It’s been done before for the Italian cl 13. A group of extremely good players got together and worked on increasing the Italian cl 13 simply by boosting its stats. It ended up working as in the next br changes it was moved up to 9.0 or somthing while the German one with the exact same stats stayed in its old br. Makes me wonder what I could do simply by playing my TES over and over again and simply dying in it. Not many people play the beauty due to it being an extra couple tons of usless due to gaijins inability to read a fucking manual on how stanag protection levels are taken.
That’s why I gotta get some new players to try out Japan Air. Maybe then I won’t see every good plane get uptiered to shit.
I wasn’t around back when the CL13 thing happened, but it’s still pretty funny.
T2 a good fun with the 9ps. F1 kinda a mixed back due to lack of flares, never touched the f104. F4 ej is shit but the ej Kai is actually quite good for a 11.7 phantom due to the 7fs which are fucking amazing coming from the lack lustre skyflashes.
Eh, even the T-2 is kinda mid. It’s not bad, but not my first pick for 9.7. Very fun in sim though, can really get your money’s worth outta that radar - same with the F-1.
104J works pretty well there too. The EJ is just shit in any gamemode. The EJ Kai is great until you get past the merge.
F-1 would be much better if it actually got it’s guided bombs. Would be a very respectable attacker.
My god, how have I never taken them into sim before…. But the t 2 I find is a lot of fun, only problem is little shits in the f5c ruining 9.3 to 10.3 since its addition.
Give it a try, that radar is phenomenal for 9.7. It’s the same as on the F-4J.
You get a PDV search mode, not really useful.
Regular search modes give you the option to search a VERY wide area, and the ground clutter filtering is decent. You can find and track someone from very far away and RWRs aren’t that common at 9.7 either, especially not ones that’ll tell them where you’re coming from.
Honestly one of the most fun planes I’ve ever flown in sim.
Does anyone have the reason why the belt was nerfed? IIRC the original values were correct, so I don’t see the reason as to why they were changed. Also, I think the tracer rounds should be removed or have the option to be removed.
Gaijin like using a formula over given values from documents so they will ignore the pen values over the mass, length and width of the round combined with velocity. For the most part it’s ok at best but it’s kinda retarded as they use it for everything despite the formula specifically mentioning not to use it for specific rounds as it’s not accurate for them. One example is Russian aphe rounds where they are given ridiculous angled performance better than some apfsds rounds because of this. They will refuse to fix this as it would be a lot of work for them.
A lot of work? Or a lot of problems because it fixing the formula means subsequently nerfing Russian rounds (and buffing some non-Russian rounds)
The 25 mm and GAU-8 30 mm HVAP is classified as APCR DU in game even though the stat card doesn’t show it. Both have better slope modifiers than normal APCR, but reach lower flat penetration values to compensate.
Tungsten heavy alloy core APDS (105 mm M728, slpprj m/66 and 120 mm L15) are modelled specifically so they don’t lose additional penetration when going through multiple plates of armor, unlike earlier APDS rounds which have a tungsten carbide core.
I see. This is the first time I’ve heard of “APCR DU”. Thank you for the information.
I didn’t use the Chieftains yet, but I’ve used the M60 TTS in the Chinese tree with M728 - and I thought the performance of that APDS was very good. It makes sense that it’s got the same model as the Chieftains - which I know for a fact have an APFSDS-esque APDS shell confirmed by screenshots I’ve seen and a friend who plays the Chieftains telling me about it.
L15 APDS is basically M728. But bigger.
Exactly the same slope effect, but with more flat penetration.
The same thing applies to the LAV’s 25 mm APCR.
Could you explain what you mean by apfsds effect? Do you mean the sloped angle modifiers the apds gets as yes that can be considered apfsds like. However the bugs plaguing apds rounds still apply to the L15 just as much as it does for every other apds round in game. Any stacking of plates will nullify any damage the round does, loves to shatter at strange angles or simply create no spall. The only thing I’ll say about L15 is that it can do a lot of damage for an apds round.
Did your suggestion about adding the scouting ability for the LAV-AD get approved? Looked for it but haven’t seen it. Would like to support it and see scouting added to the LAV-AD.
I have never had any suggestion I have submitted approved. There is no notification when it isn’t approved or explanation. It’s why I always create discussion threads first rather than bothering trying to use the suggestion section.
Personally the over abundance of the russian premium is great because of how bad most premium players are. I can’t count the number of times I have had a russian T-80UD pull out from around a building with his side towards me. I can’t count the number of times I see a Turms or UD camping on top of a hill in the wide open. They are great tanks it’s just no one that drives them seems to have brains. And frankly I’d take either 10.0 line up. People try to play russian tanks using NATO play style. No wonder they seem bad. If they’d use the tanks at what their good at they’d be fine. That being said. Pretty much everyone that plays russian tanks says american tanks are better and vice versa. However for the people that play both tech trees they seem 50/50 about which is better
How do you sleep at night telling such blatant falsehoods?
Yeah, and we’re tired of flagrantly dishonest people like you running defense for Gaijin’s poor decisions that only prove that Russian Bias does in fact exist. How bout you pull those red-tinted blinders off for once and look at the entire picture?