UK Is In A World Of Trouble For Ground RB Top Tier

You misspelled Ariete.

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Arriete is faster, far more mobile
stronger round with the combined flat 5 second reload.

I think the main problem here is the devs went way too fast with tanks like some nations strait up have no tanks that can the added to that nations top tier at this point, that would be like if the F22 was already in the game for air.
A another problem is some tanks have armor that was modeled for a different meta and then the meta changed but the armor stayed the same, for example abrams was nerfed quite a few times on launch cause it was kinda nuts but never re-buffed when better rounds and tanks got added to the game, the 2A5 had way more armor than it did now when it was first added on the dev server but tanks in game counldnt pen its hull so it was nerfed and was never re-buffed when better rounds were added. in fact if they just rebuffed the 2a5 armor they would never have needed to rush out a 2a7 in the first place

We have moved too fast, but it also tanks like the CR2/M1 depend on add on armour to be viable.
Gaijin refuse to model NERA to accurate levels (for balance)
We end up with tonnes of additional armour that offers no KE protection.
Yet Russian heavy ERA is modelled as 1:1 RHA and NATO do not have anti ERA ammo modelled.

CR2 if they increased the ready rack from 4 rounds to the 20+ it has would make a massive difference

yeah pretty much would love to see the devs take a patch to re-evaluate tank armor so that armor can mean something for tanks that arnt a 2a7 variant or T tank but i cant see them doing that.

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That mobility comes at a great cost as Ariete has basically no effective armor, so it’s more of a light tank.
UK has their decently mobile tank in 2E that’s also much more armored and have better spall liner coverage.
BN lacks in speed but it has the best APS in the game.

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In that case Germany should be the only one deserving Brimstone LOAL considering their EFT is the worst one alongside with Tornado.

Do you see how ridiculous is your point?

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I’m not the one that start this logic
But sure why not? I can take it just don’t put them on Russian side and i’m good i don’t wanna feel bad when I unleashed 12 LOAL brimstone on other except Russian.

I’m talking on a vehicle per vehicle basis.
Giving EFT the LOAL Brimstone is like substantially buffing 2A7s even further. Anyone advocating for this is clearly biased against balance and just want their favorite toy to be brokenly OP.

I didn’t start that logic either, you’re just misinterpreting it.

Light tank 120mm gun with a 5 second reload firing DM-53
CR2E is more mobile, spalliners, yet to see them save a Challenger most shots are through the front
L27A1 is noticebaly worse than DM-53 and the 4 second ready rack issue.

I’m not saying the Arriete or Leclerc are great i’m saying they have some strengths.

APS is great, it has saved me a couple of times, but you have 4 shots and after that it is just aditional weight. If that heli wants you dead you are dead. It also doesnt work against SPIKE/Maverick/Hammer or dumb rockets. It has saved me from a BMP-2M I couldnt see.

All tanks will receive versions with APS so like the reload buff this advantage will in time be negated and CR2 BK will have no advantage.

Ah yes the infamous unfinished tanks that still have armor problem yet if fix make it armor stronger and you say it should left in unfinished state? Because of balance?
Tbh I really don’t want LOAL brimstone i know what it capable of i say it because of sarcasm
At least make it IR was enough.

Yes, big light tank that reloads in 5 seconds at the best of times. It has fairly trash optics as well.

Turret armor saved me plenty of times.
Arietes can’t even hull down properly as even their turret armor is paper. I’m pretty sure light tanks with weird angles on them would bounce more shells than that thing.

APS can also stop darts.
I’d also like to be saved 4 times instead of 0.

We’re talking about the current state of the game, dooming is pointless.


They should be left as is until we get more BRs as they’re really strong even in unfinished state.

No, your EFT is allowed to have drawbacks (especially when compared to a flying boat) and should have them until we get above 12.7 in GRB.

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Cr3 was so bad it moved down in BR, it was added to compete with the 2a7 and 90M and couldn’t even be better than the 2E.

All the cr2s are by far the worst top tiers, i have hundreds of games in them, as the cr2 thread and @Morvran @SPANISH_AVENGER stated, and as legwolf and many others have reported, the challanger twos are not only miss modelled, the recent update in april roughly to overhaul them actually made them worse.

They are absolutely horrendous to play, and they will never be meta, but as it stands right now they arent even close to competitive.

Reload past the first four round ready rack is the slowest in game.
Theyre the slowest top tier
One of the largest
The breach weak point and now turret ring is astromically wrong as has been proven in who knows how many reports.
The L27A1 round is one of the worst top tier rounds, think the leclercs is worse, but it.makes up for ut.

And finally the armour.
It has been proven in countless bug reports its armour packages and armour itself are incorrect.

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Which should have anti era along with DM53
but if someone really need anti ERA it Challenger (and well deserve to have it too)
but for some reason Gaijin don’t even allow L27A1 to have anti ERA despite how bad Challenger 2 is

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Generally speaking right now the cr2 base model, 2f and tes could all go down in BR, if it got a ready rack buff and even an L27A1 buff for the era it would be better, but sadly both got shot.down. so hey ho

The chinese mbts at 11.0 are actually better to play imho, which sucks because the cr2 is an awesome tank IRL

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No, CR3 was moved down in BR cause it lost its mythical blow-out panels, that’s it. That’s the only reason.
CR2s are not “the worst” top vehicles for CV90120 exists as something worse than MBTs at the top end.
Cause while light tanks are potent, they are still inferior to the MBTs.

And they don’t have to be meta to be competitive; there is a reason my CR2s perform similarly to every top vehicle I don’t have a skill issue with, which I thankfully am consistent with most of them.

And while you may claim 3BM60, L27A1, DM43/OFL 120 F1, and whatever else is the ~660mm class of penetration are the “worst” rounds, they’re still competitive rounds.

Competitive =/= meta. Competitive =/= great/amazing.
Competitive means usable in the intended tactics.
And intended armored fighting tactics involves using the onion layers of protection.

Also @ARK_BOI that “anti-ERA” would barely change anything as 2 or 3 of the Soviet MBTs use Relikt and not Kontakt 5 for their UFP. At most it’ll pen Chinese tanks slightly better and maybe T-80Us. T-80BVM already has a weak turret.

Not being seen and/or out maneuvering players matters more than armor, by how much is debatable.
I see people love Arietes as much as they love 2A7V, I’ve seen people swear by T-90M and Strv 122.

No it went down in BR because its stats showed gaijin it was performing worse at 12.0, no one said it was the blow out panels, even gaijin didnt, they state they balance off of stats.

CV 90120
better round
5 second reload consistently
far more mobile
better optics

Thats my point they arent even competive at all. the 11.0 chinese MBTs are better than the 11.7 CR2s

going by angled pen at 60 degrees is what i do, even flat pen the CR2 round is falling behind others.
326 angled pen is one of, if not the lower angle pen round at top tier.

glossed over the fact of the breach weakpoint, now with the broken model the turret ring is a one tap.
Hull can be frontally penned and one tapped with 2.3 BR tanks.
The CR2s are miles from competitive.

As i said ive got literally hundreds of games with them (508 to be specific)
And have a slightly bellow average KD with most of them.

They are suffering to use, they are genuinely difficult tanks to even make competive at all.

no idea what youre trying to say im saying with this.

Im saying the CR2s are not even competitve, never mind the Meta tanks in game.

The CR2s intended tactics cant be used in WT due to the wrongly modelled armour, massive breach weakpoint and how sluggishly mobile it is, due to both no regenaritive steering (every tank needs it) and its massive profile and the TDM style gameplay of WT.

Incredibly difficult to do, due to map sizes, layouts and CR2 size.

Genuinely using the ZTZ 99 II and III right now L27A1 struggles to pen them (providing they dont shoot LFP but that is obvious)

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not at close range like less than kilometer and even that at long range anti ERA supposed make it easier to pen some spot that “not supposed” to be pen which can make challenger much more bearable to play

Again, why you even compare MBT to light tanks? it completely different class even how they work is different CV90120 supposed to be long range sniper with high situation awareness and scout which they can’t not get hit anywhere
In head on engagement sure Chally 2 can do it better than CV90120 (but not better than most MBT maybe except Ariete) since CV can’t not get hit
but advanced optic LWS low profile fast reload and scout ability and drone? those only CV can offer you
anyways CV90120 shouldn’t even compare to MBTs it had different role on battle role that they not supposed to get hit.


Agree and about TES
long ago when it first came out TES ERA was so good that can even withstand Khrizantema at flat angle (only against chemical Kinetic is kinda muh) I remember the time I laugh at KA-52 shooting eight vikhr at my side armor and do nothing shortly after they nerf into the ground to the point that it can’t even stop TOW-2A for no absolutely reasons

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