[Updated 03/09] Testing our Proposed APHE Shell Changes on the Dev Server!

Going towards more realistic damage models is better. If people dont like it than go play unrealistic battles.


Then don’t come at me accusing me of being “incredibly bad at the game”, unless you don’t expect me to take it seriously :P

I’m still waiting to see what buff one could possibly give to AP shells to make them perform this well


Why is it better?

because it makes APHE balanced and more in line with reality


We turn the inside of tanks into a pinball machine with Portal 2’s bouncy gel splattered all around and perform a particle dynamics resolution at a high time resolution to model each and every bounce.


FPS might suffer and we might get 10 seconds per frame though.

nota bene: this is a joke.

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Yeah, people seem to only look at the “muh realism” part while skating conveniently past how much this would do to balance out the game.

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Once again. Aphe is balanced fine and it is an ARCADE GAME NOT A SIMULATOR. If it was a simulator, then yes, make everything as realistic as possible. If you want a realistic game, go play GHPC. It’s going to cater perfectly for you

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cool, so what br should we send the heavies up to afterwards?

compared to what? you’re acting like APHE exists in a vacuum

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Mode literally called “Realistic battles”:

Yeah and ya’ll are complaining about it.

Which heavies, and why up?

If you’re talking about Tiger, a sizeable chunk of tanks at or below its tier can easily pen it.

Tiger II? Also true.

Most US heavies? Pretty easily cheesed to boot.

Where you randomly pull crew members from the air, repair a broken barrel in 10 seconds, have a third person view, spawn planes out of thin air with loadouts you can change on a whim, using no actual tactics? Very realistic. Also, simulator mode exists.

Swedish APHE doesn’t have anything special to it. The idea that it actually currently has conical damage is a myth.


Yeah it’s funny how people still talk about it when it’s actually never was the case.

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Which of these does simulator not have? :P

And fair, it appears I’ve been deceived in this aspect. Doesn’t change that actual good players would still do well with this APHE change, if not have an even higher skill ceiling :P

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It’s really weird to me that he would have chosen to try to insult a purple thunderskill player with thunderskill stats from the start. You’d think he’d have saw his profile, saw purple, and said “wow I should probably listen to what this guy has to say.”

Here is examples with comparison of before and after, of some of the things i have seen people discuss so far in this post, and some of the things i wanted to see. Just so people who are currently not able to get on the dev server have something to relate to.

Tiger H1 PzGr 39 vs M4A3E2 mg port

T26E1-1 APHE vs Tiger II (H)

Tiger II (H) APHE vs T-95

Tiger II (H) APHE vs Tortoise

VK 3002 (M) APHE vs M4A3E2 side (Panther APHE vs Sherman side)

M4 Sherman 75mm APHE vs Tiger H1 front

T-34-85 BR-350 APHE vs Tiger H1 front

Pz IV H APHE vs M4 Sherman front

T-34 (1941) APHE (Both MD-5 & MD-8) vs Pz IV H front

M4 Sherman 75mm APHE vs Pz IV H front

T-34-85 APHE vs tortoise

Tiger II (H) APHE vs T34 front


Yeah, form your opinions based on what others say

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