not much will change with the new formula. You’re getting paranoid over an objectively good thing for yourself, because worse players can’t just throw out one-shot bombs haphazardly in your direction anymore!



We never got to test the proposed changes.

it’s overperforming compared to most shells in game, everyone knows this well

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No, really. Tell me what Swedish tank has nerfed APHE so I can go look and admit you’re right, or can you not name one? The Ikv 72, SAV 20, Delat Torn, Pvkv II, and Pvkv IV that I’ve recently played all seemed to be normal to me, do you think it’s just the reserve 37?

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well there won’t be much else you can do after this besides then having them frontally uncounterable, thus making them perform better in gaijins eyes and then going up and facing HEAT shells every game

You’re using stats from a mode I don’t play? On a website that doesn’t show you where and how it calculates that data? Look me up in game you moron and see what game mode I play

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I think the APHE reworks should be voted on for each gamemode (as it may honestly be better if it were to be like that).
Arcade players may just want the easier kills, whereas simulator players may not.

Don’t cherrypick other people’s statistics please.

We literally are testing them on the dev server and they will be tested in the live server. Please don’t just spew idiocy

Exactly the problem. I would rather not have this.

Then Arcade can keep their sphere of death.

Realistic gets the realistic cone of death. Make the cone wide and very lethal and boom.

Just stop it from doing this bollocks behaviour:

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