UK Is In A World Of Trouble For Ground RB Top Tier

oh ok. but tbh, why would you want it? all export abrams get worse armor and shells anyways, irl and ingame

would be a worse SEPv3 but not worse enough to justify lower BR

just get your challenger 2 and 3 fixed instead

That would’ve solved the problem if GRB was a single spawn mode, but unfortunately for Italy, it isn’t.

It’s crazy how France got the Leopards just so Gaijin doesn’t have the “obligation” to fix/buff Leclercs.

the devs have already stated they think the tank is accurate so i doubt thats gonna happen so a worse sep is the best they can get, im not saying thats a good thing or that it should even happen just pointing out that for them to have a meta tank thats the path they would have to go down

theres also the problem of Britain having no more domestic mbts to add to the game so at some point the devs are gonna have to add something, and that mite be what they choose to do

idk though, so far US hasnt gotten its top MBT pasted into a different tree and id like to keep it that way

you guys have production chally 3 left aswell, and the big gun prototypes if you have any

is it really necessary to have a meta tank though? abrams hasnt been meta since original M1 and M1A1 iirc

i can see wanting the abrams to stay a us exclusive as a us main myself i wouldnt mind if it stayed that way but if you look at how the devs do things with the 2a7 i can see them doing the same with the sepv3, and id say the last time the us was meta was the og m1a2 it was worse than the 2a5 but not by a lot and was pretty meta. tho the sepv2 is prob the worst tank addition iv seen in a while since its just a worse version of the same tank added to make the grind longer with no real reason to use it other than having another tank to spawn in we wouldn’t even need the sepv3 is the devs fixed the armor on the abrams in the first place.


id still like to see the SEPv3 even if they did fix abrams armor, but yeah, it wouldnt really be needed

true tho i dont wanna see a situation were the devs rush to add the most modern version of the mbt a nation has access to just to add it nerfed, just to powercreep it 1 patch later and never fix it like the chally or Leclrec

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Oh Brother not like we haven’t been traying over 10’000 posts on the CR2
Gaijin will never fix it

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what about CR3 though? the production one

People have a problem with ARB turning into mirrors but are okay with GRB doing it. Stop putting the same damn tanks in every tree. It’s ridiculous and only serves to benefit minor nations and weaken the mains appeal with copy and paste instead of fixing these nations MBT’s.

I’d prefer it this way even if it means giving them some buffs to make it that way… fine, I’m okay with it because I don’t want GRB to turn into arb. Give them non historical or realistic buffs to make them competitive.

I don’t want to see Abrams in 3 trees, under a nations flag that never used them. Leopards under 4 trees(from what I’m hearing about potential additions). Air being supplemented by the U.S. for how many trees. It’s already annoying to watch. Russia supplementing trees.

Why is there even nations and nation matchmakers if everyone’s gonna have the same dam tanks. Get rid of matchmaking and grinding this way.

Abrams isn’t meta, it’s just better than challengers. A middle of the pack tank can’t by definition be the meta. Nor should Britain be receiving the best tank the U.S. has to offer.

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There is a forum post for that too, but as it is brand new we have no idea what we can use sources for reports. Gaijin model the CR2 armour on the CR1 and Vickers prototypes.

has firepower, mobility that makes it somewhat useable and it is largely impervious to lower tier rounds.

3BM42 readily goes through LFP, anything goes through the pretty big turret ring

Turret ring isn’t armoured, L23 and L26 struggle with the armoured parts of the M1A2
And APHE wont go through the breach or front plate like it will with the CR2

So the DM53 offers far more reliable pen for snap shots, and more spalling, DM53 can scythe through the front of a T80 shot from the 2a6 or 2a7 leopards.
there is only a small portion on the very thickest / most effective angle on the UFP it has a yellow area. It still cunts clean through all T80s bar the T80BVM due to the ERA frontally. Those are some of if not the most armoured MBTs fronatlly in game. and for the BVM its literally only the area with ERA frontally you will not cut through.

Now lets compare that to L27A1, it wont pen most of the frontal arc the same way that the DM53 will, If it even gets through the armour it has far less spalling.
DM53 is a far better round and pretending it isnt is just denial.

Effective turret cheeks do not make the tank itself better than the ariete and are incredibly situational, that also doesnt cover the whole ass 2ft square area in the front of the tank thats essentially a free kill.

Then we must of played them at different times cause now adays their armour is next to useless.

Easy way of saying copy paste that man, its seriously bothering me now adays with WT that even “new” stuff is just C&P

funnily enough, nations are getting vehicles they a have trialed, the UK trialled both the leo2a4 and the M1A1? i think it was the A1

whilst true, if you take hte 16 rounds you wont really have any on the bottom right hand side (facing the tank) compared to the CR2 with rounds just floating about here there n everywhere.

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Just would like some some dang consistency in it tbh.

Like the hunter f58 going to germany (long before it was announced as a tree) when it would of been fantastic for britain, seeing as its british 😂

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Challengers 2 are pretty good imo, 5.3 second reload, gen3 thermals on all of them, decent protection with spall liners, very solid apfsds , and 2 of the 3 in 12.0 have LWS
I grinded them all and had good performance with them

Only big downsides are mobility and laser rangefinder at tier4 but very good tank overall enjoyed them a lot

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CR2 is just pain, you have to be 100% on it to win most engagements. If you are hit first by an equal BR and bellow tank you are dead or crippled.

Leopard 2A7 you don’t need to think they know the armour and fire power will save them, anyone who argues otherwise is just trying to play down how unbelievably broken the Leopard 2A7/2A7HU and STRV 122B+ are in game. Mantlet armour needs nerfed there is no way that mantlet can reliably take a top tier dart and take no damage. L27A1 shot at the mantlet of a 2A7 and 90% of the time has no affect

T-90M has a good level of nonsense too. Relikt stops Britain’s best round from penning the side most of the time and if you do pen it’s never a 1 shot.
Even the new T-80UE shoot that in the breach you wont kill any crew…Shoot the CR2 in the breach and I’m losing 2 crew!

In the CR2 I feel like I’m trying to play an fps with a bolt action rifle while everyone else has assault rifle.

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Only for 4 rounds, then one in the breach and its over 7 seconds without an aced crew. with full expert crew its about 7.4 so the statistically slowest top tier sustained fire rate of any MBT in game.

again not gen 3 thermals on all of them its only really gen 3 i think on the BN and 2E. while it is handy they also have only commanders thermals on the 2 BN and 2E if i remember right.

only on the frontal arc its missing the spall liner for the full hull and the armour itself is modelled wrong.

one of the worst top tier APFSDS in game mate not good at all in comparison to even 3bm60 or the isrealie round.

only the BN has LWS if i remember right, or does the CR3 TD get it?.

I used to think they were very good till i done half a thousand games with them and binned it.
The armour is non effective at the BR due to the numerous tanks with over 600 pen and nearly 400 flat pen, the mobility is a huge, and i mean huge hindrance, the tank should have good survivability like IRL, and decent firepower to compensate for the mobility, but in game it has none of the payoffs for the armour and survivability

hence why @Morvran has a whole thread with the list of reports and such on it about CR2 being beyond inaccurate.

and thats it, to be even remotely competitive and not get sharted on straight away you need to be sweating your absolute trim off, not even like other minor nations, Type 90s, ZTZ 99s and WZ1001 you can have a more relaxed play style and not have to be listening for every audio cue, scanning like its a real warzone, bloody positioning like a madman.

you cant afford to make any mistakes at all or you just detonate.

or they need to remove the stupid mantlet is a weak point for every tank and make them reliably able to go hulldown etc.

yes you do, i both ahve a T80U, and fight them regularly, you either hit the breach and the commander or gunner, only rarely do you hit only breach.
But yeah the CR2 youll lose two crew.
Or god forbid the 3TD . itll go straight through n detonate teh ammo xD

Arietes have less pen on their DM53s, in line with 2A5 and it’s basically a M829A2 equivalent.
I wouldn’t really trust it with consistently going through their UFPs.

Sorry but it isn’t in far many cases. Yes, you’ll get more spalling and in those many cases that’s about it.
I already told you what round is far better than the other found at the same BR, L26 vs DM23.

L26 will negate turret cheek armor of tanks such as M1 and 2A4, where DM23 would struggle. This improvement alone makes it a better upgrade relatively speaking than L27A1 → DM53.
It will also offer you full UFPs of tanks like T-80B and TURMS.

I would say that having some cheek armor opens it up for a sniping playstyle, whereas Arietes can pretty much just hold W and have their fingers crossed while using their only advantage.

I’ve played them in fall of 2024 so it was a pretty recent experience.

I guess they’re doing their research on the new additions and prioritize those that can go to multiple TTs. M44 is a prime example of that.

You’ll still have 4 rounds right in the middle of tank and you’ll have the rest positioned vertical on the loaders side. So wherever you hit, you’ll either get the crew or the ammo.

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