

  • Now, wings don’t tear off instantly after reaching the maximum allowed overload, but rather after it has been exceeded for some time. Damage not does not accumulate during the flight and is reset when normal overloads are reached.
  • A bug with the disabled “Constant elevation of radar antenna” setting that caused the required antenna elevation angle to change when the aircraft’s nose was raised/lowered beyond the radar gimbal limits has been fixed. Now, if the player did not move the antenna in elevation themselves, as soon as the aircraft’s orientation allows it, the antenna will return to its previous required position relative to the horizon. (Report).
  • Target markers in TWS mode or in the single target track mode are no longer restricted by radar antenna gimbal limits (in the memory tracking mode) so missiles with a datalink will receive mid-course updates for correct extrapolated target position even if it is outside of these limits. At the same time, illuminating a target outside the antenna gimbal limits is still impossible at medium to long ranges greater than 5 km.
  • A bug where the activation of the “Sight Stabilization” and “Activate target point” functions disrupted radar target tracking in the TWS mode has been fixed.
  • A bug where the radar in TWS tracking mode might spontaneously switch the selected target when some other target disappeared from the radar screen has been fixed. (Report).
  • The operating range of the optical target tracker in aircraft no longer decreases when switching to 3rd person view. (Report).
  • In Simulator Battles, RWR will now detect all radars and ARH with overlapping frequency ranges, regardless of the type of signal, as in Realistic Battles. For example, SPO-10 previously could not detect radiation in PD modes, but now can. The Friend or Foe (IFF) function will also work for RWRs capable of identifying exact radars, which means the detected radiation from allies will not be shown on the indicator of affected RWRs.
  • Su-25SM3 — a bug that caused the frame showing the seeker gimbal limits of the Kh-38ML missile to appear only when rolling has been fixed. (Report).
  • Su-25T, Su-39 — a bug that caused the weight of the Mercury targeting pod to display in pounds has been fixed. (Report).
  • F-16A (France) — a bug where the PIDS pylons were incorrectly displayed has been fixed. (Report). Ballistic computers for missiles and bombs have been added.
  • F-16AM (France) — a bug that caused the AIM-120 missile to clip through the left inner pylon has been fixed. (Report). A bug that caused the 500 lb bomb to be missing visually on the right wing has been fixed. (Report). Ballistic computers for missiles and bombs have been added.
  • AV-8B Plus — the ability to display RWR information has been added to the left MFD in the cockpit. (Report).
  • F-5E — a bug that caused the drop tanks to constantly be displayed in X-ray mode has been fixed. (Report).
  • Hunter F.6 (France) — a bug that made it impossible to make a combined weapon preset with a drop tank and AIM-9B missiles has been fixed. (Report).
  • Bf 109 F-4 — a bug that caused the additional MG 151 wing cannons to display in X-ray mode when using 4 x SC50 bombs has been fixed. (Report).
  • Mirage F1CT — the number of countermeasures in the underwing pods have been increased. (Report).
  • MiG-29SMT — a bug where the countermeasures in the pods under the rudders were not counted as high caliber has been fixed. (Report).
  • Nesher, Kfir Canard, Shahak — a bug where the drop tank dropped instantly to the ground has been fixed. (Report).
  • Tornado IDS ASSTA1, Tornado IDS MFG, Tornado GR.1, Tornado IDS WTD61, Tornado IDS (1995), AJ37, AJS37 — BOZ countermeasure pods have received additional chaff.
  • Tu-2 (all variants) — a bug where it was not possible to create custom camouflages has been fixed. (Report).

Ground Vehicles

  • Pantsir-S1, Tor-M1 — a bug that caused the radar in tracking mode to spontaneously switch the selected target, for example, when one of the targets disappeared from the radar’s visibility range or when the target uses a missile or bomb has been fixed. (Report).
  • Pantsir-S1 — a bug that caused the tracking radar to search for additional targets only in the narrow sector around the tracked target has been fixed. Now the search for additional targets is conducted across all of the operational sectors of the tracking radar. (Report).
  • Pantsir-S1 — a bug that caused the radar tracking frame to spontaneously move away from the target has been fixed. (Report).
  • A bug where turning the engine off in a test drive using the Realistic Battles mode and leaving the battery to drain caused the drained state of the battery to appear in Arcade Battles afterwards for all vehicles has been fixed.
  • ZSU-23-4M4 — a bug that caused the inability to replenish missiles in Arcade battles has been fixed. (Report).
  • Tiger II (P) — incorrect ammo loading order and amount has been fixed. (Report).
  • A bug where selecting a machine gun prevented the driver’s NVG from working has been fixed. (Report).
  • A bug that caused a message to display saying that the control system was broken and required repair when the battery charge was depleted in sniper scope has been fixed.

Naval Vessels

  • Vautour — the fuse sensitivity on the 75 mm OPF Mle 1917 SAP shell has been changed and a delay has been added. (Report).
  • HMS Queen Mary — incorrect description of the torpedoes in X-ray mode have been corrected. (Report).
  • Leopard, Luchs — incorrect description of the anti-aircraft weapons in X-ray mode have been corrected. (Report).
  • Syonan — the displayed amount of 120 mm gun ammunition in X-ray mode has been corrected. (Report).
  • IJN Kuma — the maximum speed of the ship has been increased from 61 km/h to 62 km/h. (Report). Displacement has been increased from 6970 tonnes to 7104 tonnes. (Report).


  • Performance degradation when using chaff has been fixed.
  • A bug that caused ejection seats to remain floating in the air during the second and subsequent ejections in the same session has been fixed.

Game Mechanics

  • The maximum range for setting target designation markers for squadmates has been increased: for naval vessels, helicopters, reconnaissance UAVs and scout hydroplanes, the range has been increased to 30 km, and for aircraft and attack UAVs to 50 km. For ground vehicles, the range remains the same at 10 km.
  • In Ground Realistic battles, the spawn point cost of AAMs now depends only on the seeker type and does not take the combined mass of missiles into account. ARH missiles now cost 37% of the carrier cost, other types of AAMs cost 10%.
  • In Ground Realistic battles, the spawn point cost of guided bombs is now calculated separately from the unguided ones. The minimal increase in spawn points cost now depends on the combined mass of equipped guided bombs: with a mass of 500 kg and less the increase is 20% of the carrying aircraft cost, with a mass of 2000 kg and more the increase is 40%, with a mass from 500 to 2000 kg the increase is calculated linearly from 20% to 40%.


  • Background images for the daily reward window have been updated.
  • The ability to change the order of crews in the hangar by dragging them with the cursor has been added. To do this, simply drag the crewslot by the crew information block.
  • The window for placing vehicles into a crew slot has been changed:
    • The size of the block with crew information under a crew slot has been increased, since this information is more important in this window.
    • The flag of the current country has been removed.
    • The block with backups above the vehicle has been removed.
    • The background under the crew slots has been made darker so that the slots stand out better.
    • The legend block (vehicle name and qualification status) has been moved above the crew slots bar.
    • The cost of placing a vehicle into a crew slot during drag and drop has been moved under the slot bar, where the buttons are located when placing a vehicle into a slot normally.
  • The logic for notifying the player about the opportunity to upgrade crew skills has been changed. Now the notification will only appear if the player can upgrade the most expensive available skill by half a bar.
  • The reset of a selected spawn point when clicking on the map in the spawn window has been removed.
  • In battle in the spawn window, the style of the “Battle” button for vehicles that use a backup for respawning has been changed.
  • The player ground vehicle destruction replay no longer shows the incoming shot and the entire trajectory of the shell. Now, after losing a vehicle, the player only sees their destroyed vehicle and the hit that led to its loss.
  • The camera in the player vehicle destruction replay is now directed towards the player’s lost vehicle.
  • In the spawn window, the color of the crew information (crew position number and crew level) has been made more transparent and less bright.
  • It is now possible to drag a vehicle from the research window to a crew slot even if that vehicle is already in a crew slot. A message describing that the vehicle is already in a crew slot and that it can be moved or removed will appear when doing this.
  • A bug where the crew index was not displayed in the window for placing vehicles into an available crewslot has been fixed.
  • A bug where the backup icon was not shown in the spawn window on the battle button if the player activated a universal backup and cancelled the respawn has been fixed.
  • A bug where there was no button for collapsing the action panel in battle for aircraft if the only action in the slotbar was the visual selector of secondary weapons has been fixed.
  • A bug that caused the list of secondary weapons to go beyond the screen size when making a preset in the Secondary weapons menu has been fixed.
  • A bug where it was impossible to move the camera while spectating after being destroyed in a plane or helicopter as the last vehicle has been fixed.
  • A bug where it was not possible to press on the remove vehicle from crew slot button on a controller has been fixed.
  • In replays in Sensor view mode, the display range of markers has been increased to 100 km. Marker detail ranges have also been increased.
  • A hint has been added when trying to launch an ATGM or AGM outside of the launch zone on aircraft.


  • Carpathians — a bug that caused some bushes to keep reappearing after falling has been fixed. (Report).
  • In air conquest missions, the spawn height for aircraft has been increased, taking into account the mission landscape.

Appearance and Achievements

  • The Brown camouflage for modern German vehicles is now automatically selected only for urban locations. Only the Tricolor desert camouflage will remain tied to desert locations.

Patch notes reflect only key changes, meaning they may not include a complete list of all improvements made. Additionally, War Thunder is constantly being updated and some changes may not require an update. Changes reflected in patch notes are formed by taking reactions and requests of the community from the bug reporting service, forums and other official platforms into account. Bug fixes and changes are implemented in order of importance, for example a game-breaking bug will be worked on and implemented sooner.

  • In Simulator Battles, RWR will now detect all radars and ARH with overlapping frequency ranges, regardless of the type of signal, as in Realistic Battles. For example, SPO-10 previously could not detect radiation in PD modes, but now can. The Friend or Foe (IFF) function will also work for RWRs capable of identifying exact radars, which means the detected radiation from allies will not be shown on the indicator of affected RWRs.

PLEASE REVERT THIS. This is not AT ALL realistic or the type of simplification we need in SIM.

Keep it a SIMULATOR. Don’t turn it into RB with manual controls!!!


Does this mean we will no longer be able to see the enemy’s position…???


“Instead, you’ll still see the fatal hit in detail, and when you’re shown the enemy who destroyed you, the camera will be turned in your direction to make it easier to assess the killer’s position and any mistake that you made.”


At least they haven’t destroyed any more maps


calm the hell down it was proven by a guy that this is possible (if ur talking about the SPO-10)

In Simulator Battles, RWR will now detect all radars and ARH with overlapping frequency ranges, regardless of the type of signal, as in Realistic Battles. For example, SPO-10 previously could not detect radiation in PD modes, but now can. The Friend or Foe (IFF) function will also work for RWRs capable of identifying exact radars, which means the detected radiation from allies will not be shown on the indicator of affected RWRs.

So what’s even the point of having different bands and even introducing that feature anymore if you are going to simplify it, so we are back to 2022 when it comes to complexity of this stuff?
Why is it even being changed? I have not seen anyone complaining about that on forum anywhere and it was fine in that state we had in SB.
If some plane couldn’t compete because of bad avionics then that specific plane’s Battle Rating should be changed and not everything simplified instead.

I am really worried about where is it going now, at this rate we will have missiles with IFF back soon in Simulator Battles like few years ago when there was a bug where IR missiles couldn’t lock on friendly planes.

Well then they should change the SPO-10 only and not simplify everything else.


we’re basically having RB RWR in sim - that’s a big step back in every aspect.


No!!! We’ve been waiting for this since it was added for RB, and it is realistic.

What’s not realistic, is that a real conflict would have Vipers, Fulcrums and Gripens on BOTH sides, making this (realistic) addition even necessary…


Completely agree. Some planes will dominate the skies with no downside due to this change. F-4S at 11.3 top BR and F-14A at 11.7 top BR are some examples.


Also - how would RWR “IFF” tell friendly and enemy F-16s/F-4s/Mig-29s apart?
How their emission differ? They are identical planes having identical radars.

this is just a magic arcade mechanics implemented in sim. It makes no sense and is stupid and unnecessary.



RWR systems cannot and do not perform ANY TYPE of IFF. Where did you get that they do?

There is NO realism in this change. It’s dumbing down the system to cater for players who are unable to deal with the drawbacks and flaws of the RWR systems.

You can keep the simplified mechanics in AB and RB but don’t dumb down SB with arcade mechanics.


Nice. Let’s try again.
So-o-o… Now to protect my team against Su-25SM3 i must pay 647-740 SP. Also you fix-buff Pantsir-S1 which still cost 90 SP and don’t have multiplier from first respawn. Nice. Balanced.


If we claim it’s “Sim” - why do we even have the issue that we have friendly F-16s/F-4s/Mig-29s battling each other?

I wonder what scenario IRL that would be…



…then don’t make it artificially impossible to distinguish between friend and foe by allowing Red and Blue fly the same birds… THAT’s even more unrealistic.

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Ukraine and Russia, for one, have mig-29, su-27, and su-25 and they’re fighting each other right now… as well as mi-8 and mi-24…



fact that it was in game mode that have “realistic” in it’s name does not make it so.

Can you provide documents that prove that changes to PD detection and ability for RWR to tell identical radar apart based on country affiliation are realistic?

I’d be very happy to be proven wrong



how is it “artifically impossible” to perform radar IFF or PID visually??? This is a problem that ACTUALLY happens IRL. RWRs do NOT have that capability IRL.

You’re making a comparison that isn’t at ALL equivalent.


This bit is most certainly not realistic:

RWR will now detect all radars and ARH with overlapping frequency ranges, regardless of the type of signal, as in Realistic Battles. For example, SPO-10 previously could not detect radiation in PD modes, but now can.

The SPO-10 can only detect signals with a PRF of up to 8,000 Hz maximum. HPRF PD radars operate at a PRF of over 300,000 Hz, so there’s no way the SPO-10 could ever hope to detect them in real life.


Seems like hmd doesnt work for the beginning of the battle, except in the cockpit