Ukraine Ground Forces Tree

Ah i see ok then

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I think CV-90 is more fitting for squad vehicle role tbh. Bradley in Ukrainian army has many major achievements already (recent “T-90M vs Bradley” video is only one of them, truly one of the best redemption arcs in anime) so IMO it should be researchable.
Anyway, the exact placement of western vehicles doesn’t really mater (since devs will decide this in the end), so it’s all good as long as most popular donated vehicles are there.

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The M2A2 ODS-SA was added based on the popularity and I plan on making it a squadron vehicle so that way it can be quick access as well as it doesn’t fit in the researchable tree in any real spot and I don’t want to throw vehicles in and around the research tree just because. I want a smooth transition as much as possible. By having it as a squadron vehicle it’s on its own. Putting it in the tree along with the CV90 (even as a squadron vehicle), etc. will lead to the same issues as with the many nation’s MBT’s being added. It will overwhelm the crucial focus of the tree and that is Ukraine’s own developments. German vehicles are a lot easier to add overall because there’s so many different types of them. I want the tree to be more reserved in that manner because as seen through the multiple other nation trees that have been suggested in the past, it’s very unpopular to have so many MBT’s from multiple nations under one flag.

Edit: Maybe in the future this could change (as in adding the CV90, Strf. 122A, etc. since I can make those work along with German additions) but right now I’m being a bit more stingy since I’m trying to be careful what to add overall to keep with Gaijin’s streamline thing/vehicle per rank limitation they got going since the roadmap but I do appreciate it.

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They are not producing anything, but remaking the Old Communist legacy…Therefore, another Analysis of the situation can be carried out…

  1. T-72B-ran out of storage bases…and there have never been any in Europe…
  2. The transition to T-80 tracks is an initiative of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine…(for example)… Восстановленные на Украине БТС-4 получили гусеницы от Т-80 - Российская газета (
    For this purpose, in Kharkov in 2013, the production of tracks for T-84/Oplot tanks was restored…Accordingly, production is most likely not working now…

The turret of the T-72M1R tank and the characteristic third-generation KLW-1 “Asteria” thermal imaging camera are visible.

Ex.Polish modified by Ukraine T-72M1R tanks Here, equipped with one of the units of the 10th ZSU Army Corps (116 or 117 Mechanized Brigade??)


Here is some limited camera specs from manufacturer, PCO S.A.:

Also the suggestion for it:


I am curious about the obj 477a and if that has any place?


What is this nonsense? Obj 477 was made in Kharkiv, Ukraine in KhKBM.
In 1992-1993 the first testing vehicle was made in Ukraine. Obj 477A, Obj 477B and other prototypes are still in Ukraine and this has nothing to do with ussr or russia.

Theyre still in ukraine? Cool

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  • The draft design was concluded in 1984, followed by the technical design in 1985, and the first prototype (mock-up) was constructed in 1987. Subsequently, the vehicles were handed over to Russia, where trials continued throughout the 1990s.

they arent in ukraine

New video of combat work of BTR-3E1 with Stugna ATGM.
Definitely would be a nice addition to the tree, especially if WT will manage to emulate that Stugna UI and controls at some point.


they arent

Yes. All documentation, 152mm ammo and tank prototypes were reportedly moved to a safer location in 2021, because Kharkiv tank plant locations were obviously not safe (and in 2018 there was an attempt to dispose of 152mm ammunition by former management without any reason, possibly sabotage)

You do realise that post states it was in kharkov right?
“It is known that work in Kharkov persisted for a period with funding from Russia. However, a subsequent decision was made to shift focus entirely to the Nizhny Tagil Object 195.”

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@Rambolf having a hard time i see

…wasnt what i wrote came after what you cited…

yes but it still does not change that vechicles were handed over to russia

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You argue with another ussr fan “BuT KhArKoV wAs UsSr!”. That article clearly says that the first prototype was completed in 1992-1993 when ussr was already dissolved, but the nonsense still continues.
Funny thing is, Russia has it’s own domestic prototypes that lost competition to 477: Obj 299 and Obj 187, but as always it’s easier to claim something that they don’t invented or built.

Anyway. While tank is still secret and not at least officially presented as part of Armed Forces of Ukraine (like on parade, like it was planned back in 2010s), IMO it has no place in the game.