[Updated 03/09] Testing our Proposed APHE Shell Changes on the Dev Server!

Well then I’m glad we both agree on the APHE changes

That’s the kind of realism that should be added. Not having insane repair times, full barrel physics, limited tank fuel and so on.


Please specify that then, because it sounded like you accept ‘realism’ changes regardless of how good they’d be for gameplay.

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Let me repost one of my replies from the original APHE thread:

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Do you need me to explain the multiple reasons the vote was rigged against the Yes vote, yet even then it still gained 49% of the vote lmfao

Doesn’t seem to change much.

The two largest impacts are:

  1. Cupola sniping is now significantly less effective bordering entirely ineffective on certain vehicles
  2. Notable nerf to APHE SPAA for tank destroying

Aside from that, little change in lethality.

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Heavy TDs, like the Foch and T95, are going to be massively buffed from this.

And that may not be a good thing.


Which is fine, they sacrifice so much to have decent forward facing armour.


If you want to change aphe to (((realistic))), then give up from all gaming conventionalities)

That’s just you being silly now, such a waste of a reply


Not in all cases. I’d say the Foch is doing fairly well even with its cupola / rangefinder weakspot. Remove that weakspot, and it will become extremely good.
Would that be fair, I wouldn’t say so.

You realize that’s very presumptous, right? The realism that this topic discusses is not the kind of realism that suggests giving the Tiger transmission breakdowns. Come on.

Oh no, heavy TDs and tanks with huge tumour cupolas might actually have a chance to shine now? How horrid.

[cries tears of happiness that the M103/M48/M60 might finally be able to go decently hull-down]

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Double standards.

Nuh uh you will get one shot by the SPAA slinging APHE and you will like it

They’ve already been shining. Not sure what you’re talking about.

Why wouldn’t it be fair?
Just flank it, or bomb it.
Oh wait gaijin keep shrinking maps and removing flanks.



Essentially anything spacious and well armored with small weakspots will be buffed while things like 76mm US guns, 85mm russian guns, and most notably us 75mm is what will suffer the most imo.

In my opinion this is no different from the addition of spall liners to top tier. It’s adding more handheld options for players while simultaneously increasing the burden of skill on vehicles like the M4a3 76W that require weak spot knowledge, accurate shot placement, etc. while relying on first shot kill potential.


Gepard players when they can’t frontally one-shot every tank they see, lol

Also, huh? T28/95 are either cupola APHE magnets or barrel repair simulators 90% of the time, lol
And with how little I’ve seen anyone use the Foch, it may as well not exist.

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