Update Battle Ratings Implemented

If by performance you mean the fm, that is not the only factor taken into account when balancing anything.

Except its not just 1 single aspect of a vehicles performance, it is every aspect.

For example

In Sim

Phantom FGR2/FG1 are 11.3
Phantom F4J(UK) is 12.0

They have identical loadouts
The FGR2/FG1 have more CMs, a better RWR and better engines.

In every respect the FGR2/FG1 is superior.

Another example would be:

Hunter F1 is at 9.0
Hunter F6 (France) is at 9.0

Hunter F6 has a much better engine and is equipped with AAMs.

(Gaijin even recongised this as being an issue in ARB but not in ASB)

Hunter FGA9 is identical in performance to the Hunter F6 (France) except it replaces Aim-9Bs for Aim-9Es. Aim-9Es dont justify a 0.7 higher BR. They dont even justify any BR difference imo.


the HC and clickbait get M829A2 which is just DM 53 but the 2PL is still stuck with DM 43 at the same BR? what a joke lmao, 2PL should get DM 53 i dont see a reason why it shouldn’t

I haven’t personally played these two so I’ll go off of your point here. Have you made this known in the last post where we asked for your feedback?

Neither did it use DM43.

It uses DM63, and DM53 is way closer to it than DM43.


and the Hunter F6 (france) even moved up in BR in ARB, but remained at 9.0 in ASB.

So when added to the game it was given a far lower BR in both gamemodes to its contempoaries and then when they “address” the BR discrepency, they only fixed one gamemode.

I originally called for Hunter FGA9 to drop down to 9.0, as I have another post for the Hunter F1 to drop down to 8.7 instead. Imo all hunters except the Hunter F58 are over BRed marginally. But did state the Hunter FGA9 should equal Hunter F6 BR. Whether that be 9.3 or 9.0


Well as Stona already said, plenty of your suggestions have been given to the devs. If the feedback makes sense then they’ll do something about it in the future, if not… well you know the answer to that.


I’ve done suggestions for the F4J(UK) in every BR change for the past year.

I’ve DMed CMs asking for clarification for why it has such a higher BR

and nothing has changed and i’ve never gotten an answer.

I guess its just Britain tax as always.


the hunter F6 being 9.7 right now is nothing short of diplorable, the Mig21 is now sitting at 10.7 and the F5C is at 10.7, how is the F6 british hunter even able to effectively engage either of these jets,? never mind the other jets on teh roaster


Is Gaijin gona be crazy now?? Again a very stupid BR changes! How kill most of planes in Simulation!
-GG Lower Again already very good plane mig23 who are lower than mirage F1 while its same tier/efficacity normally: one have better IR missiles, other have better working radar + R24 and mobility and not face Fox 3 with his absurd already too low BR! Now you lower ihim again more?? Crazy!
-Same for Phantom Jap and E models: lower to 10.7 in SIm too (face-slap) GG its the same BR as F4C who have a stupid so high BR in Sim and it is again not the vehicules who need the most a BR reduce who receive it.
-F5C/A reduced again…pffff its the same stupidity as Mig15/17 at 8.0/8.3 who destroy entirely a big BR played a lot. Mig 17 can handle well versus a Hunter who are now to 9.3??? Oh my god. Sea Vixxen to 9.0 now, with his nerf who kill his missiles who are now aim9B copy without another weapon, its just a big dorito with good engine now and nothing else! ALL my British Premium Destroyed, ALL! i want Gaijin give me back ALL my money wasted to them! Hunter FGa9, harrier Gr1 and vixxen now useless completely. its write in the shop you gonna have more Rp/Silver lions, what a lie.

And the other Bullshit who make me angry again his Chineese take again a good slap in his face. With nerf of J7D up BR (while ALL MIG 21 are reduced!!!) and crap J8 too…J7D no radar(not its not a true radar sorry, andJ8 crap radar have no ACP) and he loose the lock just by do a simple Barrel Roll, bye bye to useless your Aspide. And versus very good R24/Sparrow 2E who are now 10.7 same as F5A/C etc… lol, thx Gaijin!!

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Suggestions and feedback are exactly that, suggestions. Meaning that even if you suggest or ask for something it is not guaranteed that you’ll get it.

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Yeah, Its a sad for the Sea Vixen. You could barely fight most 9.3/9.7s in it, not sure how they expect you to fight 10.0s in it without its missing all-aspects


its not about getting what we ask, were not toddlers.

however when something like the F6 suggestion has been cropping up since the release of the F58 at the same BR but better in every way, surely it could be acted upon?


Perhaps, but there is a difference between a suggestion such as giving Challenger 3TD a 5 second reload with DM53 (as they did for the Ariete) and , what is in my opinion. Ignoring issues with vehicles that are essentially identical having different BRs.

(Heck, isnt there a low BR bomber that has a higher BR on the french tree than the US tree but is 100% identical? The B-26 I think)


Could we get some info on some of the changes? Specifically why DM53 was removed (decided not to add) from the Leopard 2PL?



I do agree here, It is even stated in the Wiki. Not entirely sure why the difference in BRs.


Exactly, Now I have no idea if it was reported this time round (though may add it to my list for next time) But im confident it has been reported in previous rounds.

The fact issues like this are even able to slip through the cracks I think shakes the confidence in statements made by the CMs with regard to “every post is checked and feedback is passed on to the devs”

and its certainly not alone. For example another

AMX = 10.7
AMX A-1A = 11.3

Whilst the AMX A-1A does have the slightly better missiles (according to some but not all) I find it hard to justify anything higher than maybe 11.0 for it. (if it needs to be any different in BR at all)

Or the really big one imo.

The 6 Tornado IDSs having different BRs in Air modes. Their performance is identical for they have identical loadouts and airframes (except for the Gr1 which is tenatively weaker than the other 5)

(these were both reported many times)


Yep :‘(
German IDS’ main thing was Komoran AShMs. They used to work, now they dont. BR Changes also killed these planes.


anyone tell me why the J8F is the same BR as the J11 which sure it has 2 ARH missiles, but the J11 is just better in every way bar that

or why the challanger 3TD is now end of the line, but is 11.7 while the 2BN and 2E are 12.0 bellow it? xD

who cooked up these changes

Neither Leopard2A7V but here we are.

If you care so much about accuracy then 2A7V should recieve DM73.