Update (Battle Ratings)

R2Y2’s did not have an airspawn when they sat at 7.7. That was removed years prior to being moved to 8.0

L br changes, r73 facing 10.0 its bs

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If the f-4c with no flairs is moving down to 10.3 in sim then surely the f-4f early with no flairs can move down as well. It makes zero sense the f-4f early and f-4f are at the same BR in sim

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Chinese F104G at 10.7 too with no flairs

Thai / Japan A-7E is not playable at current 10.7 for air RB. If you have any bomb load you are not able to cross your own teams base line before being engaged by other strike aircraft. You do not have all aspect missile to properly defend yourself either. I understand the plane is more capable in ground RB, if that is the case, change the battle ratting for that mode and lower the air RB. This plane is not in a good state with the current battle rating.


Ok, so I do not have the A-7E, so please do not take what I say too seriously, it might not actually help: you should try using Napalm instead of bombs for base bombing. Napalm does not work very well against ground units, however, for base bombing Napalm is better nowadays (compared to bombs.) They are lighter, and do more damage to bases. I am not sure how many Napalms it would take to destroy an RB base, but it MIGHT only take between 2 or 4. So, if it does only take 2, you could take the extra 2x cannons and/or the rest in 1k Lbs bombs for ground units.

Note: Legion’s spread sheet is showing to use bomb load outs for the Japanese A-7E instead of Napalm. This does not make sense to me, because you need 5x 1k Lbs bombs for one base, and I think you only need 2x of the Napalms per base in ARB, at the A-7E’s BR. Anyway, here is his thread and spread sheet:

with the new test flight, you can easily find out by just jumping into a test flight and bombing a base in that. One of the best changes they’ve made in years.

Same advice I’ll give for anything meant for bombing bases. Play SB not RB

10.7 will face teams with Phantoms, F-104s, F-111s, F-5Cs, and more
How can they bomb if the bases are already destroyed? They will just be easy targets for J-7D or other fighters with many missiles.

Not everyone can play SB.
If an attacker aircraft has an inappropriate battle rating in Air Realistic Battle, are you suggesting playing SB instead of fixing the battle rating?

Many strike aircraft will never be “good” in their intended role without giving them insanely low BRs that allow them to dominate in their un-intended role. There will always come a point where the inherrent flaws of ARB design, which is about as anti-strike aircraft/bomber as you can get will prevent those aircraft from performing all that well. SB has no such flaws and is why we need an RB EC gamemode for those that dont want to play SB.

Specifically looking at the A-7E it does look like it could go down when compared to a similar aircraft like the Jaguar Gr1A which is faster and turns slightly better but the A-7E does have twice the number of flares and a larger bomb load (note, I do not believe bomb load should matter, but it does to Gaijin annoyingly)

I think the lowest you could get the A-7E is maybe 10.0. But more likely 10.3 because it is a supersonic aircraft, with decent CM load and 2 decent rear-aspect IR missiles (Jaguar Gr1 with no flares is 9.7, so would be higher than 9.7).

edit: misread the stat card, its more comprable to the Harrier or Buc S2 if it had 9Gs. so 10.0 probably would be better

Would a drop like that help in base bombing? Not massively, F-111As, F-4s, F-5s, A-5s etc will still likely still get most of the bases before you get close and will you be truely comepitive against dedicated fighters like the F-5, F-4s, etc likely no.

So… that leads me back to my original point. When it comes to ground attack aircraft. SB or an SB like gamemode is by far the better choice

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It isnt, pretty sure it’s high subsonic at best

Yep, miss read the stat card. I normally use knots not KPH in game so, wiki catches me out.

In that case, it could be lower then. More on par with the Harrier 1s at 9.7

Yeah, with worse accel than the harriers I think 9.7 would work great

But then again… Gaijin balances on bomb loads and not necessarily A2A performance…

Which is why the Buc S2 is 9.3 not 8.3

So would probably be higher from that alone.

Then 10.0 most likely

And I think they consider ability to actually get those bombs from point A to point B.

Barely. Have you seen the Lancaster?

I think they are more concerned about the amount of score you can get IF you make it through and IF there are targets to bomb. Quite a few strike aircraft rarely make it to a base.

At times things like CMs, MAWS, missiles, etc do need to be considered within that context, but I think they care more about potentials rather than reality

Yes, the A-7D and A-7E should be at BR 10.0 in arb.
If possible, they should also add more bases and extend battle time like before.
If I’m not mistaken, back in 2015/2016 (I can’t remember exactly), each ARB battle used to last around 1 hour.

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Yeah. The only reason I can think of for something like the F-111A to be stuck with AIM-9B at 10.7 is that it has a lot of CM for BR and a MAWS, while being fairly fast too. Should still get at least 9E but that’s how it is for now ig

An hour is a bit excessive