[Updated 03/09] Testing our Proposed APHE Shell Changes on the Dev Server!

You failed to convince people that a nerf is necessary. “No” won, you just have to accept that.


And when they were told by Gaijin, it’s changing regardless, pick change A or change B, they mostly got confused and picked the obvious worse of the two options left (super-APHE). “As is” was never on the table here, for better or worse.


People who want change are more vocal than people who do not, I don’t know what it’s supposed to show me when we literally have a vote that proved that more people didn’t want the change and now it’s being forced through anyways… unsurprisingly of course.

But what to do about the m10, waffentrager and nashorn then? These cant go really lower in br. They can already pen everything at their brs and putting them lower would make them even worse except the m10 which has armor. You could already see this with the sturer emil which was iirc at 5.7 and now at 4.3

It’s a buff lmao, shows how little you actually paid attention.


The buff wasn’t what was voted on buddy

The only thing to accept here is- Gaijin saw the votes, Gaijin analysed the results, determined they weren’t enough to cancel a huge potential fix and they decided to carry on with the testing.


The full changes passing through is a nerf.

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True, the buffs are coming anyways, making APHE even more unbalanced

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Nah gaijin ignored the result of the vote. It’s a farce


Someone also claimed that “this nerf would make Tiger’s APHE useless against IS-2s”.

Well, let’s see;

Yep, literally useless. Now it only kills 3/4 crew members instead of 4/4. Literally unplayable.


It’s the same as the last round of choices, create the illusion of choice by pretending we get to chose, when all the options are already carefully selected by Gaijin in the first place, and even after we voted no on some they still were like… we’ll maybe add them later then.


Let’s pretend that PzGr doesn’t exist either xD

And yet they will test it, despite majority said no.

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now try the panther with much less tnteq

You are missing the entire point im making but whatever.
Never said anything about the change shouldn’t be considered, Im literally only pointing out you are testing the wrong gun in those screenshots.

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I mean, most people don’t even take the correct APHE shell in game anyway and wonder why more pen doesn’t equal kills

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Make sure to include the removal of the APHE buff as well in your boycott

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as they should

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Happy to see the change still being tested on the dev server