And it would be untrue for me. Your metric is an anecdotal experience.
And it would be untrue for me. Your metric is an anecdotal experience.
by your own mindless logic i can disregard yours for the same reason
You lead with it, I’m showing you how foolish it is. thanks for seeing the light, you’re welcome.
i lead with common knowledge every player knows and you then attempted to disregard it based on your experience alone???
You lead with an anecdotal experience and then agreed it’s silly. I’m proud of you, most people won’t agree when they’re wrong on here.
its literaly not tho its how the games matchmaker is coded anyone who has played the game for more than 5 minutes knows this, some nations pairs are common on purpose its not completely random
At this point I don’t mind German get another up armored Leopard
same goes as SEP v3 shouldn’t go anywhere but US
If the UK was to get a legacy Hornet it should be the CF-188 as it can’t come to the game otherwise. Unlike the Aussies who have Super Hoents, they could bring(so if they miss the legacy they still have a chance). Plus it would be joining the CAN-ADATS in the UK tree like it should be, rather than being split up(which nobody should justifying or agreeing with unless they hate that nation).
And if the US needs a premium Hornet they have 50 identical(or better) Domestic Hoernts to the CF-188.
i mean its just whats most likely to happen in my eyes, since the CAN Adats is in the tanks tree not the air tree unlike the AUS ardvark. also things like the Cf18 is exaclty the type of jets they make prems out of if not for the us they would make it a prem for the uk instead
If the CF-188 is guaranteed prem the Aussie one is too. A. the US has no need they have Domestic ones O plenty, B. The UK already has one.
The simple fact of the matter is the CF-188 has one chance to come to the one else is CAN"T come and that’s TT in the UK tree. So if the UK gets the Aussie (Roundel)F/A-18 the maple Hornet won’t ever come to WT.
But then again Gaijin and its player base hate Canada and Canadian’s so they’ll be happy about that(or have Canada further walked over and hated on).
Also, you justified the split because the CAN-ADATS is in the Tank tree, this dose mean that the Aussie Aburms can’t come as it’s not a plane.
the Aussie f18 is pretty much 99% gonna be a teck tree jet for the UK since they dont actually use the f18 and can only get it through AUS or CAN but since the AUS f18 lead directly to the superhornet thats the 1 the devs will chose. the CF18 will def come to the game at some point but most likely not in the first batch of f18s and has a good chance of being a prem or even jet.
You don’t need the AUssie F-18 to get the Super. it can CF-188- Aussie Super Hoernts.
So no there is a 99% chance there is a 0% chance just like the CF-188.
But if you’ll hate on the Canadian’s I’ll hate on the Aussies and wish for your F-18s to be unattainable(perm and event)
You know what, well never agree.
So let’s agree to disagree.
Why can’t a legacy hornet come to the game? The marines still use them.
Edit: I think I may have read it wrong, you mean it can’t come in game to the UK? I read it as it can’t come to the game if it’s not coming to the UK.
Huh? I wasn’t talking about the US ones, those will come to the game. (Heck what you quoted has stuff about the countless Domestic built/operated ones it could get, without the need for foreign operated ones)
The convo was about other nations Hornets.
Yeah I edited it, right before you posted. I read it incorrectly. I read it as it can’t come to the game if it’s not to the UK. That’s why I was confused.
and more than anything
Italy has choice to not take that sht Ariete but go straight to Leopard 2A7HU (Italian suffer for long yes but not anymore)
Britain is not having this choice
The issue is now adays but an ariete will be in far, far better positions before the cr2 ever will.
Both are paper in comparison to the top tier darts like dm53 and m829a2.
The loss of two turret cheeks for the mobility is a good tradeoff.
And the cr2e isnt that mobile. It is fast in a straight line but it really has bad acceleration, turning and overall handling.
While an M1A2 sits a lower br than the worse cr2 BN and Cr2E
It is ridiculous
Genuinely id like to see gaijin not split nations apart so much .
Like will germany get the leopardo 2 in the future, same as the canadian leo2a4M
Why britain has an Australian F111, or the canadian Adats etc etc.
Canada is split across three nations which sucks for them
Like they should try be consistent with things and it would probably stop people getting wound up over it.
It can reach the spots faster, meaning it will be useless faster lol.
I know what vehicle I’d take out if I was interested in sniping from a hull down position, especially on medium to long range maps.
I would agree with you if Ariete was some kind of a speed demon capable of running circles around it’s enemies, but that just isn’t the case. One of the better vehicles that follow the “trade armor for mobility” philosophy is KPz-70. Yes, it’s armor is basically paper to main rounds, but being so superior mobility wise is making up for it.
Right now AIM is like a direct upgrade over both.
You want clear thermals with 5s reload of CR2s ? AIM has it.
You want to have turret armor like CR2s ? AIM has it.
You want to have nice mobility ? AIM has it.
I don’t see a problem with Canadian vehicles going to multiple nations as long as those nations used those vehicles or something like that.