Ok sir, not before 2019 huh. Sure…. 2 to 3 shots with a 17 second reload is such a great stat. Probably not counting all the shell shatters and or bounces.
And I’ve been following all the data mines as well, but I’ve also been playing these tanks. It had gotten so bad I switched to solid shot for everything that could and brought 10 rounds of sabot just incase. The apds has the accuracy of me trying to through a rock at a bug. It creates no spall, less spall than apcr half the time as I’ve found out also playing some other tanks.
And one finally note. I basically soley play britain, I know how bad these rounds are as I have hundreds of games in each of these tanks with many examples showing how little damage they do and how inconsistent they are.
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Good,you just proved,AGAIN,that your opinion literally must not be heard because you’re part of the 1%
Btw i’m still waiting for you to find my comment stating “the ZTZ59D1 has better armor” <3
This is either a “source:trust me bro” moment or another proof that you either play with paid actors or a part of the 1%, proving once again that your opinion is fried air to the community
Lmao,from what bell i’m reading this huh
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2 Gen APDS or below (those who use tungsten carbide alloy, like: DM13, 3BM8, Type 59 APDS and Conqueror APDS) can’t pen T-55AM-1 composite; only 3 gen APDS can (M728 and Chieftain APDS).
Shell shattering is 100% aiming off your mark. There’s a reason I haven’t shattered a shell on anything other than the metal above tracks in War Thunder, and I did that less times than my hand has counting potential. Oh, and none of my Conqueror rounds ever shattered. Shattering was my failure to aim correctly on side armor of T-34 using Comet more times than most, and less times than my hand can count.
Bounces are also aiming off mark, which I haven’t done in Conqueror flat out. I haven’t ran more than 2 shots against a target using Conqueror in at least months, could be over a year.
All I can say is go play M26 for USA, run APCR get really good with APCR and you’ll be a better APDS player as well.
Shattering does not work like this
Don’t care
Shattering occurs when the angle of the round is so extreme that the round shatters.
That’s how it is IRL and in-game.
It’s a 100% preventable thing if you’re aiming down your gun, which you should be doing in realistic and arcade battles.
Shattering should only ever be common in simulator where you have to deal with parallax thus your accuracy is inherently worse.
I got good with every round in War Thunder because I wanted too, and it turns out that the complaints people have don’t exist when the knowledge of how to use the munition is ingrained in your reflexive memory.
It’s not
Arrogance as its finest,or you definitely refuse to take a break from this game for your own health,nice
Also,still waiting for you to point out my comment regarding how the ZTZ59D1 has a better armor than the AM-1
I have spaded my m26, I actually liked the apcr. Shell shatters happen on overlapping armour (which is on the t55am). And when shooting side armour on tanks due to the bazooka plates and tracks and all the other geometry that gets in the way. As well as Leo mantlet a, or of 40 mantlet…… should I go on. Spaced armour is everywhere at this br and it works especially well against apds. Bounces happen against shit like bmps where if you hit the turret or hull at slightly off angle it will simply bounce off. If it’s at a real angle sure but this can be as simple as the guy rocking back and forth. You obviously take yourself as an amazing player who has a 90% win rate which may be true. But requiring pin point accuracy with long reload against tanks that can pen you relatively well isn’t balanced. Not in the slightest.
I only play ~2.4 hours of War Thunder a day dude.
There’s nothing arrogant about knowledge.
If shattering wasn’t preventable then it would occur for ALL players, not just you or others that haven’t learned this knowledge yet.
Overlapping armor means when two armor plates join to make one plate, but in the game act as two plates, thus doubling the thickness. All ammo gets defeated by overlapping plates, and leads to 1500mm thick areas of Leopard 2A5 as well.
Overlapping armor doesn’t mean spaced armor.
Ammo hitting armor is deterministic so long as you don’t hit a line of two separate plates joining together, a fatal flaw of War Thunder currently, but avoidable in hitting if you remember which tank you’re shooting at.
Sorry, didn’t word it the best. I meant like on the Sherman jumbo where it’s two individual plates. That and spaced armour hard counter most apds rounds. Either causing the round to non pen or create literally no spall and going through doing little to no damage.
Don’t get me wrong either.
I’m not claiming any portion of my own skill.
All I am saying is there is knowledge to lower the shatter rate you experience.
There is knowledge to increase the lethality of all munition.
I didn’t create the knowledge, I merely adopted it as a cog in the war machine.
Also, no matter if you like or agree with them. Looking at YouTubers who play these tanks. They all despise playing British tanks for the exact reasons I’m pointing out. They all say the apds creates no spall, shatter on most things and has zero accuracy. And we can all agree most YouTubers are on average better than most war thunder players. Just go look at the chieftain, centurion, conqueror forums and you’ll find people complaining about these exact issues. It’s you vs all of them.
lol It’s very much not me alone. I’m with hundreds to thousands of players on the same side of having knowledge.
The most skilled YouTuber is Cavenub and the primary one I keep an eye on.
You say that and yet boast about getting a 2kd with apcr? Which isn’t hard as it just requires decent map knowledge and game knowledge. The problem is that if the tank your playing requires your attention at all times and all your focus just to get a 2kd all while your facing players who play for fun while not spending half the amount of effort you do just to get the same kd. There is a stark difference there. Yes I can use the conqueror as well as you if not better but that would require far too much effort for the likes that wt deserves from my end considering how little effort gaijin puts into britain. I’m trying to have fun but none of these tanks are anymore.
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Yeah it would be cool if there was a way to check.
I play for fun.
I never tried to get this KD, I just tried to make profit.
I see iMatty is attempting to troll again as well by implying that I am thousands of people, and that the WT community is arrogant.
I remember having this exact argument almost a year ago at this point. He’s using the exact same points which are now even worse due to the apds changes and chieftain br changes. It’s just sad. The challenger 2 forums has all but been left behind because gaijin have said the mantlet changes are intentional despite all the bugs and evidence showing there wrong. We have all but given up, and I’ve given up trying to convince a guy who doesn’t accept the situation we’re in…. It’s disappointing how downhill this has went.
It’s sad iMatty doesn’t understand the situation we’re in.
He thinks we’re all bad for wanting Challenger 2 improved.
the APDS shattering mechanic is bizarre.
Yes it’s realistic, but why did they choose to model it for one type of shell? If they were going to add it to only one shell, it should have been APHE, which is much more affected irl - it was one of the big reason the brits opted for solid shot lol.
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Mate? Who’s gaslighting who now? I’m confused what your going on about.