Planned Battle Rating Changes for October 2024

Not entirely, autoloader is entire up to gaijin, the Strv 103’s can reload in 3.0 if set to that at the cost of decreasing the life span of the loader. Same with the CT-CV 105HP which Cockerill has stated was only tested at 7.5-8.5 secs though it had the ability to reload in about 5 seconds if the army wanted to focus on fire rate over the autoloaders lifespan.

The reload on the CT was denied for balance


The APHE you’re talking about can 1-shot anything at its BR, with very good angle penetration (for such a round). It can good mobility for a heavy tank, insanely good turret armour for the BR, and trolly UFP (albeit can still be penned by APFSDS such as DM23). All those vehicles that you were scared of before are being moved up. Why do you think it’s reasonable to move it down now?

Most vehicles you face can be easily killed through the front.

I complete agree why is this the same br as much worse spaa?

Please upvote all the other posters who have listed F8U-2 as well. It is CRIMINAL to leave this at 10.0.


there is like 900 coments, i dont think i can go trough them all

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Vehicle: Hunter F1
Gamemode: Air Realistic & Air Sim
BR Change: 9.0 → 8.7

As per Stona:

this is a Korean Era aircraft, with no AAMs and limited flight performance these days. It should have gone down in BR with the others, but did not. It is stuck facing vastly superior late-cold war aircraft with better flight performance and capable AAMs with no advantage or strength. It should have gone down at the same time.


GRB, Mig-29SMT. 12.7 → 12.0-12.3, no Thermal container. Or leave BR as is, but give it thermal container

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Id rather a decent speed and chassis over a missile that isnt much better than my M113’s honestly i didnt notice a difference when playing them aside from mobility which was more important on the maps i played on.

And that annoying 50 cal

Yes, my words. Or at least move it down to 10.7

Leopard 2A5 11.7 > 11.3
Move it down and replace some of its ammo, its just to similar to A6 at the moment. Would be better at a lower br for a lineup with worse CAS and lights. Give its DM33 maybe DM43. It would be much like the Type 90s are, with lacking firepower but a good tradeoff. (Maybe do the same with the Leopard 2PL)


Every mode, Pantsir, 11.7 > 12.0, This is by a VERY BIG margin the best AA in the game, period. Against an expperienced Pantsir player, multiple air vehicles or extreme strategy and caution must be taken by pilots to have a chance at taking it out. Not to mention if said plane gets into a dogfight, GG.

Air RB & Sim:
Belgian F-16A, F-15, Flanker, Gripen, AV-8B+ > 13.3, reason: Excellent IRCCM missiles, large number of such missiles including best Fox 1 (flanker), ARH missiles (AV-B+)… In a downtier these planes clown on 12.0 planes
F-16C/Barak II, F-15 MSIP/J(M), Gripen C, J-10, Mirage 2000-5F > 14.0, reason: excellent flight models and large number of excellent missiles and/or countermeasures… In a downtier planes without Fox 3 and not as good flight models struggle, example F-20, and the upcoming F-14A due to poor airframe and low countermeasures. Plus allows for more decompression and separation for my previous recommendations, which every person who has reached top tier has been screaming for for years, great job recently, but more needs to happen in my opinion.
A-10C > 12.0, reason: HMD IFF, Aim 9M slaved to HMD… There are planes at 10.3 without flares, let alone against a missile designed to COUNTER flares. Planes that do have flares must expend a HUGE chunk to possibly dodge the missile. Strike planes should not create no-fly zones, they are not air to air planes.


Vehicle: J2M2 model 11
Gamemode: Air RB
BR Change: 5.0 ----> 5.7
Reason: It actually performs better in BnZ than J2M5… And usual J2M thing----- outrageous climb rate, great firepower, overwhelming maneuverability.

Air RB. Su-25SM3. 12.3 > 11.7. When you guys updated to game to allow difference in BR between ground and air, you guys still have some planes especially at jet tier being higher than their predecessor for no reason. This is one of them. In terms of AIR RB, the plane is straight up worse than the Su-25T. It has 2 less air to air missiles. It has no passive IRCM (which make the Su-25T invincible against IR since you can’t launch from the rear while frontal launches against any player with eyes will be countered by flares). Please make it the same BR as the Su-25T as a sidegrade.


lmfao no fuck off, just because you have your stupid overpowered tank does not mean 7.7s should have to get regularly farmed by it

KF41 should stay at 10,7 and eventually move to 11,0 next BR changes. Problem of this vehicle is that it doesnt have a lineup (im not uptiering my 10,3 because of 1 vehicle) and at 11,3, it sucks. Just give this a try please.


Imagine how bad that would be with a 25mm bushmaster cannon at the same BR

You mean the one that blocks half your frontal depression angles?

why is the T-129 going up in BR? its already pretty bad at its current BR
however if it got an actual RWR as it did in real life i wouldnt be complaining now. it used to have one in the past im sure too

Vehicle: Su-27
Gamemode: Air RB
BR Change: 13.0 ----> 13.3
Reason: 6x R-27ER’s with PD and TWS radar + 4x R-73 with thrust vectoring alongside HMD is way too strong for that BR. Even the F-15A at that BR have much inferior and only 4x Sparrows but has no TWS for easy target selection and has 4x 9M’s but without HDM, making in less effective in dogfights. Su-27 does have inferior flight model but the R-73’s somewhat counter that, if additional buff is needed then it should be towards it’s flight model not BR.


Air realistic, F8U-2. 10.0 > 10.3
Basically a slightly worse F-8E that currenlty dunks on 9.0 subsonic aircraft and flareless supersonic 9.3s while being able outrun them (excluding F-104 A and C) and flaring what little early missiles they have.