Unfai̇r si̇mulati̇on battle

The OP will just repeat the content of his previous comments. Save your time and just accept that this thread has reached it’s endpoint.

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lmao learn to fly

I demand trial by combat!
If the P-51 D30 is so good as you mentioned get in on your P-51 D30 and duel me in Bf 109 G6, G10 G14 or whatever you want!
Kill me once in P-51 as I am in the 109 to prove that P-51 D30 is superior to Bf 109’s :)


Like I taught you?

Allies supporters gathered again.

Let’s explain it again to our understanding-impaired foot-loving friend.

First of all, there is not only d30 in the game. Corsair series f4u4 and 4b and griffons are also included in this incident. THEIR PRODUCTION DATE IS CLEAR. EXCEPT FOR THE D30, MOST AIRCRAFT DATE UP TO THE 46 47 48 50’S. DO NOT REDUCE THE VAINED CONVERSATION TO THE D30 PLANE. I say again, if P51 notices his enemy and dives, he can easily eliminate the danger with his sudden maneuver due to K4’s locked tail. and because he is fast, he widens the gap. k4 looks after you like a jackal on a road runner.

A professional who uses a p51 would never use his plane just like a spitfire. It fires its salvo and opens the gap with its high speed and mixed climb rate. The moment k4 turns and tries to catch him, he falls into the trap. If p51 personalizes the situation and gets stuck in the tail, then it may lose the fight. If the other side makes good evasive moves.

Here I clearly sense the fear of losing the unfair advantage they have.

Let game makers keep doing this. Whenever I play the game, at high levels, bombers usually play to make money. Frankly, they know. And these loser friends can occasionally hunt amateurs who enter the game and be happy. They can experience orgasm.

But you won’t be able to go beyond personalizing the event. Frankly, I don’t care about the graphics you showed. We have explained many times that it does not work in practice.

Guys… he’s level 88. Has a K/D of 0,6 and almost has 22d in a fighter cockpit. Let’s just leave him to his delusions and move on. Some people have to learn the hard way.

Plus: He clearly does not want to learn, but rather vent his frustrations and ignore all evidence against his opinion based on the aforementioned “experience”. No matter how well you may explain it (which you have btw), he will not believe it.


There is no such thing as disappointment.

There is a huge injustice out there. I think this is the same in other game modes. The situation of the tanks against the helicopters is truly deplorable. At least the people there are equivalent to each other.

The introduction of the EBR 1951, designed to serve in a different field against the Panzer4, is a comedy in itself.

These kids don’t actually read what I write. Maybe when these friends went to kindergarten, I was playing this game with a different account. The proof of this is the old Battle of Britain event, the new addition of trees and the monster called yak3p having the same br as 109g2. Older players will probably know.

Also, believe it or not, I often quit the game without landing the planes because I got bored.

If the producers fall for the words of a few brats and fail to see the injustice, then the situation is not good.

Do you actually know the production date of the P-51 D-30?

The P-51 D-30 was produced in 1945, and the D-30 was not quantifiably different than earlier production blocks. The addition dorsal fin in front of the vertical stabilizer was added with the D-20 block. The only other change was adding a metal elevator starting in February 1945. Both of these modifications would also be retrofitted on previous D blocks.

The performance advantage of the P-51 D-30 over the other P-51s is due to the fact that it is running on 75" of manifold pressure. This is a change that was approved in March of 1944 and was used operationally in Europe.

The Bf.109 K-4 did not even enter service until October 1944…5 months after the higher manifold pressure ratings and high octane fuel was approved for use in Allied fighters. The Bf.109 K-4 would not even be approved to run it’s in-game engine setting of 1.98 ATA until February/March 1945…almost a full year after the Mustang was approved to run at the higher engine settings.

The same can be said of the Bf.109 G-14 which didn’t enter service until after D-Day.

The 75 inches manifold pressure P-51 is 100% historically contemporary to the late model Bf.109s. In fact what the US tech tree is missing is a late model P-38 that is running 2000hp per engine instead of the 1550hp that it has in game.

A P-51B with 75 inches manifold pressure would curb stomp the Bf.109 K-4 in basically every performance metric while having a very similar climb rate.

The same thing can be said about the Griffon powered Spitfire variants; they were using 150 octane and 25lb boost settings in 1944 in order to chase V1 Buzz Bombs; the Mk 14 variant that we have in game instead runs its lowest manifold pressure setting instead.


P51 D20 / D30 | II. Dünya Savaşı Uçağı - WW2Aircraft.net Forum

Look, on this page it is mentioned that the d30 entered service in mid-1945. that is, the date of its passing into the hands of the armies.

Guys say that the d30 series does not even go to war.

In short, the main rival of k4 is the d20 25 series.

I may have exaggerated about dogfighting, but a professional pilot using the P51 will not lose his energy in a dogfight with the BF109 series. does not take risks. He hits and runs away. However, it is still a very good aircraft with good turning performance and energy retention. It is the only plane made of other wood that I have ever enjoyed playing with.

In fact, it should face models above k4 against the d30. like k6, k14.

Although the Griffon and MK 18 Spitfire series are always equivalent to the K4, they are at the same level as the G10 and 14. It’s like joke after joke.

God knows when other countries’ planes entered service. It’s hard not to go crazy.

I wish POST-WAR PLANES success against the bombers. No sane person would play fighter against such unfair competition. Even though it’s not playing, there are usually bombers on the axis every time I enter.

Note: This Lf series is an exception, I don’t know why they added it. The monster you know. It’s not a problem, depending on the period in which it was produced, it can be defeated somehow, we defeat it, because it is slow. But still, I think it’s unfair.

Simulated battles need to undergo separate evaluation and regulation. Equivalent games are not really playable. I believe that if it is handled, it will be unrivaled in its field.

I am pretty sure that wasn’t a production model,

The P-38K-1-LO was considered with 2 Merlin engines which would’ve indeed been quite powerful. And it should be the variant you are talking about. But it was never built not even a prototype. The original 1850HP P-38K-1-LO is the one in game. But that was one off, it also used the P-38g airframe, so it does have it’s drawbacks.

Besides that it is weird that some people treat the late war setting G-10 as of it is the introduction version.

None of the planes listed in the report are one-off prototypes.

The use of 150 octane fuel and higher manifold pressure settings is historically accurate.

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The D-30 production block deliveries started before the end of the war.

There would be no performance difference between a P-51D-5, P-51 D-20, or P-51 D-30 if they were all running the 75 inches of manifold pressure setting.

You didn’t exaggerate. You outright lied.

Any good player in EC is going to be heavily focused on hit and run tactics. Up-tiering it means that it can no longer has a strength to play to because it no longer has a speed advantage over contemporary Bf.109s.

K-6 and K-14 were never anything more than drawings or prototypes. And they would have performance that is inferior to the K-4 that we already have in game.

The Mk.14 Spitfire entered service in January of 1944 and is running the lowest engine settings possible. That is 6 months prior to Bf.109 G-14 entering service, 8 months prior to the K-4 entering service, and over a full year prior the to K-4 being authorized to use it’s in-game settings.

Any post D-Day Griffon Spitfire would be running 21lb/in of boost if Gaijin was concerned with keeping the game historically accurate. The only problem is that if the Griffon was given its historical engine setting it would very well stomp the opposition.

For reference the only Griffon Spitfire that we have in game that runs the 21 lb/in boost is the Mk.24 and that is all the way at 6.7 BR.

Ah i missed the page before, stating the Type of P-38 and the engine used.

I misreqd your post, when you stated a “late P-38” i thought you were talking about a different plane or a kodufication. But what you meant was the P38 receiving 150 octane fuel in late war. So the plane remains identical but can run at a higher manifold pressure.

It’s a weird naming convention but i guess gaijin uses the same one.

p47 d28 is also an aircraft that entered service in 1944. but its br is 4.3.

An incredible aircraft in skillful hands. Some of my friends may think that other people are like them and that they will personalize the incident and reduce it to a dogfight. However, this aircraft is an assertive vehicle even at low speeds. Not to mention high speeds, they have incredible maneuverability at high speeds due to both the g suit and the structure of the aircraft. I guess the fight against Japanese planes was effective in this.

The BR of this vehicle needs to be increased.

The producers have officially designed the game specifically for German planes to fight against planes with higher performance. This thing is starting to get boring now.

Germany is always paired with Italy in props.

The Italian P-47 D-30 is at BR 3.7 while being slightly better than the P-47 D-28.

I’m just talking about the American tree.

If d30 is 4.7 as you said, it’s still a problem. It should be at least 5-5.3 or even 5.7.

Of course you are only talking about the American tech tree because it seems to be the only thing that you have any semblance of awareness of.

The P-47 D-30, the one that is in the Italian tech tree, the one that is a P-47M airframe with a D-28 motor, is at 3.7 BR. It is two BR increments below the American counterpart. The Chinese D-30 is also at 3.7 BR.

Both of these planes are matched with the Axis side and and better than the 3.7BR American counterparts in every possible way.

Germany also has its own 3.7 P-47 that is equal to the US one.

Japan has a premium P-51C that is identical to the American one. That is in addition to the strongest 3.7 BR plane in the entire game; the J2M2.

Your idea that the game is somehow deliberately balanced in America’s favor is just a delusion.

I’m telling you what I see. Some cunning players are already taking advantage of the situation because they have found these vulnerabilities. Of course, what is 4.3 in America should not be 4 or 3.7 in another country.

wow, I wanted to make a point that the german p-47 at least doesnt have bombs (and maybe that’s why it’s 3.7 instead of higher).

Looked at chinese and italian P-47 and was horrified to see that they get full bomb/rocket loads. What the actual f***. That’s messed up af. Those should definitely be at least 4.3

Have a look on the Chinese Sabres^^


OP has never played USA so he doesn’t realize that more often than not the Axis side of the matchmaker has access to the same aircraft that you do.

Something like the P-47s whole niche is being relatively fast. Guess what? The 3.7 US one can’t do that because it fights against significantly better versions.

That’s not mentioning Japan having F4U-1 and P-51C. Or the Chinese tree having P-38L and P-51K.

The F4U-4 is one of the few US planes that isn’t actually duplicated on the Axis side of the matchmaker. Even then I would argue that the Ki-84 is arguably better than the regular F4U-4 in its current state.