Where did I deny that it was? I know it is the best IR SAM in the game, but I was talking a year ago.
Off the top of my head I can think of that one big truck with a CIWS looking thing in the middle, that also has missiles. I forget the name of the vehicle.
I condemn such thing too. And yeah Sweden is the best nation at top tier rn
I basically agree with everything you’ve said.
It’s so tiring because these people are essentially brainwashed.
It doesn’t particularly matter if you make points that breakdown what they say - because they’ll ignore it and probably switch to something else. Literal years of indoctrination. One guy’s name is “GothFemboyHooter” which is already quite telling…
Regardless - as for the actual LAV-AD.
This is simply completely wrong, and it can easily penetrate Russian sides because of their 20mm weakspot. It also, of course, has Hydras. It’s easily the best 10.0 in my opinion. The HVAP on it already acts like APDS as we can see from the stat cards - so, I don’t think it’s quite right. Unless the LAV-AD had APFSDS available. They could add that. I wouldn’t know if it did, though.
Still - with APFSDS, I think it’d only be right if it went up in BR. I think it’s perfect at 10.0 so I would have to disagree. I would like to grind it one day, after all.
This is essentially talking about literal word-for-word VEHICLE CHARACTERISTICS with numbers taken DIRECTLY from the game.
I’m gonna flag your post for harassment myself because you’re literally threatening and slandering me at the same time.
True. I have a 2 K/D in it. And a 2.5 K/D in the T-69IIG that no one’s complaining about. I also have a near 2.5 K/D in the AVRE and a 2+ K/D in the ZTZ-96. None of these vehicles are ones people cry about.
Yes. They always die in one shot in my experience and don’t perform well. This is backed up by thunderskill data as well. https://thunderskill.com/en/vehicle/ussr_2s38 With a very poor performance.
This is a literal truth that can both be tested in-game and seen in the game’s code.
Again - LITERAL numbers taken directly.
Yes, I do.
Yes, it’s represented in the game IN THE IMAGE attached to show both the HVAP pen, but also 20g of explosive filler.
A literal image attached proving the point that I’m making. (Someone who doesn’t play Realistic or Sim).
Yes, I am sure of this.
And, no - posting stats isn’t harassment. It’s all public and it’s obvious that your stats will be brought into question if you’re talking about personal experiences. I even affirmed it when someone brought up me not playing any top tier SPAA. They were right, and I explained my opinion around that assessment of my own statistics.
Even if these are true, it is not what you claim.
Oh, speaking of claims…
Who does now clauim something without sufficient evidence?
By your own “logic”, you are harrassing him…
The only part where he was kinda wrong is the HVAP having filler. He didn’t say it has, he said "it seems". So he is technically was not even stating it, just basically speculating/asking.
No, he was no. He made logical conclusions about somebody’s stats, which is NOT attack on them.
it would be attack if he said something like this: “you have bad stats so you are an idiot”. He clearly did not say anything like that.
You are just lying about him, and defaming him, both are bad things, and they are valid to flag YOU for it.
bbbbbut it is OP russian bias confirmed !4!4!4
“It is not an evidence if i say nu-uh” - average bias believer.
Show it then, everyone knows that there’s a big gap between the protection analysis and a battle
Numbers that were not yours but of another player,and you used those to discredit his opinion
Already stated the reason why people complain,and it’s a valid reason. But nope, didn’t hear that,did you?
Apparently you either are impatient and didn’t see that there are 2 animations of the belt or you need to relearn how to read a statcard
Ah yes,a topic that talks about a vehicle’s performance in the game (and not in a certain mode) means that you can talk only if you play a certain gamemode. Pal,you’re getting worse
Please,you’re intoxicating this topic. Be better or you can kindly leave
Bringing personal stats of someone that answered to you to point out that they suck compared to you is harassment,and this will be the only comment that i’ll leave to a Devil’s Advocate like you
No, this is just your inferiority complex surrounding me and yourself.
No one plays the game in the same way and no one is inferior in real life just because they have worse stats in this videogame.
But those stats are very closely related to this thread related to this videogame, and your beliefs on the forum for this videogame should reflect your in-game stats. That’s why it’s quite illogical when someone tries to imply the Chieftain Mk.5 is horrible, despite having only 1 game in it - and when his Chieftain Mk.3 stats are among his better ones.
Okay, let’s say that i now go into someone’s statcard that has a bot,and show that he has a KD of a vehicle you also have several times higher than yours.
I don’t mention that he has a bot,therefore what would be your natural assumption?
What are you implying? You mean to say that it’s the stat card of someone who is cheating?
Well, my first assumption would be to go into the live replay system and actually confirm that they’re cheating. If they are, I would report them and they would get promptly banned.
If it turns out that they’re not cheating and actually have incredibly high K/D ratios, I would love to hear from them on their experience. And perhaps learn.
I mean that your “looking at someone’s stats to say that his opinion is not valid” is at the same not valid since this game has millions of players,each one with different stats,and the stats you’re picking might easily be the outlier.
Even using Thunderskill is wrong on so many levels,and it’s incredible to point that out in 2024.
Still,the author of this post hasn’t mentioned the performance of the vehicle in a specific gamemode,you did. And no one answered to your picking.
Thunderskill takes direct numbers from people registered on the website. There are thousands of people registered and more than enough to get a fairly accurate statistical average.
The only thing you could claim is somewhat bogus are the %'s saying “Average Player, Good Player, Excellent Player” - but individual vehicle pages such as https://thunderskill.com/en/vehicle/ussr_2s38 are quite literally taking very direct, unbiased numbers and just showing the average performance.
It is especially valid considering the 2S38 is played by a large number of players, and these stats are taken from a pool of fifteen thousand games played in the last 30 days.
Ah you forget the AMX 50 TOA90 at 8.0 as well. And it doesn’t matter how fast you are at a BR where you get the tools to react quickly (laser rangefinder, stabilizer). If we had big maps it’d be a very different story, but 90% of the maps are 2 - 3 kilometers in size where flanking someone involves being close enough that they can hear your engine sound. And I never mentioned the 100mm guns or the heat slinger, both of those are fine of course. When the Char 25T went up to 8.0 so did the AMX 50 TOA90. That shows me that the reason they went up was because either the bigger ready rack size, or giving French players aphe is giving them too much power since the TOA90 is otherwise a carbon copy of the 100mm varient
Thunderskill currently has 4.7M of players in its database. War Thunder had over 70M players registered in late 2022. Therefore,Thunderskill has the 7% of all War Thunder players,and we don’t know the distribution of these players
So no,my academic experience in statistics tells me that a 7% sample without knowing the exact distribution cannot be used as a valid statistics
The first one can be added without too many issues, the second…well. It’s a bit broken with Python 4/5, Derby, 3 Gen FLIR and 4 AESA radars which offer 360* coverage at all times.