Update (Battle Ratings)

I think the better option is RB EC . Take sim. give it Realistic controls instead of full controls. Make it third person and give it GRB spotting system (friendly markers but no enemy markers) and you create the perfect PvPvE gamemode for those not wanting to play SB. Doesnt just help the ground attackers but also finally adds a decent gamemode for many fighters too


Yeah, thats a case of its potential if its used purely as a fighter. 9Es probably wouldnt be too bad, but it does need to be overall considered and factored in

This way ppl who don’t have a ton of time to spare can still get in a match or 2, but if they find the time, can also enjoy more challenging gameplay

Keep the 15 min matches but give option for hour long stuff

Yeah, RB is great for the fast, quick and dirty furball gameplay. Pretty much the only time I play RB these days is where I have 10 minutes to kill and fancy a little war thunder.

At all other times, im in ASB because its just a better gamemode all round.

So both is definetly needed, but probably like Naval EC. They fear it killing off ARB and so wont add it properly

It’s not even good when used as a fighter though.

F-105D is kinda sorta usable but purely due to the gun an speed for its BR.

While F-111A doesn’t really have anything going for it offensively at 10.7

Well. let me put it this way. Im in my Hunter F6 at 9.7 and a F-111A comes dives in at me. All I can do is try and evade it as it hurls past me firing its huge amount of ammo or an Aim-9B at me. I evade, try to fire off an SRAAM but MAWS defeats that instantly. It runs away before I can get guns on. Repeat.

Its pure speed is certainly something that needs to be considered and given it can often beat most dedicated strike aircraft, even supersonic ones to a base, its pretty clear why its the BR it is. Easily beats things like a Jaguar.

The 9B are extremely easy to dodge.

The hunter can also probably dodge the guns, especially if the 111 is really going that fast.

And jaguar is 9.7, I am asking for 111A to get AIM-9E at 10.7, 9E aren’t exactly difficult to dodge either. It would at least make it a bit more usable against jets at its BR

Jaguar Gr1 with no CMs and weaker engines is 9.7.

jaguar Gr1A with CMs and the slightly better engines is 10.7

Looking at it purely as a ground attacker, its probably the strongest at 10.7 by no small margin.

Aim-9Es MIGHT be fine, but and I said this right when it was first added. It is probably better to limits its A2A ability, so that it can actually base bomb than to give it Aim-Es or Aim-9Js and it end up being a much higher BR. 10.7 is probably an ideal sweet spot for it. Only faces properly decent fighters like the Mig-23ML in full uptiers but more than likely encounters downtiers most often with things like F-5Cs very popular.

If it moved to 11.0 it would likely always face 12.0 uptiers and it would hurt it more than anything.

10.7 with 6x Aim-9Es MIGHT be fine. It might not. There is an arguemnt to limiting A2A performance for the sake of keeping a strike aircraft usable (I’d almost love to ditch the 9Ls on the Tornado for example to have it much lower in BR)

Fair enough. In my experience, 9E is like 9B with better reach. So it is still very easy to defeat but better against unaware targets and running targets. If it was 9J with all around better performance, then 11.0 would be justified but 9E is really just a more comfortable 9B, so I think if it did get them it’d be fine. Worst case, they limit to 4 9E

The two missile menace…

Thank you, I failed to mention this directly, but is also a great point. If you do somehow live long enough to get to a base, they will be destroyed by other aircraft long before you get there. I wish there was a way that I could play this plane in air RB and I understand that SB may be a better place, but SB scares me and every time I try to learn it I get killed right off the runway so I don’t really feel like I am getting anything out of it.

Good, that’s it. Where’s your real account dude? You said you also play French Premium, have you ever tried aircraft other than that abuser F-14A IRIAF?

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the world may never know

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When I try to play my Tornado as bomber in ARB, all …really all bases always getting bombed by much, much faster fighters. A Mig-21 with fire bombs easily burns down 2 bases. Same like a Tornado with full bomb loadout of MK1000’s. I’m not even talking about F-16 etc. There is no balance. There is no niche for fighter bombers. You can’t compete in pvp, cause you’re flying a bus with just two missiles. You can’t bomb bases, cause fighters with speed setups (low fuel settings etc) bomb everything before you even close in 10km.

Changes need to be made. I’m tired of ending every match without any income.

Guys stop being irrelevant. Is it an abuse to use a plane that’s in the game? The BR it came it is GJ’s problem. Decompression needed is GJ’s propblem.
Start asking the right things…
Stop that stupidity with accusations against players when the company that makes the game refuses to fix it. It was low , it went up. Now it’s one step but it’s too high because they didn’t take any measures before upranking it , simplest one and valid- it could carry 6xARH and all aspect IRs.
We are here accusing eachother … while the game overall needs decompression.

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We at gaijin hear you and understand-that is why we will be moving the j7d to 10.3 next br change with absolutely no explanation or justification


It’s not even their fault at this point.
The players ask and push wrong things. Where are the decompression topics and suggestions?
No , we must write 30 posts about the plane we currently play and fail at because the opponent plays a better plane and he shouldn’t.

I made a poll on general.
Do you want decompression or not? Simple.

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Real life ?
If were talking about real life, F15 should be clapping cheeks of mig21s all day.
Warthunder is not realistic game nor simulation game.
You’re using 90s tanks against t90m tanks which made in 2018 and pantsirs shooting 80s-90s jets.
Even gaijin didn’t add every aircraft but if you’re adding f14 with arh missiles, it should be at the proper tier which is minimum of 13.0 at the moment.

good idea

Alright, I’m trying to be real here. The F-14A IRIAF going up to 13.0 IMHO is completely justified judging from its performance to kill alone, because we also had the sad MiG-29G and also JA-37DI that also sits at 13.0.

Yes we need a decompression, but a decompression would leave another problem because every BR have its own overpowered aircraft and this would leave a very looooooooooong way to discuss for every BR having a decompression, for me again IMHO this is why there are not always a decompression, although I must appreciated Gaijin that since 2022, aircraft decompression is moving so fast that I remember back in the day F-4E only have 0.3 difference BR with F-14A (IMAGINE THAT S***!) while also all aircraft still have blind RWR.

The first factor is, F-14A IRIAF alone have an “Almost” gurantee kill 6 missile with 4 Fakour-90 and 2 R-27R (yes, R-27R still potent if we compare its performance at least to Super 530D which is just glorified Skyflash SuperTEMP) and extra 2 subpar IR Missile which is a bonus if you could get a kill with this. While MiG-29G do have R-73, but it’s already being powercrept by the new Fox 3 Meta, R-73 is great, but due to its being thrust vectoring and Live Server always reduced thrust vectoring missile capabilities (look at MICA in test drive and live server) it’s essentially a slower AIM-9L that can turn with IRCCM same as Magic 2 (which ironically, Magic 2 in game IRCCM was copy pasted from R-73). With R-27ER, it only leaves with 2 “Almost” gurantee kill because of its fast travel speed, most enemy wouldn’t have time to properly dodged this missile. JA37DI, I don’t really have to talk much about this, but its gurantee kill also only have 2 missile, since AIM-9L is also borderline useless because most people would keybind their chaff and flare button at the same key.

That is the first factor, the second factor is the quantity of F-14A IRIAF Player which as of today still pretty much filling up the lobby mirrored due to abundance of US Player. 4 aircraft of F-14A IRIAF is more decisively changes the tide of battle than let’s just say, 6 to 8, MiG-29G due to most of these F-14A IRIAF Player would do a volley firing their Fakour-90, I do also hate people who can’t notch this, but AS FAR AS I PLAY, the only aircraft that still dictates the outcome of the match is F-14A, yes even the old one back in the day. A team could easily win only with 2 F-14A IRIAF that can score up to 3 kill per player, because most of the kill that goes for the IRIAF (as of before the changes) are the aircraft that also tend to counter these aircraft like Mirage 2000, F-16, Su-27, or MiG-29. Killing these counters would severly affect enemy team performance due to their counter aircraft now already dead thanks to Fakour Volley. Hell, even back in the IRCCM Meta, F-14 still dictates the battlefield by forcing the R-27ER spammer to go down whenever their RWR starts pinging. AFAIK, none of any aircraft in War Thunder have this power to dictate the fate of the match, even MiG-23MLD during its hayday (although from that time I haven’t played War Thunder yet) because at least in the MLD Meta, you still need a skill to properly score a kill, while F-14 (especially the IRIAF) you can brainlessly spam those missile and wait for dumb player that eats those missile.

The third factor is the FM, in a late match scenario with both players let’s just say all have run out of missile (I’m not gonna contempt if you say the missile factor, but that’s too much variable for the argument), F-14A still can beat any aircraft it faces as long it’s not Delta Canards Aircraft. F-14A still the aircraft that can pull so many AoA that only Delta Canards Aircraft can beat (IMHO), so in a late game scenario F-14A still can survive compared to MiG-29 and JA37 that have very subpar dogfight performance. Yes, the F-14A don’t have IFF, but again compared to MiG-29 and JA-37, F-14A still have actual direction, so if you really pay attention, it’s still much-much better than those 2 RWR.

The fourth factor is somehow related to second factor, which is the Battle Rating trend. With F-14A IRIAF still popular as of today despite being nerfed, the BR Trend would also change as the F-14A IRIAF going up to 13.0. Remember that while the F-14A IRIAF going up to 13.0, the powercreep aircraft like Mirage 2000C-S5 (which is I enjoyly abuse) so I wouldn’t be surprised this aircraft would eventually go up to 12.7 and also everything good except the missile count, F-16A and F-20 also going down to 12.3 which would make this aircraft feel more playable and again changes the BR trend. With US always getting mirrored, and from my experience, the 13.0-14.0 matchmaker are now more popular to aircraft like Delta Canard Aircraft that suits better for the meta, the only US Aircraft that stands against current meta is F-15E so there will be more of F-15E Player than F-15C/F-16C that sits at 13.7. That means for me at least, F-14A IRIAF have a both full downtier or full uptier because both Battle Rating which F-14A IRIAF sits in between is now benefitted. I have played the 12.3 F-16, most of my uptiers only go up to 13.0 which again I will face F-14A IRIAF again. Because in my J-11 playthrough at current BR Trends, well it’s always either full downtier or full uptier, at least much better than before that will always have constant full uptier. Again, with this BR Trends, in a full downtier, F-14A IRIAF would easily sweep the map with its fast Fakour-90.

With being said of those four factors, this would eventually either kill the F-14A IRIAF statistics, or business as usual because there’s still dumb player that can’t notch properly even in 14.0-13.0 matchmaker. If the F-14A IRIAF statistics really conclude this aircraft has been killed, which only God and Gaijin knows its actual statistics, there will be a time of reviewing back the BR of F-14A IRIAF and also other F-14, to gets remedy for another BR Changes in the future.

Sorry for all the people who read this wall of text lmao.

Extra: The reason why I bring up the personal thing, because he himself bringing up the argument, that is his burner account, and he (((Actually))) also main other countries. Which is just sound like BS because he didn’t even bring up his second account to this debate, and his reasoning for not using second account is so people don’t stalk his account, I smell dishonesty in accountability here. Again, I don’t mind someone’s K/D or winrate, I just want to know that if someone talks about something he absolutely know, not being a smart ass in other aircraft like saying Magic 2 missile being “Buffed” just because he (((have played))) Premium Mirage F1 (which other than this claim, I haven’t found out do he really have a second account or not). He’s defending F-14A IRIAF as F-14A IRIAF is THE ONLY AIRCRAFT he ever played.