BAe Sea Harrier - Technical data and discussion

TBF, the mig 21 was a no go in any kind of uptier due to the radar being unable to pick up most radars, may have been a bug tbh, but i know now that im going to be stomping in it in the 10.0-11.0 match up. Its going to be fun for me at least i guess…

They fixed that though. They made it so that all RWRs could detect all airbourne frequencies because the soviets compained too much about the fact the SPO-10 couldnt detect PD locks

You sure, the f104s rwr cant pick up mig 23 radar pings. I literaly saw an r24r being shot frontally at me and my rwr couldn’t pick it up at all, may have to go bug report that then, although im not sure i know all the procedures for it to be bothered…

Not picking it up was extremely annoying however you could just not play when it was in a bad bracket, like how everyone else does. Im not going to fly my tornado in sim unless its the best thing at the br, why would i make myself suffer lol.

Sure it wasnt an R-24T?

But fairly certian. Or maybe they made it so that soviet RWRs could detect all frequencies but didnt give that buff to anyone else.

I remember being pissed (still am) that Pantsir cant be detected by most RWRs

No, it was an r24r as i died to it. he shot it 6km out and i couldnt really notch in time. i managed to get 90 degrees from it but that close theres nothing you can really do, or anything i know how to do at least.

I still think its bullshit they added the pantsir when the TOR was performing perfectly well, and how they still haven’t given them the TOR, maybe they will now to fill the 11.7 spaa gap that the soviets have now, cant be having that.

Then Id keep an eye out for that again and submit a bug report. Im 99% certain they made it so that, if nothing else, SPO-10 could detect all radars

Yep defo bug report it

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So. As they ONLY balance via player stats. Anyone wnat to join me in Sim in the Sea Harrier FRS1 (SQV) and everytime we see a Mig-23MLD we just let them kill us. FRS1s stats go down. Mig-23MLD stats go up and in 3 months time. Maybe they’ll fix their mistake?


If you want to know how useless F4s are against MiG 23s watch Donutwithmustache’s video on the MiG 23 and F4:
here’s a channel link

Realism only suits sometimes…I know they adjusted the FM of the 23, I haven’t seen much of them to me it still has the R-24 which is a free kill at the BR bracket and 4 R60M (MK) are one of the few all aspect missiles at that BR mounted to a supersonic platform.

From what I know. The Mig-23 can still turn fight most things, but now you have to manually control the wing sweep rather than leaving it in auto. So it just takes more skill to fly but still good enough. Can easily beat an FGR2 in a turn fight for example (especially as the Mig-23MLD has the advantage of all-aspects seekers)

and yes R-24Rs are still the best SARH at that BR

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FGR-2 is a bus compared to the 23. That’s before you add the gun pod and the 8 missiles.

Yeah, FGR2 could barely fight Mig-23ML. Let alone MLD. Usually only if the soviet pilots were really bad. If encounter one with a brain cell. Good luck. There was reason they were 0.3 higher. Your only advantage was 2x more SARH and a slightly better PD radar. (the FGR2 is slower than the MLD)

Oh yes the FGR-2 fabled huge high trust low altitude engines and you cannot outrun anyone.
I cant bring myself to play the FGR-2 again…It was too much pain for too long

Yeah. i basically only play it during events because it farms botters easily. But yeah. Its such a boring and low powered aircraft these days. its not fun. Too many QoL features in other aircraft. Just wish the Sea Harrier had basic things ,like a usable HUD

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Which F-104 and what RWR? some of them can’t detect the J band of the S-23.

F104s, it kept happening which i thought was strang. It sometimes picks up but other times its completely silent while not even in the rwr dead zones… Its not game breaking as i can see the diamond coming half the time so i have a chance to notch but its just a little annoying not knowing if its an r24r or t coming towards you.

In Sim, they made it so that that doesnt matter

Does anyone know if they ever mounted SARH missiles to the fa2 or its prototypes? I just think having a sea harrier with skyflashes at like 11.7-12.0 would make for an incredibly fun jet to fly. I love bvr combat but what britain gets isnt at “fun” brs, for me at least. I love my tornado but sometimes i dont want to be able to face 13.0 (and now 12.7 due to the f16s…).

Already tried looking and nothing but a baron wasteland

Its a real shame we dont have anything with decent bvr capabilities at a br lower than 11.7… i would give anything for a skyflash armed harrier… Although i really doubt they wouldnt have at least tested the skyflash if the radar could guide it, Its what test pilots are for. Testing the strange and stupid ideas of the ground crew just in case they have any bright ideas.