Update (Battle Ratings)

Battle Ratings


  • Missions on the “Moscow” location have been re-enabled in Air Realistic Battles.
  • A-5C — has been moved to Rank VII.
  • F-111C — GBU-15(V)1/B has been added, additional wing pylons for AIM-9L have been added.
  • F-16A OCU — helmet mounted display has been added.
  • Me 262 A-1/U4 — gun dispersion has been reduced.
  • F-4C — the AIM-9B and AIM-9E modifications have been moved to tiers I and II in modification research.
  • F-14A Early — the AIM-9D modification has been removed (Research Points and Golden Eagles will be compensated). AIM-9D missiles can now be used without researching any modifications. The AIM-9G and AIM-9H modifications have been moved to tiers I and II in modification research respectively.
  • F-5A(G) — the modification positions in the tree have been changed. The Flares/Chaff modification has been moved to tier I in modification research.

Ground Vehicles

  • Improved Chaparral, Antelope, Type 81 (C) — the NVD modification has been moved from tier IV to tier II in modification research.
  • Improved Chaparral (Israel) — the MIM-72G modification has been moved from tier IV to tier III in modification research.

Patch notes reflect only key changes, meaning they may not include a complete list of all improvements made. Additionally, War Thunder is constantly being updated and some changes may not require an update. Changes reflected in patch notes are formed by taking reactions and requests of the community from the bug reporting service, forums and other official platforms into account. Bug fixes and changes are implemented in order of importance, for example a game-breaking bug will be worked on and implemented sooner.


a yes no change for the otomatic … gaijin as always
the highly voted change that was absolutely not listened to


Sometimes I wish there was a dislike button on this forum.

Most of these changes are not good.
They clearly reflect the developers inability to listen or even consider feedback.


Wait, so you basically ignored all our feedback for ground? Not even a written response like in October?


as i said in the br change post, ground battles neglect is real lmao

also, shouldn’t you listen to player feedback? what’s the point of asking for feedback regarding BR changes if you’ll throw said feedback out the window?


Why did the namer go up in br?
Its underperforming asf
I hope its cuz u gonna buff its armor in the near update right?


Cool, good changes for Sim Air!

Just… Increasing BR of Iranian F-14A and M2000-S5 to 12.7 is not really doing anything, as there is no 12.3 rotation anyway.

Also, tier change of the A-5C doesn’t do anything. That bird is still at 10.7 and thus completely out of place among all those other, much more better at everything aircraft at that BR…

(Now PLEASE follow up with correcting the Rotations at top BR’s in Sim EC…)


The ground remains almost unchanged, well, we need to wait for at least another 4 months to see further adjustments, and some vehicles will destroy the BR they are in during these 4 months


And here we go, ground completely ignored in yet another BR changes set.

Also no changes for R2Y2 is criminal, it was probably the most asked for and universally agreed on change by the community.


That’s pretty cool that the A-5C can now grind out top-tier. China is always the gift that keeps on giving.

(I’d still use J-7E to grind it out next time I can be bothered with completing the line)


Why move a bad jet at its current br down when it’s getting removed right.

Such nice of them, I will not touch the R2Y’s anymore I’m done.


Kind of a shame that the new Namer was moved to 11.3, even if it’s considerably worse than the Puma VJTF. But I guess that is because it’s a rank VIII vehicle.


This was probably last chance for it to move down. Now since it is being removed they will forget it entirely and it will remain to be useless for years to come.


The neglect on the most requested plane the R2Y2 is insane, why even ask for our opinions? I have never seen more players agree on a br change yet we get snubbed.


Weren’t you already uptiering it to 11.3 where the lineups are?


I must be in the wrong topic, is this the complaints topic?

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Well done Gaijin ignoring all the feedback


I used A-5C then talismanned the J-7E too, i think it’s a better experience than premium grinding the whole tree.

Idk how they justify it being the same BR as the J-7D though, it’s worse in every aspect…


So thats all for mid and lower ranks??? really??
Meanwhile for top tier a large number of changes and more or less sucess decompression but mid and lower ranks just a small group of changes and of course no update after massive player feedback.
Another proof below rank 6 we are second class players.


Are you paying out the nose to play? No, ofc not so they aren’t going to focus changes on lower ranks because they simply aren’t paying the bills.

These changes are underwhelming regardless of tier.