[Updated 03/09] Testing our Proposed APHE Shell Changes on the Dev Server!

People who voted no don’t have to test since they aren’t interested in testing


Because this is the 75mm now, and as it clearly shows that aint no one shot


Who has more skill?

The Point and Click adventurer in their tank where if they shoot anywhere, they get a kill - even if it’s barely clipping the turret or the front of the armour.

Or the british/french player who actually has to remember crew positions, ammo positions and angles that maximize spall casualties.

I really don’t get how fixing the point & click adventure at all reduces skill.


So again:

The “issue” here is that…

A Medium Tank won’t be able to one-hit kill…
A Heavy Tank…
That is also perfectly angled and positioned to make best use of its armor…?

Why not make all shells kill all tanks at any time as long as it hits a tank while we are at it at this point?


That’s how voting works, you think the average person who votes in elections are smart and educated on the subject? You can’t just move the goalposts after the fact however.

You must be kidding me.
APHE is RNG now, sometimes APHE is worse than AP.
If I can’t kill gunner, my shot will be useless, and I will die.
I shot the weakness perfectly, but the gunner is still ailve and I die. NO ONE likes this.
I don’t understand why someone still thinks this change is good. It is very very terrible, OK? As stupid as SHELL SHATTERED.
Do you like SHELL SHATTERED of APDS ? Don’t tell me you like that.

And we need update this change on DEV Server for testing every vehicle and every APHE round, not only in event.

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NO in the last vote was a vote for buffing APHE further. They were quite clear on this, as they are here, again. “As is” as an option was never on the table here.

This is why you don’t do votes on half measures. If someone wants to raise taxes to pay for a hockey rink you don’t say, “hey, we’re raising your taxes, do you want us to build the hockey rink, yes or no?”

But yeah, putting only one half of a fairly minor ground-only mechanic to a poorly explained and conceived player-wide poll was always kinda dumb.

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It’s not about “one hit killing”. You can literally do nothing against a Tiger that’s not garbage at the game. Fourth time I’m saying this btw.

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Which is why I’ll vote no without testing.


Absolutely fine, I look forward to your vote on the implementation in a week or two.

That’s wasn’t what the vote was about, and if these people do not test, how are they supposed to vote on it later?

You are showing the 76mm while they where talking about the 75mm.

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How are they supposed to vote in the first place if they didn’t know how it would change??

The vote literally was just to see if people wanted to have a testing phase of the proposed APHE changes

People were happy with the way it was and didn’t want any change.


So, when I show Tiger being destroyed by the shells it actually faces at its BR, it’s not valid;

When I show a 122mm, it’s not valid.
When I show a 100mm, it’s not valid.
When I show a 90mm, it’s not valid.
When I show a 85mm, it’s not valid.
When I show a 76mm, it’s not valid…

Their point… is that a Medium 3.3-4.0 gun won’t be able to kill a 5.7 Heavy Tank…? That’s the whole issue?

5.7 Tiger will become “invincible” just because it will now reliabily defend against 3.3 guns…?


Some people were yeah, some people were also unhappy.

And people said no, we don’t want a testing phase , and yet… here we are.

The majority

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The majority was happy, as the vote showed.