[Updated 03/09] Testing our Proposed APHE Shell Changes on the Dev Server!

Asking people to vote on this again following a test, right after completely ignoring the result of the first vote sounds a little funny to me. How can we know the results will actually be respected if they weren’t the first time?

Honestly the vote should have been after the tests anyway.
Pre test vote is completely useless and I am glad Gaijin ignores it. Especially due to the influx of brigading trolls voting.




Not like shooting the IS-2 works like that regardless, only in the protection analysis.

You act like gaijin ignoring the 1% difference is such a big deal, when they didn’t even hold a vote for the buff. Suck it, is all I can say


In 2017, a bug report was submitted that APHE behaves in physics defying ways.

Gaijin has accepted this bug report, and it became documented.

It’s literally a bug that APHE behaves as it does right now.


Then choose a vehicle you will accept for the testing lol.

It was 2%. A majority is a majority unless specified otherwise beforehand.

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Asking the community for premission to do a test is a dumb idea, you’ll always get a small part of the community that will vote no because “Gaijin bad” and that will skew towards no and decide their vote not even on what gaijin is proposing, I’m fine with them doing the test anyway with how close the vote was.


I don’t care.

Absolutely love this! Now every player will have a chance to see the changes for themselves before making an opinion and voting.
Probably the first time where Gaijin not listening is actually good!


Glad to hear the vote meant literally nothing


Then drop out and let those who do speak.

Small part of the community that adds up to 51% somehow.

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@Stona_WT @Smin1080p_WT

How is the player base suppose to trust Gaijin’s word on a vote after this test if you guys didn’t respect or honor the results of the last poll? The players voted on no test and no nerf and yet you’re running it anyways? Where’s the integrity?


You can look this.

Pretty clear you care otherwise.

Forum only uploaded one hour ago and theres over 300 comments? ohh yeah this is going to be a spicy forum thread

its a test they shouldn’t have even asked to test it in the first place its a damn dev server test