[Updated 03/09] Testing our Proposed APHE Shell Changes on the Dev Server!

-1 The famous tiger lower than a standing human
-2 almost pixel shot
-3 almost pixel shot
-4 almost pixel shot

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Glad to see you value integrity and respecting the voting process. Great character.

Yeah, about going against a majority vote, not whatever dumb shit an APHE is or isn’t going to do.

Because the test came with a nerf. People didn’t want either, as they voted a majority no. That should be honored.

You literally shot on the second picture from below. Now try it from a normal angle which only kills the driver

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So as far as I understand from what I’m reading, the biggest issue is going to be with tanks that don’t have much TNT equivalent in the APHE, which would, in theory, require re-balancing the large majority of tanks using APHE, unless the secondary spall becomes nearly equal to that of Solid Shot.

its 1.4 to get to 50/50

Okay?? It was 48,4% to 0/100!

Found a bad player that should not be able to vote. What was the point in posting your comment?

This is how the armor viewer is used for a LOS angle shot.

Placing the camera any higher would be suggesting the Tiger is shooting from the sky, xd.

This is, seen from the side, how the shell hits the tank from my camera angle. You can see it is already coming from a higher angle, and not “lower than a human”.


I didn’t say ALL the people who voted no because of people instinctively vote no because they don’t like gaijin, that’s a small minority of the no voters. maybe like at most 10% of the no voters so like around 5% of the total vote.


what? You literally aiming below the tank barrel. The panthers barrel is above the is-2s barrel. Your shooting from below ground

Again, look; from my angle, it’s already coming from above.

Place the camera any higher and the shell will literally be coming from the sky.

(Also, another one-hit kill AFTER the “nerf”, 4/4 crew members killed.)


Source: It was revealed to me in a dream

well are you pointblank ???

That’s not how it works.

aka you actively inflate your numbers and you only vote for stuff that actively benefits your main nations. Didn’t expect much else from a russia/germany/usa main. Gotta love it


Still irrelevant, that’s how voting works, you can’t just try and find flaws in one group to dismiss the validity of a vote to justify ignoring the outcome and going against the majority vote.

This games playerbase is such a crying and reactionary group it is mind boggling. There is %2 difference for the test vote not enough to scrap it completely and they make the test so people like you can try and test it physically and make your mind after the test.


And now much bigger. How can I trust gaijin if it pulls out things like this one?