[Updated 03/09] Testing our Proposed APHE Shell Changes on the Dev Server!

the point is learn to pick your fights and position yourself better

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I track and barrel torture players not because I cant kill them frontally but to bully them. Its very enjoyable to do

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Like with a 75mm Jumbo against a Tiger II H? :/

You’re right, being forced to barrel snipe and track tanks is not fun, but I don’t think it’s supposed to be.

Even when fighting heavily armored vehicles where I need to use those strats, I still have fun because of the strategic aspect. You’re never really devoid of any other variables in a game, so you need to think of what the best way to approach the situation is. That’s the fun part. Having to spend extra time disabling super heavily armored vehicles just adds to it.

Suit yourself I guess lol

when a T32 or IS tank has been camping the side of C point on tunisia for a whole match you got to teach them a lesson while relieving some rage induced by them. You have to prioritise making a statement over PTFO sometimes to put campers with powerful vehicles in their place

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Maybe. I don’t prefer the Jumbo 75mm gameplay.
The problem with getting rid of weakspots from tanks is that it becomes binary- you either pen everything or you don’t.
And I understand that light tanks can flank, and so would mediums.
The Heavy tanks in a full uptier would suffer the most, and those TDs sure would have a field day.

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tbf I think they should’ve just done the test without a vote. but voting and then ignoring the result just feels bad


If this change is realistic, then I see no reason to vote against it. I think we’re just too used to liking insane APHE one shots. I’m one of those players since Russia is one of my main trees which I’ve finished grinding, but I’ll adapt to this change if implemented.


Fair, I don’t have the Jumbo but I don’t think I’d enjoy it either. If I’m gonna suffer with the dogshit mobility of a heavy tank, I want a lolpen gun to go with it.

But yeah, by their very nature, heavy tanks will always suffer in full uptiers, if they don’t then that’s an issue.

But that’s why you bring a full and varied lineup, so if you get uptiered, you just don’t play them.

Fair point.
I’m thinking more of how the Jumbo 75 is an iconic heavy that has a severly underperforming gun at its own BR. This may become the same for the T26E5, etc now.
And that the TDs are going to overperform at its current BR, and underperform at a higher BR, if it were to be uptiered due to the nature of the binary state of them now.

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You want full realism to where it’s no longer fun? Sure go ahead and enjoy your realistic repair times of several days and stuff like that

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No one said that.


Majority of things in this game is “game conventionality”. But we 100% need realistic aphe!!!


Well, I mean the dude had it coming when he thinks that any change that is realistic is a good change.

Changes that make something more realistic should aid with gameplay, not just for the sake of realism.

Don’t know if this was already pointed out but currently this “Tested parameters of the projectiles” checkmark doesn’t even work properly. If the vehicle is changed with the checkmark enabled, the feature stays on regardless if the checkmark for “Tested parameters of the projectiles” displays that it’s turned off.
This may be confusing for some players as it may result in unwanted results from testing different vehicles.

@Stona_WT please make sure developers are aware of this and change it as soon as possible as it will most likely result in different final votes for this change.

Then Gaijin should change them too, what point are you making?

Jumbo would definitely be a very… interesting vehicle if the changes go through. It would become complete dogshit at current br, it’ll fall due to people performing worse, it’ll become overpowered, repeat the cycle

You answered on your question by yourself.

You know better than that, no one said that would be good. Changes like your idea or giving cannon barrels full physics for example would be detrimental to gameplay, but this core gameplay change is among those that can be implemented for realism and balance. People will adapt to this eventually, just like how they did with modern jet combat. The problem with most of the playerbase is not wanting to deal with the kind of inconvenience that makes their gaming experience a bit more challenging in a good way.