the ariete is not useless, at all.
Its mobility combined with a far better round and sustained fire rate puts it ahead of the CR2 overall.
you never showed us the round you used btw.
Theyre at a BR where leopard 2a7s have insane pen that can go through the front of most its turret with ease. Never mind the CR3 TD turret.
Also i might add im not saying the ariete is highly competitive compared to say the 2A7, but it its overall performance puts it in a better position in warthunders games than the CR2.And italy also has access to a damn 2A7 itself, when the CR3 TD that was added to be the competition to the 2A7, and 90M is that bad its not even worth 12.0 any more.
The CR2 cant even get to a good hull down position majority of the time any more.
And as morvran has said, and me multiple times the size of the breach shot is insane, you cant even crest a hill at 1500meters plus without the breach being taken out easily.
then why does britain have the canadian adats?
Why does it have the australian F-111
the excuses from gaijin are pathetic, and the canadian players ive met on the game and here are getting pretty upset their tech is spread to 3 trees. it makes 0 sense at all.
why not give it to britain, or better yet america seeing as theyre giving nations like japan thailand due to proximity.
Same old story as why there is a T90, mig21 and super hind all in the british tree for no apparent reason other than they decided india arbitrarily was going to britain.
EDIT: Now imagine the M1A1 HC, Clickbait, or even the M1A2 all better than the aim due to the fact they get M829A2, all of those 11.7 tanks trump the CR2s
you can disagree all you want, the Ariete statistically speaking is only worse than the CR2 in one metric, armour.
It has a higher sustained fire rate, 5 second reload for the entire first stage, oppose to 4 rounds then over 7 seconds without ace crew.
substantially better round.
far better mobility.
and audio the CR2s are some of , if not now the loudest top tier tanks in the game.
true there i just tend to use the DM53 so people cant say im not using the best round etc etc.
Not at all, but it does give italy an option that isnt the ariete.
same now as france has a 2A6 to work with the leclercs.
When britain literally only has CR2s, which is fine, if they fixed them.
Its smaller.
its turret profile is lower and its gun is actively in a better position in the turret.
The cr2 cant even get a chance to see the enemy with its gun optics before its weapon systems are wiped out, that completely over rides its armour card cause it becomes useless.
no they never used it, nor touched it as far as im aware it was a canadian endevour with the americans.
so is canada, and australia hell they helped found it, id go as far to say militarily britain is closer to canada seeing as the king is still their head of state (figure head)
with the older equipment, vickers etc i can see being added to britain.
But for the T90, mig21, and Hind they all should of went to russia, they full under the same catagory as the 2A4M, Australian AIM and so on and so fourth.
the round but is substantially better, its the 2nd best round in the game, and the thermals on the abrams being gen one with the m828a2 is still a lethal combination in game.
The round slices through almost everything bar maybe the strv 122s and 2a7s
L27A1 is massively worse than DM53 in every regard mate
the round is better, the reload is better, the mobility is far far better. the profile is better meaning its a far smaller target than a CR2 and due to ammo layout the CR2 survivability is terrible as well
Ive got over 500 games in the things, they dont bounce much at all, especially now adays with the armour layout getting borked and its model being borked at the breach. which is just catagorically wrong.
I would of rather seen some unique indian equipment if we were going that route tbh, The stuff that is russian I believe should of went to russia, same as the AIM, Leo2a4M, hell look at the swiss hunter in germany.
Yeah so was the swiss hunter that is all british bar the RWR i think it is, that went to germany.
My gripe isnt as much that the aim went to US or the 2a4M went to germany, its the whole one rule for one tank and a different rule for another, like the F111 australian jet, it is purely australian, never touched british hands, at all, yet sits in britain due to america getting the F111F, BUT they wouldnt add the M1A1 AIM to britain when USA has many abrams and many other ones that could be used as a squadron vehicle.
thats my issue its not consistent.
With M829A2 I dont have to pixel hunt weakspots, no where near like using DCT10 or the L27A1
Hmm, suppose it fits i thought it was by india, however that doesnt change the fact that it is still a russian piece of equipment.
Only difference is at least south africa is a sub tree for great Britain it at least makes sense with whats already been added by gaijin.
I rarely go near helicopters to be honest not my thing.
However it is still by all means a russian based hind, same as the leopard 2a4M is a modernised leopard2a4 for the canadians.
a USMC M1A1 AIM would have too good a round and better armor than aussie abrams so would have to be top BR, breaking gaijin rule of no true top BR non-tt stuff
It looks that way but is your DM53 adding new weakspots to the mix, or is it just extending the old ones by few pixels ? It offers you more spalling, that’s for sure, but saying it’s a game changer is a gross overestimation.
For example, DM23 is massively worse than L26 as the latter offers much more freedom when aiming at tanks, opening up weakspots that DM23 simply cannot go through reliably.
CR2 having effective turret cheeks armor actually makes it a smaller target to hit.
Arietes also have garbage ammo layout.
I can tell only from my experience after respawning ~250 times with them.
Their turret armor worked for me.
Unique vehicles are always welcomed, but seems like Gaijin is keen to invest the least amount of time to produce “content”.
I guess the rule is that there are no rules and Gaijin will things as they deem fit.
Probably they knew more wallet warriors would cash out for M1 if it’s in the US tree.
It’s all it had left of Chally lol apart from it there nothing left of it
I know Ariete is also sht but there is reason why my Ariete have higher K/D than Challenger 2
plus right now Italian main probably don’t pick shtty Ariete anymore when they had Leopard 2A7HU as a choice to pick
same goes as France they have choice to pick Leopard 2A5/A6 (Almost feel like Leclerc and Ariete are went completely extinct)
Brits don’t have these choice and will continue to be stuck with shtty Challenger2
They have ruined the Rarden, shell shatter never was a massive issue for it. But now every second/3rd shell shattering off the side of BMPs and the bloody PZH 2000 (must have missed it when they made it immune to 30mm autocannon!)
thats only a rule for prems and not something they follow for the tec tree a lot of the time for example the Italian 2a7 isnt Italian the ITO is not French or Swedish but is their top AA