Unarmed planes suffering from the f14

my highest BR Premium: F-84 F-40 JASDF, which fight the likes of J-35A and D

3KD in it

and i’m not an extraordinary player, even after 30k+ battles in this game.

here another player, frankly better than me (even if i despise what he says):

he got KD’s between 10KD to 100 KD (F-84G is even higher than that 100 KD)

here is his swedish aircraft of rank 6 and 7:

10KD in J-35D
5KD in J-35XS
10KD in JA-37C

so it is possible you just don’t wanna learn how to do it.

you don’t listen, and YOU repeated same stuff 5 times now,…

EDIT-PS: i just got to check on you directly, and gosh i understand why you want that so badly down,…
even if you were downtiered you would have trouble


I have no reason to continue talk with you, I dont get why you even trying to engage with me. I just said J35XS has zero sense in F14/f4S lobbies.

  1. it flight like, I dont care my man talk about J35XS or Im not interested in anything alike sorry
  2. so what 3KD??? Means nothing my man

why are you sending this I dont care if he has 1000000KD means nothing.
Oh dont tell me he did all of this in last 3 months?

Now let me tell you something I started to play this game like 4 months ago. I dont care about KD, I dont wanna be WT streamer/youtuber/content creator, dont wanna compte I just wanna play. I just wanna buy something thats worth of money and not be punished for supporting the game.

You dont even have premium I talk about… but no worries

you don’t know how to play,… be it F-4S, F-14A IRAIF or anything Jet like,… and you talk about how it is stupid to play X aircraft?

that’s because you have NO CLUES on HOW TO PLAY

and you want us to listen to you? don’t make me laugh

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And you bring nothing to game so why are you talkinig about premiums???

My man I respect your opinion, but you should not be talking about this if you F2P…sorry

i did in my time, i have some premiums, i’m not an hardcore buyer.

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You just broke.

that’s my problem not yours (and actually no, i save for my next degree, to bring even more home)

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Says guy that doesnt have J35XS and talks waht br that plane should be, I dont get what did I say to make you this mad you have to insult me? sad

on the basis that you just don’t listen to methods i gave earlier,… continue to cry out loud for 1 aircraft which would destroy everything if lowered and that you talk but have no clues on how to play,…

i mean,… i have enough of the babysitting in games.

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Gaijin Always ever told, that Premium is no Pay to win,… if you wanna win, you have to bring the skills in.

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just because you play this game for years doesnt make you expert in plane you dont own. Also Im new player instead of encuraging me to continue to play and also pay, you are mocking me just because you got bored and fed up with the game. Its not my fault you dont have fun palying this, so please let me have fun and let me one who has 200 days of premium bought and 8 big premiums to try fix problem with premiums and this last disastrous br change. Thank you

Again I never said I wanna pay to win I said I wanna plane thats advertise as “it will help you grind” theres no skill in being weaker than whole lobby or defend 30 AIM54 or Fakour-90 without RWS and garbage FM…

it helps you grind, it got Bonus rewards on them.

but to have rewards you have to fight with skills

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“no clues”

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thank you

thank you

and No,… since it’s going to destroy the whole game,…

here’s the average J-35XS Statistics of last Month, by Thunderskill:

while you are yourself at 71 kills for 163 deaths → 0.436 KD
3 Times under the average of last month.

so please stop,… you have no clues on how to play that specific aircraft

For instance, i would recommend hiding thanks to hills, fly safe without afterburner for like 3 minutes, and away from any fights, then close by and kill by being opportunistic.

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means nothing. Its like you dont own that plane…but you will continue to try prove a point while not owning a plane…

Also take same plane in last 1 year and compare, this what you do is not how you do it…but again I dont wanna waste my time.
your opinion puting J35XS at 10.7 will kill the game, mine is it wont, you bring data you dont understand and just a fraction of it to fit your narrative. Good for you.

pay if you wanna check on longer time range.

btw, i’m sure you missed the hints,so i’ll re-put it here for you:

Want me to buy you J35XS? and some premium time? anything else my lord?

Im doing all of that. but again how would you know you dont own that plane…OMG

means what? methods are the same for every bad aircrafts,… depends on what the aircraft is actually capable to do.

that means being seasonned with how an agile and Delta wing mean for exemple: there is several of those in French TT, and i own them pretty much all actually.

also you know that every Premium can be Fly-tested even if we don’t own it right? right?