Type 90 to 11.7

This is the most BROKEN 11.3 tank in the game by a long shot! with the mobility and 4 second reload it needs moved to 11.7

GRB is completely infested with them for this reason


Not as if going to make much difference. The vehicle is weak and the ammo is bad for a full-time uptier, of constant facing well armored vehicles.


The Type90 is definitely not weak. Its also not OP though.


Yes, only on the few sections of armor. Everything else is paper.

I’m not talking about armour.

It has great survivability (often you won’t get 1 shot), 4 second reload, extremely good mobility (30hp/ton), and decent round.


Dm33 at 11.3 = decent? You’ve got to be kidding


No I am not. DM33 is ok at 11.3. There are better rounds but DM33 works and is compensated by the quick reload and insane mobility.


The Type 90 is absolutely OP at 11.3. It’s better than the best Ariete in the game as well.


Good fire rate, good mobility, lack of armor, not the best gun compared to other MBT’s of the same BR.
Amazing tank in the hands of a skilled player, not great in the hands of who doesn’t know what they’re doing.

With that being said, it needs to be played as a light tank, not as an actual MBT. I enjoy playing with the Type 90, and I have no problems killing it when its on the enemy team as well, I honestly think its balanced. Has its cons and pros.


Not to mention bad gun handling (tops 30 degrees a second iirc) and the longest first stage ammo replenishment rate of any MBT (though it could be worse, the type 90 has a pretty large first ammo stage unlike the type 10)

Its really not that bad.

That’s ok. The Type 90 has 18 rounds in its ready rack which is plenty.

Both downtiers and uptiers of the Type 90 can deal very easily with it. Its really just a “light tank” disguised as a MBT, obviously if one, or multiple manage to flank your team then you’re in for a treat… But then again its not because the vehicle is op…


VS things with 40 degrees a second, no to mention pretty ass gun limits, -7/10, which even with its hydro (which is killed with engines) is very limiting on non-flat terrain

These are very marginal drawbacks which is greatly outweighed by its strengths.

I’m sure many would sacrifice a bit of depression and turret rotation for 4 seconds of reload and 30hp/ton.


Bad gun handling, meh optics, mediocre armour, slightly above average mobility in exchange for a fast loading gun with ok darts sounds pretty balanced for 11.3

It is pretty balanced.

In exchange the ariete has the best nato dart on a 5s reload, a power to weight exceeding 35, 54.4 degrees a second turret rotation speed and good gun limits.

Let’s compare:
C1 ariete PSO (11.7)
34 degrees a second, -9/20
6.5-5s reload DM53
Gen 2 thermals (guessing, don’t own it)
1300:57 HP:T

Type 90 (11.3)
30 degrees a second, -7/10 (not counting hydro)
4s reload DM33
Gen 1-2 thermals (somewhere in between)
1500:52 HP:T

Type 90 turret armour is much stronger than the ariete but is traded for being smaller

There’s no denying the Ariete is probably if not the weakest MBT of the game, but in the hands of a skilled player everything works, I personally never played it because I don’t have top tier Italy, but I would assume you’d play it similar to how you would play a Type 90, like a “rat” and just go around and try to flank people/catch them off guard.

The 11.7 Arietes have a 22hp/ton. Not to mention they store their ammo in the hull making them extremely easy to kill. They also have 40deg/sec turret rotation aced, not 54.

It has a lackluster round for its BR currently, and no armor to speak of. Its fine where it is, unless they finally revisit the armor for this tank of the Type 10/TKX vehicles.

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