They were designed with a defensive war in mind. Stick a CR2 in a hull down position, with its IRL armour, and its an incredibly good bunker.
Its just an extremely ill-suited tank for the WT meta.
But its a shame they wont even address the more minor issues plaguing the CR2s, let alone the bigs ones. So many interesting things they could do to make the CR2s better, and not even necessarily anything overly drastic. Give most of them a dozer blade for example and they would be rather unique
Oh my God. JUST. DON’T. PAY. THEM. MONEY. Who do you have to be to buy hundreds of dollars’ worth of tank and plane models, then go and whine on the forum? They literally hate your nation. They’ve been sitting there deliberately drawing armor holes on Western vehicles, probably since the introduction of the first Pattons, all while giving Soviet tanks miracle armor. What’s wrong with you? Is this some kind of form of cuckoldry?
Nope that is an American nation tank, from a nation represented in game. This would be absolute BS, and Americans would absolutely rage and rightfully so.
I’d join in with them too.
get together and cause a ruckus to get your stuff fixed. Yoinking a sepv3 is not the answer.
the UK getting a copy of a US vehicle through Australia is pretty common and happens all the time the only time this didnt happen was with the AIM and both US and UK players were pretty confused by this as the AIM added nothing to the US and could have been usefull for the uk. in fact even before its added everyone knows the uk is gonna get an f18 the same time as the us because of Australia.
true, controversial take tho i kinda dont wanna see germany get 1 even if the devs can use a sub tree as an excuse just cause i kinda dont like mirror matches and germany is always on the red team.
i think the US is guaranteed to get a us version of the f18 in the teck tree for sure since if the asraam was added they would just give the us jets 9x anyway. they will prob go the Australia Routh for the British f18 since the Ardvark is already there and would allow them to get the Australian super hornet since Canada never adopted it. could see them using the cf-18 as an us premium instead.
In Air Sim. US, UK and israel are always paired together and they always face Soviet, Germany and China. Italy and Japan can be on either but commonly on redfor and Sweden and France can be on either.
UK getting a F-18 wont matter all that much because you’ll have F-18s from the US already, but if Germany gets the F-18 as well (and not stating they should or shouldnt) you will have F-18 vs F-18 matches quite often. Much like we’ve had F4 vs F4 or current top tier, Typhoon vs Typhoon. Total symmetry like that gets kinda annoying and whilst its difficult to resolve, it would be good if Gaijin explored ways to fix it. Even just having new nation line-ups
if you bothered to even read why i dont think germany should get 1 its purely because of matchmaking as they are commonly on the other team while the us and uk get team up pretty often
brother are you dumb if you play 20 games of tanks as the us a majority of those games will have the uk on your side a basic look at mach history is all you need