Yeah, repeatedly bringing up my stats and mentioning how bad of a player I am is just how you normally make points I guess?
I don’t agree it should be that high.
They have no idea what they are talking about tbh:
Yeah, repeatedly bringing up my stats and mentioning how bad of a player I am is just how you normally make points I guess?
I don’t agree it should be that high.
They have no idea what they are talking about tbh:
Thunder skill could be considered a sample size of not for the fact it has no filter or whatever the technicals name for it is (I’m not looking for my old a level book). Meaning it may or may not have biases so should be used with a grain of salt.
The HSTV-L is considerably better than the 2S38. And the OTOMATIC is a much better SPAA than the 2S38 as it has better proxy with a radar to actually spot aircraft. (And better APFSDS, albeit offset by the amount of APFSDS.)
The HSTV-L is far more survivable than the 2S38, much faster, with an insane gun depression and a tiny profile. While the 2S38 is an instakilled box with no gun depression.
I’m so tired of you people…
Ok, I agree for the most part but the hstvl is far from being more survivable lol. And the otomatic is not a great spaa, maybe against helis but not against the average jet of that br.
I agree, but it’s still much better than looking at individual player cards for KDs.
Also true, I can be very good at times, the rest of the time I’m fucking about with my friend as taking this game too seriously is just not good for your health. Especially with gaijin in control of what’s added or not.
We should judge a vehicle by it’s characteristics, not by the statistics of those who play it.
Trust me - the feeling is mutual. No one is forcing you to post.
Them calling the hstv-l more survivable than the 2s38 is honestly baffling.
You do realize that the Leopard 2A4 (Premium) still has DOUBLE the K/D on thunderskill? With a similar amount of games, played by the same registered users on the website.
They’re both premiums at a similar BR. Yet the 2S38 is somehow claimed to have 11.7 performance (or higher, since one of you said it’s better than the HSTV-L), while the Leopard 2A4 is just fine?
How can you possibly cope your way out of this? I can already imagine a few insane responses, but I just don’t understand how you live with yourself.
You are talking about statistics, that’s the problem
You don’t have the knowledge of talking about statistics,you just eyeball/cherrypick the stats of those who dare to answer to your yammering,and as an extreme act you use a site that has 7% of all WT players without an even distribution to prove your point
If i give you all the data of a certain vehicle,and i show to you that the data is evenly distributed,and ask you to plot them into a graph and point to me the percentiles and the median+distribution, you’ll still be at the first point debating that most of the data is false and the truth stands on your nonsense
This is the exact response:some data might be accurate,some don’t. Therefore,take everything with a grain of salt
I literally top-attacked an HSTV-L with a 40mm HE bofors by shooting 2 meters above him at a wall he was not even facing
Man just stop
You need to be told why an mbt has a higher KD than a light tank/SPAA?
You need to start thinking before you hit send. Or at least try.
Also from an earlier point. Someone used the public sources for the t80 to work out the protection levels the hull should provide. He showed all his workings out btw. Basically gaijin took the line of sight thickness (what the round would go through as it’s angled) and took that as the flat pen of the armour (what it would be if hit perpendicular to the plate). Meaning most of the tanks after the t64 have too much armour on the hull. For one of the t80s it would go from 640 down to 590 or something without era. So it’s not a huge nerf but would allow more rounds to pen that should like m829.
Thunder skill as I said isn’t the best sample to take from. As it may have good players putting in data solely for a specific vehicle but it also may have terrible players. We wouldn’t know this as it is only 7% of the player base which is big enough however due to thunder skill being something you actively join is far from random. Use it but also use it with a pinch of salt.
Thunderskill is not and has never been a reliable source. It only takes data from users who have signed into the site, which is an incredibly minute portion of the playerbase.
I’m pretty sure it’s also a Russian website. It’s not impossible that they lie about numbers.
I doubt that, far too much effort.
Could, but that would take a lot of effort.
Also, I got curious about how truly meaningless thunderskill is, so I looked up some vehicles. All for RB.
Chi-Ri II - 62.6% winrate, 2.8 kills per battle
M48A2 C (german one, 90mm) - 32.4% winrate, .92 kills per battle
Begleitpanzer - 48% winrate, .95 kills per game
Leo 2A4s:
Italian - 64.6% / 3.41
German - 50.8% / 1.6
German - 52.9% / 2.0 (premium)
Sweden - entire country unavailable
Pretty massive difference even within the SAME tank and even in the same nation. Pretty curious as to how the Swedish ones would have compared but thunderskill doesn’t have it at all. Same with Israel.
Challenger 2 TES has a win rate of 48% in 383 battles in rb for the past month. I probably make up about 50 of those games lol.
me on my way to single handedly tank the winrates of some random vehicle to win an argument online
With how low the game counts are for some vehicles this is doable in both ways lol
Remember a few years ago when a squadron was sweating with the Italian Sabre and managed to get it uptiered? Just highlights how flawed GJN’s system is.