Update Battle Ratings Implemented

Battle Ratings

Ground Vehicles

  • FlaRakRad — engine and transmission parameters have been changed:
    • RPM has been changed from 2100 to 2300. Idle revs have been reduced from 900 to 600.
    • Gear ratios and number of gears have been completely changed. Climbing ability has been significantly improved.
    • The number of forward gears has been changed from 5 to 16. The maximum speed has been reduced from 101 km/h to 90 km/h (RB and SB).
    • The number of reverse gears (2) has been retained. The reverse speed has been reduced from 36 km/h to 6.9 km/h (RB and SB).


  • A bug where it was not possible to change the scale and rotation for some stock camouflages has been fixed. For example, the IS-7 “Tricolor Summer Camouflage”. (Report).
  • A bug that could cause the game to crash after a long period of time when selecting a ground vehicle with an Active Protection System in the hangar has been fixed.

Patch notes reflect only key changes, meaning they may not include a complete list of all improvements made. Additionally, War Thunder is constantly being updated and some changes may not require an update. Changes reflected in patch notes are formed by taking reactions and requests of the community from the bug reporting service, forums and other official platforms into account. Bug fixes and changes are implemented in order of importance, for example a game-breaking bug will be worked on and implemented sooner.



Just as your camo was fixed and made beautiful, you were rendered completely pointless by having M1A1 HC, Click-Bait and M1A2 at the same BR as you with a significantly better shell…

Because “according to statistics”, you don’t deserve your historical shell to be on par with your same-BR peers. Guess I’ll have to replace it with HC, then.

Also, RIP Challenger 3 (TD), too.

The pinnacle of the British tree which has worse turret armor, less spall liners, less HP (even if just 17) because of a unit conversion fail that was reported yet ignored months ago, and an instant-death ammorack behind the mantlet… and it couldn’t even get the same reload as the rest of the tanks on its family in order to remain at least minimally relevant. As if just higher pen made up for all of those downsides…

I also can’t see why Leopard 2PL couldn’t get DM53. Compare it to other 11.7s and the 12.0s which are just 0.3 BRs apart…

Shame to see absolutely zero Naval decompression, too, after such a long time… also sad to see that Ground Top Tier is still as compressed as ever; a 0.3 expansion at 9.0 didn’t really do anything to address the Top Tier issues. The differences in capabilities between many 11.7s and 12.0s is still enormous, and even among 12.0s themselves as well…

Welp, trying to be positive and focusing on the good- the Ariete reload buff is welcome (shouldn’t have gone up in BR anyway), and I am looking forward to the new 5 second reload Merkava Mk.4s! Even though they most definitely should still not be the same BR as the 2A7s or the 122s.

Edit: ok, I may have come off as overlt bitter over the last day on this thread… here I explain a bit why:


I’ve still a problem with Leclercs and most of chinese top MBTs being moved up.
The Lecs need to be thrown a bone in some way while the VT-4A and ZTZ-99A, even after rework, are still gimped. Don’t commit another crime like with the Q-5L again please


Bearcat at 4.7 is so peabrained


Why the A-129(P) is 11.0 in game.
isn’t it 10.7 in docs ?


I mean, after the radials were reworked and cook like mad the only people that will abuse the plane will be the ones that use MEC.
Still, your point stands


Why Mirage F1C, F1CT, F1C-200’s br so high?
In ARB they should go 11.7, GRB 11.0 or lower.


They’d be waaaay better if they moved them to 11.0/11.3 and removed their Magic 2s. Well except maybe the F1CT since that one is “supposed” to be a modernized model

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The Rooikat 105 being moved to 9.7 from 9.3 because it has a machine gun compared to the MTTD is pathetic and stupid. Britain doesnt have ANY other ground vehicles at 9.7, you literally have 2/3 planes. What is the point in this? Where is the logic in this? Its infuriating that you give Britain half baked vehicles at ridiculous BRs.

The Stormer AD at 10 means england STILL has no decent AA going into 9.3 onwards. Its just becoming a joke at this point tbh.


nice amx a-1a ghibli still 11.3 arb… slow, 2 missile 45g not have irccm easy to flare,cant bomb base because other fast jet will bomb base, and suffer :) thanks


Smoke grenades are not a machine gun.
Rooikat 105 is objectively superior to Rooikat MTTD.

As for the BR changes; I’m more satisfied than dissatisfied. There’s a number of things to be dissatisfied of course.


Another round of rushed br changes that ignore most of the feedback given.
Congratulation Gaijin


Also typical gaijin to focus majorly on cold war/modern era while only tweaking a few WW2 era vehicles (for the worst) italian and Japanese planes are horridly overtiered and people have complained about that for years, but gaijin doesn’t care.


Somehow Merkava 4s are now the same BR as a 2A7V. WHAT A TIME TO BE ALIVE!


You don’t know feedback was ignored.
Inaction =/= ignored.

Always have been.

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You know, now they reload faster.

That makes it balanced for them to be the same BR as faster and smaller tanks with twice and thrice the armor effectiveness and coated in spall liners, even though they are the size of a skyscraper while having an armor incapable of withstanding any kinetic threat anywhere on the vehicles.

That being said, Arietes are just 0.3 BRs below, so heh.

Compression at Top Tier is so extreme, and this BR update did nothing to address it. The 0.3 “decompression” (lol) only affected the 9.0 range. Nothing changed for 10.7+.


The Type 69IIa need to get the APFSDS and needs to go to 8.7 (rank6) aswell

Can you fix this issue? The hit box of the 99A turret has a vulnerability. All relevant reports were rejected without any reason.
turret NERA here has a thickness of approximately 650mm. But in the game, there is only 360mmKE here. And it also includes ERA calculation. If we remove the 250mmKE caused by ERA. Only 100mm remains.
650mm only 100KE? This is absurd.
please help me.




Please stop making things up. CMs checked +3000 posts and pass feedback to dev team. Fact, that not all changes you liked were implemented doesn’t mean we ignored it.


Ignore: refuse to take notice of or acknowledge; disregard intentionally.
I have replied to your post, i haven’t ignored you,
if I hadn’t answered you I would have ignored you

Gaijin have Indeed ignored anything we have said to them